blob: 45341e93b4974487dcca270226d1814960ecd457 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.apache.openejb.loader.IO;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class FixMarkdownTest extends Assert {
public void twoSimpleParagraphs() throws Exception {
final File srcReadMe = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final File destReadme = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final Example example = new Example(srcReadMe, "cdi-basic", "md", "cdi-basic.html", "none");
IO.copy("~~~~~~\n" +
"To use `@Inject`, the first thing you need is a `META-INF/beans.xml` file in the module\n" +
"or jar. This effectively turns on CDI and allows the `@Inject` references to work.\n" +
"No `META-INF/beans.xml` no injection, period. This may seem overly strict,\n" +
"but it is not without reason. The CDI API is a bit greedy and does consume a fair\n" +
"about of resources by design.\n" +
"\n" +
"When the container constructs a bean with an `@Inject` reference,\n" +
"it will first find or create the object that will be injected. For the sake of\n" +
"simplicity, the is example has a basic `Faculty` pojo with a no-arg constructor. Anyone\n" +
"referencing `@Inject Faculty` will get their own instance of `Faculty`. If the desire\n" +
"is to share the same instance of `Faculty`, see the concept of `scopes` -- this is\n" +
"exactly what scopes are for.\n"
), srcReadMe);
IO.copy(srcReadMe, destReadme);
final String expected = "~~~~~~\n" +
"To use `@Inject`, the first thing you need is a `META-INF/beans.xml` file in the module " +
"or jar. This effectively turns on CDI and allows the `@Inject` references to work. " +
"No `META-INF/beans.xml` no injection, period. This may seem overly strict, " +
"but it is not without reason. The CDI API is a bit greedy and does consume a fair " +
"about of resources by design.\n" +
"\n" +
"When the container constructs a bean with an `@Inject` reference, " +
"it will first find or create the object that will be injected. For the sake of " +
"simplicity, the is example has a basic `Faculty` pojo with a no-arg constructor. Anyone " +
"referencing `@Inject Faculty` will get their own instance of `Faculty`. If the desire " +
"is to share the same instance of `Faculty`, see the concept of `scopes` -- this is " +
"exactly what scopes are for.\n";
final String actual = IO.slurp(destReadme);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void sectionWithCodeBlock() throws Exception {
final File srcReadMe = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final File destReadme = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final Example example = new Example(srcReadMe, "cdi-basic", "md", "cdi-basic.html", "none");
IO.copy("~~~~~~\n" +
"## Faculty <small>a basic injectable pojo</small>\n" +
"\n" +
" public class Faculty {\n" +
"\n" +
" private List<String> facultyMembers;\n" +
"\n" +
" private String facultyName;\n" +
"\n" +
" @PostConstruct\n" +
" public void initialize() {\n" +
" this.facultyMembers = new ArrayList<String>();\n" +
" facultyMembers.add(\"Ian Schultz\");\n" +
" facultyMembers.add(\"Diane Reyes\");\n" +
" facultyName = \"Computer Science\";\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public List<String> getFacultyMembers() {\n" +
" return facultyMembers;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public String getFacultyName() {\n" +
" return facultyName;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"## Course <small>a simple session bean</small>\n"), srcReadMe);
IO.copy(srcReadMe, destReadme);
// We expect the original content -- nothing should be changed
final String expected = IO.slurp(srcReadMe);
final String actual = IO.slurp(destReadme);
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void skipJBakeMarkdownHeaders() throws Exception {
final File srcReadMe = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final File destReadme = File.createTempFile("example-", ".md");
final Example example = new Example(srcReadMe, "cdi-basic", "md", "cdi-basic.html", "none");
IO.copy("type=page\n" +
"status=awesome\n" +
"title=Awesome\n" +
"~~~~~~\n" +
"Here we have\n" +
"a sentence that needs unwrapping\n" +
"\n" +
"But the header should not be\n" +
"unwrapped. That would be bad.\n"
), srcReadMe);
IO.copy(srcReadMe, destReadme);
final String expected = "type=page\n" +
"status=awesome\n" +
"title=Awesome\n" +
"~~~~~~\n" +
"Here we have a sentence that needs unwrapping\n" +
"\n" +
"But the header should not be unwrapped. That would be bad.\n";
final String actual = IO.slurp(destReadme);
assertEquals(expected, actual);