blob: 30b4c23216eca10d1e2634c7e5a808be7902b047 [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache TomEE 1.5.1 Release Notes
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Upgrades
* link:[TOMEE-571] Update to OWB 1.1.7
* link:[TOMEE-629] myfaces 2.1.10
* link:[TOMEE-472] XBean 3.12
* link:[TOMEE-516] ShrinkWrap 1.1.1-alpha-1
* link:[TOMEE-513] arquillian 1.0.3.Final
* link:[TOMEE-512] Shrinkwrap Descriptors 2.0.0.alpha-4
* link:[TOMEE-511] Arquilliant Transaction 1.0.0.Alpha2
* link:[TOMEE-494] Slf4j 1.7.2
* link:[TOMEE-453] Tomcat 7.0.34
* link:[TOMEE-457] cxf 2.6.3
* link:[TOMEE-455] Was not able to use CXF SOAP client with SalesForce until JAXB upgraded to 2.2.6
* link:[TOMEE-454] ActiveMQ 5.7.0
* link:[OPENEJB-1927] Hibernate 4.1.8.Final
== New Features
* link:[TOMEE-630] add a maven archetype to start a project with tomee
* link:[TOMEE-440] add a tomee test enricher for arquillian tomee adapters
* link:[TOMEE-600] ability to inject remote initial context in tomee clients
* link:[TOMEE-473] ability to customize a bit more the classloaders
* link:[TOMEE-460] allow tomee maven plugin to reload application (war)
* link:[TOMEE-566] ability to let openejb/tomee scan entities instead of letting the jpa provider doing it
* link:[OPENEJB-1902] support shrinkwrap archive as library in openejb arquillian embedded adapter
* link:[OPENEJB-1906] active by default karaf webconsole in KarafEE
* link:[OPENEJB-1929] add an openejb lightweight web module to be able to write web tests more easily in embedded mode
* link:[OPENEJB-1931] support servlet deployment in embedded mode
* link:[AMQ-4005] Implement pluggable broker lockers
* link:[AMQ-3787] useCompression on server side specially on network of brokers
* link:[AMQ-3880] WSS transport
* link:[AMQ-3298] Cannot create bridge to WebSphere queue using default messaging provider
* link:[AMQ-3894] Add support for Broker based redelivery
* link:[AMQ-2106] Allow broker to evenly distribute message groups among consumers
* link:[AMQ-3917] ActiveMQ should support multiple durable subscriptions per Stomp client
* link:[AMQ-3924] Allow REST API to connect to the secured broker
* link:[AMQ-4065] Add optional destination suffix for the IndividualDeadLetterStrategy
* link:[CXF-4460] Support static claims globally and per endpoint
* link:[MYFACES-3612] [perf] compress/remove spaces for facelets html markup
* link:[MYFACES-3636] Add new Web Context Parameter to set Resource Buffer Size
== Improvements
* link:[TOMEE-633] More understandable 'tomee.autoconfig' property to control automatic creation of resources
* link:[TOMEE-488] Js JNDI Panel
* link:[TOMEE-486] ability to override properties values ( + services) by environment
* link:[TOMEE-481] RemoteServer should stop tomcat with Bootstrap stop and not with only the socket
* link:[TOMEE-482] Split the "dangerous" parts of the tomee webapp into a secure subdir
* link:[TOMEE-480] deploy SOAP webservices using the classloader of the app/webapp containing it
* link:[TOMEE-500] tomee-jdbc doesn't handle passwordcipher
* link:[TOMEE-447] Using Handlebars
* link:[TOMEE-627] when an @Resource injection can't be statisfied the error message is not always explicit
* link:[TOMEE-476] Update Bootstrap
* link:[TOMEE-477] In Arquillian TomEE ensure test class is useable when using our custom enricher (not only load it)
* link:[TOMEE-478] JS should load WebServiceHelperImpl info
* link:[TOMEE-474] not persistent amq brokers shouldnt need to specify an empty Datasource parameter in AMQ RA
* link:[TOMEE-470] Use less.js
* link:[TOMEE-559] TomEE should be able to support the tomee. prefix for properties
* link:[TOMEE-617] Have a look if warning due to load webapp classes from tempclassloader couldnt be avoided
* link:[TOMEE-514] JSONProvider - default setting of serializeAsArray is true, leading to marshaling error in out-of-the-box CXF configuration
* link:[TOMEE-510] shade* from mbean annotation api to openejb-api to be able to use it even in OSGi and show it is not (yet) standard
* link:[TOMEE-596] provide a way to limit package took into account when using openejb to scan jpa entities
