blob: e81c6798e64948d2cc704e7aa0fa5acc461f1a74 [file] [log] [blame]
= Release Notes - TomEE - Version 7.0.0-M2
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Bug
* link:[TOMEE-1640] - TomEE should "scan"
a possible CDI beans if a NoClassDefFoundError occurs before registering it
* link:[TOMEE-1644] - synchronization ignored for entity managers using extended contexts
* link:[TOMEE-1645] - ignored common.loader
* link:[TOMEE-1646] - cipher swallows exceptions
* link:[TOMEE-1649] - Websockets Memory Leak
* link:[TOMEE-1655] - ApplicationComposers not isolating @Configuration for each test class.
* link:[TOMEE-1663] - org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.Assembler#destroyResourceTree doesnt detect resource adapter properly, can lead to bad connection factory shutdown
* link:[TOMEE-1672] - user transaction not accessible during startup in webapps
* link:[TOMEE-1681] - Upgrade &#39;<cxf.version>&#39;
property in openejb.pom to 3.1.3
* link:[TOMEE-1685] - Persistence and PersistenceUnit shouldnt be counted as module and lead webapps to be considered as ear in application composer
* link:[TOMEE-1686] - org.apache.openejb.core.cmp.CmpContainer#findEJBObject supposes args array is not empty
* link:[TOMEE-1687] - ServletContext not accesible during ApplicationScoped Initialized event
* link:[TOMEE-1689] - arquillian tomee remote can miss test classes in webapp of ears
* link:[TOMEE-1695] - ManagedExecutorService not propagating a request.login() when used in a servlet
* link:[TOMEE-1696] - Lazy resources can use app classloader instead of container loader
* link:[TOMEE-1698] - BeanManager no more set in ServletContext attributes
* link:[TOMEE-1699] - [tomee-maven-plugin] dont quote systemVariables
* link:[TOMEE-1702] - BaseEjbProxyHandler live proxy registry can leak for cmp beans
* link:[TOMEE-1703] - finder not available for ear webapp making ServletcContextInitializer broken
* link:[TOMEE-1704] - makes active config property override working and support placeholders
* link:[TOMEE-1705] - Destroy application attempts to initialize lazily loaded resources
* link:[TOMEE-1706] - Standalone WAR (autoWar) gets not deployed at / (ROOT)
* link:[TOMEE-1710] - resources.xml resource ClassCastException
* link:[TOMEE-1711] - cxf-rs doesn&#39;t work in embedded mode if request is wrapped in HttpServletRequestWrapper
* link:[TOMEE-1713] - ensure OpenWebBeans services can be extended using
* link:[TOMEE-1721] - no module (webapp here) webservices can lead to NPE
== Dependency upgrade
* link:[TOMEE-1633] - upgrade javamail to 1.9.0-alpha-2
* link:[TOMEE-1659] - upgrade to mojarra 2.2.9
* link:[TOMEE-1670] - xbean 4.5
* link:[TOMEE-1674] - tomcat 8.0.32
* link:[TOMEE-1676] - ActiveMQ 5.13
* link:[TOMEE-1679] - myfaces 2.2.9
* link:[TOMEE-1680] - mojarra 2.2.12
* link:[TOMEE-1684] - CXF 3.1.5
* link:[TOMEE-1700] - upgrade Johnzon to 0.9.3
* link:[TOMEE-1707] - bval 1.1.1
* link:[TOMEE-1716] - openjpa 2.4.1
* link:[TOMEE-1717] - OpenWebBeans 1.6.3
== Improvement
* link:[TOMEE-1642] - Would be nice that tomee logs JAXRS configuration in use (was: sends an INFO when not found the relative class for pojo-deployment in configuration [openejb-jar.xml])
* link:[TOMEE-1643] - XADataSource can leak connections/skip the pool
* link:[TOMEE-1650] - ignore tomee webapp and internal application by default
* link:[TOMEE-1656] - {jaxrs provider qualifier name}.activated ignored for mandatory providers
* link:[TOMEE-1657] - skip ValidationExceptionMapper if the user registers one
* link:[TOMEE-1694] - remove workaround for websockets CDI releasing since tomcat cleans server endpoints
* link:[TOMEE-1708] - [arquillian] use configured temp dir (arquillian.xml) instead of target to download tomee
== New Feature
* link:[TOMEE-1651] - support char[] password decryption (not String)
* link:[TOMEE-1652] - add cdiStereotypes() to @Classes in ApplicationComposer API
* link:[TOMEE-1653] - add hooks in tomee:exec runner
* link:[TOMEE-1660] - tomee embedded should support web resource cache configuration
* link:[TOMEE-1667] - add published-url in cxf.jax*.
properties in openejb-jar.xml
* link:[TOMEE-1668] - add objectName configuration to @MBean
* link:[TOMEE-1675] - TomEE embedded EJBContainer implementation ignores container properties
* link:[TOMEE-1682] - support tomee archives without a root folder in tomee maven plugin
* link:[TOMEE-1690] - [tomee maven plugin] add jsCustomizers and groovyCustomizers option
* link:[TOMEE-1701] - add a single instance ApplicationComposer (SingleApplicationComposerRunner)
* link:[TOMEE-1709] - [tomee-embedded-maven-plugin] LiveReload integration
* link:[TOMEE-1714] - add TomEEProxyHandler property in datasources to support custom proxying
* link:[TOMEE-1715] - basic part support in openejb-http (embedded)