blob: d137778c960025a235a2f533b7f0c0e3da2c0ee1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This very well could be a json file or some other externalized format.
* For the moment it is kept in code simply to keep complexity low. That said,
* please do not add "logic" here (no loops, if statements, string concatenation, etc)
* and try to keep the code here limited to simple structure.
* We may very well turn this into a json or yaml file that defines an array of sources.
* The simpler we keep this code, the easier that will be (when or if the time is right).
public class Configuration {
public static Source[] getSources() {
final Source[] microProfile2 = new Source[]{
new Source("", "1.1.1", "microprofile-jwt-1.1").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.3", "microprofile-config-1.3").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.1.4", "microprofile-fault-tolerance-1.1").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.0", "microprofile-health-1.0").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.1.1", "microprofile-metrics-1.1").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.0.2", "microprofile-open-api-1.0").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.1", "microprofile-opentracing-1.1").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
new Source("", "1.1", "microprofile-rest-client-1.1").filterJavadoc(".*/api/src/main/java/.*", ""),
final Source[] jakartaEE8 = {
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "common-annotations-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "concurrency-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "ejb-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "interceptor-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jax-rpc-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jax-ws-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jaxb-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jaxr-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jaxrs-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jca-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jms-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jpa-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jsonb-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jsp-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jstl-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jta-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "jws-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "management-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "saaj-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "security-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "servlet-api-EE4J_81.0"),
new Source("", "EE4J_8", "websocket-api-EE4J_81.0")
final Source[] jakartaEE9 = {
new Source("", "master", "common-annotations-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "concurrency-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "ejb-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "interceptor-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jax-rpc-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jax-ws-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jaxb-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jaxr-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jaxrs-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jca-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jms-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jpa-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jsonb-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jsp-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jstl-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jta-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "jws-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "management-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "saaj-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "security-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "servlet-api-ee9"),
new Source("", "master", "websocket-api-ee9")
// if (1 == 1) return new Source[0];
return new Source[]{
// new Source("", "master", "tomee-8.0"),
new Source("", "master", "tomee-9.0").label("milestone").related(microProfile2).related(jakartaEE9).javadoc("^org.apache.(openejb|tomee).*"),
new Source("", "master", "tomee-8.0", true).related(microProfile2).related(jakartaEE8).javadoc("^org.apache.(openejb|tomee).*"),
new Source("", "tomee-7.1.0", "tomee-7.1").javadoc("^org.apache.(openejb|tomee).*"),
new Source("", "tomee-7.0.5", "tomee-7.0").javadoc("^org.apache.(openejb|tomee).*"),
new Source("", "master", "master").javadoc("^org.apache.(openejb|tomee).*"),
new Source("", "master", "microprofile-2.0").related(microProfile2).javadoc("^org.eclipse.microprofile.*"),
new Source("", "v8", "jakartaee-8.0").related(jakartaEE8).javadoc("^javax.*"),
new Source("", "master", "jakartaee-9.0").related(jakartaEE9).javadoc("^jakarta.*")