* link:[TOMEE-462] avoid to reload classes from appclassloader in tempclassloader
* link:[TOMEE-464] lazystopclassloader should call stop after destroyapplication to allow reload without memory leak
* link:[TOMEE-468] skip sub folders properly when synchronizing conf/lib/bin in arquillian adapter
* link:[TOMEE-467] ability to specify CATALINA_OPTS in arquillian.xml
* link:[TOMEE-498] tomee maven plugin can't use removeDefaultWebapps if adding a custom webapp
* link:[TOMEE-569] cdi resolution in ear are not complete from webapp
* link:[TOMEE-499] OpenEJBContextConfig doesn't handle correctly ROOT webapp
* link:[TOMEE-565] set tomee serverinfo
* link:[TOMEE-567] Check for invalid attributes in tomee.xml file
* link:[TOMEE-560] allow to use a custom bean validation impl in webapps
* link:[TOMEE-525] set to false by default
* link:[TOMEE-490] Use regular xmlhttp requests is the browser does not support websockets
* link:[TOMEE-561] Rethink arquillian-tomee-webapp-remote adapter to reflect user experience with installer
* link:[TOMEE-563] better mapping of openejb bootstrap in (to get cipher command\...)
* link:[TOMEE-495] if a bean is @Local and @LocalBean local business interface are ignored in CDI resolution
* link:[TOMEE-496] expose a Single Line Formatter useable with arquillian tomee remote adapter
* link:[TOMEE-497] arquillian tomee remote should expose a simpleLog attribute to get more readable log (embedded mode like)
* link:[TOMEE-452] resource in context.xml not available
* link:[TOMEE-612] use javax.persistence.validation.mode is validationMode is not set in persistence.xml
* link:[TOMEE-615] ear cdi and specializations/alternatives
* link:[TOMEE-611] if validation mode of jpa is none we shouldn't pass the validation factory to the emf
* link:[OPENEJB-1924] in arquillian-openejb-embedded release creational context of test class
* link:[OPENEJB-1925] don't suppose openejb (embedded) is started from app classloader for JULI classes
* link:[OPENEJB-1926] ignore org.scalatest interfaces
* link:[OPENEJB-1920] [KARAFEE] imported services in cdi should only be the service on the deployed bundle
* link:[OPENEJB-1903] managing ShrinkWrap resources in embedded openejb adapter
* link:[OPENEJB-1921] [KARAFEE] getResources should aggregate instead of returning the first value
* link:[OPENEJB-1908] [KarafEE] use a transaction manager from OSGi registry
* link:[OPENEJB-1909] try etc folder if conf folder is not available
* link:[OPENEJB-1911] ProxyEJB shouldnt add IvmProxy and Serializable interface for all localbean proxies
* link:[OPENEJB-1912] KarafEE logs
* link:[OPENEJB-1933] When implicitely creating a non jta or jta datasource for a persistence unit the max initial size should be 5 and not the same than the model to avoid too much netweork bandwith usage
* link:[OPENEJB-1915] ignore net.sourceforge.cobertura.coveragedata.HasBeenInstrumented for ejb interfaces
* link:[OPENEJB-1916] KarafEE distribution should come with its bundle in system repo
* link:[OPENEJB-1913] avoid NPE in OSGi Deployer
* link:[OPENEJB-1932] basic filter + servletcontextinitializer support for applicationcomposer
* link:[OPENEJB-1914] revisit slightly the way bundle are retrieved in felix (karafee)
* link:[OPENEJB-1956] try to get rootUrl for persistence units even with ApplicationComposer
* link:[AMQ-4003] Add option to PooledConnectionFactory to control if connection should be created on startup or not
* link:[AMQ-4004] activemq-pool - Rename maximumActive option maximumActiveSessionPerConnection
* link:[AMQ-4008] Tomcat WARN on shutdown about ThreadLocal not cleared from log4j
* link:[AMQ-3986] Allow optimizeDurableTopicPrefetch to be set using resource adapter properties
* link:[AMQ-3983] Fix osgi dependency
* link:[AMQ-3980] Websocket transport: support increasing the max size of websocket messages
* link:[AMQ-3696] Slave broker cannot be stopped in a JDBC Master/Slave configuration within OSGi
* link:[AMQ-3890] Turn dependency on fusemq-leveldb optional
* link:[AMQ-3893] Adjust topic policy entry in default configuration
