blob: 307a5a191b30a0b40da6d8584e59a68da008482d [file] [log] [blame]
= Contribution Workflow
:jbake-date: 2018-12-08
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
=== JIRA ticket
- create ticket in JIRA, if not already existing
- if ticket already assigned to someone else => talk
- assign ticket to contributor, if not already assigned +
(link:jira-ticket.html[more details])
=== Process Task
- fork repository
- create branch in own repository (name = JIRA ticket id)
- discuss on mailing list
- work on code
- document work in JIRA ticket +
(link:process-task.html[more details])
=== Submit Changes
- ensure code compiles
- ensure tests passes
- create PR (pull request)
- ask for review on mailing list +
(link:submit-changes.html[more details])
=== Merge Changes (done by a committer)
- review changes
- merge code
- change JIRA ticket status / close ticket +
=== Cleanup
- wait until PR is merged (ticket status change)
- remove branch in own repository +