blob: 1f04ba2330fbec2d739dfb395595901a8f0573ed [file] [log] [blame]
= Contribute to TomEE
:jbake-date: 2016-03-16
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== GitHub
TomEE is on GitHub at link:[]. The sources are synchronized by Apache on GitHub
but Pull/Requests are integrated with Apache Infrastructure which means you can just submit us a patch as
you would do on any other GitHub project and Apache takes care of the rest of the process.
== Apache Git
TomEE is using[Git] as source content manager.
The master sources are on and you can clone them using the following command:
git clone tomee-master
If you are interested in 1.7.x branch only just checkout the `tomee-1.7.x` branch:
git clone -b tomee-1.7.x tomee-1.7.x
Master branch is the more up to date version of the codebase and currently targets TomEE 8.x branch.
== Building
TomEE is a standard Maven project and to build it you just have to use the following command:
mvn clean install
TIP: You might need to tune your environment variable `MAVEN_OPTS`, a commonly used value is `-Xmx1536m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m`
NOTE: If you are interested in testing arquillian tests with all adapters of tomee you will need to activate the dedicated profile: `-Pall-adapters`.
=== Fast build
Here are some shortcut builds if you just want to create a specific artifact (note it skips tests but if you remove `-DskipTests` you will execute them):
- TomEE zip/tar.gz:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -pl tomee/apache-tomee -am
Then TomEE archives are at `tomee/apache/tomee/target/apache-tomee-$\{classifier}-$\{version}.$\{extension}`.
== Continuous Integration
TomEE is using Jenkins CI for its continuous integration. You can access builds at these address:
-[TomEE @ Jenkins CI]
== Issues
TomEE uses Jira for issues, if you are looking for a problem or reporting one, use the following address:
- Create a ticket on link:[]
- If you like to submit a patch: Open a PR in the GitHub mirror with the ticket number e.g. `TOMEE-1000 - Ticket Description`
You can also check the xref:contributing/workflow.adoc[contribution workflow] for further information.