* link:[AMQ-3991] Output version number in started log line to be consistent
* link:[AMQ-4027] Add support for java 7 in AbstractJmxCommand
* link:[AMQ-4026] Refactor logic to shutdown thread pools using a single API to ensure better shutdown and offer logging et all
* link:[AMQ-4029] Unregistering mbean should handle null mbean names
* link:[AMQ-4028] Add support for testing secured web sockets
* link:[AMQ-3861] Offer a way to not set a transaction manager in activemq-camel
* link:[AMQ-4012] Use english locale for introspection support when discovering setter/getter method names
* link:[AMQ-4011] Refactor IntrospectionSupport to avoid using java bean property editors
* link:[AMQ-4010] Use pre compiled patterns for JMX ObjectName encoder
* link:[AMQ-4019] Make better use of commons-pool in activemq-pool
* link:[AMQ-4016] org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory - Seems like static thread pool is not used
* link:[AMQ-4015] Add uptime to broker mbean and when stopping broker to report its uptime
* link:[AMQ-3877] Add ability to set a timeout for the calls made to Broker MBeans
* link:[AMQ-3878] Reset stats automatically without dependancy on JMX / Java APIs
* link:[AMQ-3224] Redelivery per destination
* link:[AMQ-3770] Generalize LDAP group processing / LDAP group expansion
* link:[AMQ-3534] Fixes to poms to allow eclipse indigo and m2eclipse to not show errors.
* link:[AMQ-3902] Documentation for JMS Bridge With Oracle AQ
* link:[AMQ-3813] limit the number of producers and consumers created by a Connection
* link:[AMQ-3815] Hybrid Master Slave Architecture
* link:[AMQ-3918] Expose transport connector URIs in uniform fashion
* link:[AMQ-3913] Stomp Spec allows for stomp headers to have spaces in key or value we currently trim.
* link:[AMQ-3914] Add support for MS SQL JDBC driver 4.0
* link:[AMQ-3940] REST API - support application/json response type
* link:[AMQ-4049] Polish the AMQ start|stop logging
* link:[AMQ-3847] Optional import for org.apache.activemq.pool in activemq-camel should be required
* link:[AMQ-3060] java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
* link:[AMQ-3950] Blueprint version should be [0.3,2)
* link:[AMQ-3859] To tight version range in activemq features file
* link:[AMQ-3822] The current sslContext element does not provide the ability to define the keystore key password key.
* link:[AMQ-3960] Update 5.7 to use Apache Camel 2.10.x
* link:[AMQ-4069] Upgrade Maven Plugins
* link:[AMQ-4066] Cleanup of old deprecated methods and classes from the code base.
* link:[AMQ-4067] Prefix Thread names with ActiveMQ
* link:[AMQ-3554] activemq:create command should use name as argument in place of option
* link:[AMQ-4063] Trim RAR to not included Derby JAR
* link:[AMQ-4060] activemq-optional - Upgrade Spring OXM to Spring 3 version
* link:[AMQ-3972] Add an 'isDisposed' check before calling 'propagateFailureToExceptionListener' in FailoverTransport
* link:[AMQ-3444] Fail Fast or Warn on using fileCursors/fileQueueCursors when+++<broker persistent="false">+++</li>
* link:[AMQ-4057] activemq-option - Upgrade to http client 4.2
* link:[CXF-4488] Making importing* packages by cxf-rf-databinding-jaxb optional in CXF 2.6
* link:[CXF-4485] Provide optional support for inheriting WADL resource parameters
* link:[CXF-4501] AtomPojoProvider should be able to get the entry content directly from POJO
* link:[CXF-4497] Configure WSDL generation to ignore jaxb.index and ObjectFactory
* link:[CXF-4495] Extend SimpleAuthorizingInterceptor to check only configured roles
* link:[CXF-4490] cxf-codegen-plugin does not detect changes in WSDL loaded from classpath
* link:[CXF-4506] support to set the username and password on the wsn service configuration
* link:[CXF-4521] Optimization for other stax implementations
* link:[CXF-4519] Make it possible to specify schemas specific to individual types
* link:[CXF-3813] Possibiblity to only validate requests and/or responses
* link:[CXF-4515] maven java2ws plugin address configuration
* link:[CXF-4479] Improve "No namespace on "\{0}" element" error message.
* link:[CXF-4532] Java First @Policy support bean references
* link:[CXF-4431] Add support for OAuth2 'mac' token type
* link:[MYFACES-3623] [perf] avoid use HashSet for check empty html elements in HtmlResponseWriterImpl
* link:[MYFACES-3635] [perf] Improvements over #\{cc} and #{cc.attrs} evaluation
* link:[MYFACES-3619] Define a special property to specify when a component is created by facelets ( oam.vf.addedByHandler )
* link:[MYFACES-3628] [perf] do not calculate facelets view mappings and context suffixes if not necessary
* link:[MYFACES-3645] review/refactor/document ViewState handling </ul>
== Bugs
* link:[TOMEE-578] Tomee Drop-in WARs installer "install" button points to a bad path
* link:[TOMEE-487] deployerejb uses home to create unique file, it should be base if temp dir is not writable
* link:[TOMEE-483] plus and jaxrs webapp doesn't have classes in web-inf/classes
* link:[TOMEE-441] TomEE doesn't stop with arquillian adapter (remote) under windows
* link:[TOMEE-444] tomee webapp enricher suppose tomee libs are in+++<tomee>+++/lib folder (not the case when using tomcat+tomee webapp)</li>
* link:[TOMEE-443] MyFaces does not integrate with OWB EL resolver
* link:[TOMEE-446] Failed to service TomEE as a service on Windows
* link:[TOMEE-445] @RequestScoped @Stateful EJB beans are not destroyed after request completes
* link:[TOMEE-479] Can't use custom typed resource references and factories
* link:[TOMEE-475] tomcat request.isCallerInRole doesn't work
* link:[TOMEE-436] Getting SEVERE: OpenEJBContextConfig.processAnnotationsFile: failed. on Windows
* link:[TOMEE-515] NoClassDefFoundError Exception while marshaling data in CXF RS to JSON
* link:[TOMEE-508] EntityManager dependency considered not passivation capable (CDI spec violation)
* link:[TOMEE-461] faces-config.xml can't be empty
* link:[TOMEE-466] "Activation failed" messages for @ConversationScoped @Stateful bean
* link:[TOMEE-624] ?hen webapp is ROOT rest services can't find the webapp
* link:[TOMEE-598] (cdi) appscope and singleton are not well destroyed
* link:[TOMEE-469] Hotkeys listener
* link:[TOMEE-568] TomEE doesn't support WARDirContext
* link:[TOMEE-564] Installation page for drop war does not work (old style web ui)
* link:[TOMEE-524] EARs not re-unpacked on startup when changed
* link:[TOMEE-493] Regression on TomEE vs Tomcat 7 on Windows native library loading
* link:[TOMEE-521] EAR modules' default name should not contain the .jar or .war extension
* link:[TOMEE-523] EAR war file context path should default to /+++<ear-name>+++/+++<module-name>+++/+++<servlets>+++*</li>
* link:[TOMEE-522] EAR modules'+++<module-name>+++ignored</li>
* link:[TOMEE-451] CDI injection in servlet of a webapp included in an ear doesn't work
* link:[TOMEE-456] some jndi names are not unbound
* link:[TOMEE-459] exclusions.list not working properly
* link:[TOMEE-610] when using <Deployment \...> TomcatJndiBinder doesn't find webcontext in general
* link:[OPENEJB-1905] karafee version is not well filtered in rebranding module
* link:[OPENEJB-1923] openejb main doesn't support parameter with -D inside (A-D for instance)
* link:[OPENEJB-1907] revisit KarafEE import package and shade
* link:[OPENEJB-1928] avoid to load openejb classes with multiple classloader in karafee
* link:[OPENEJB-1930] serialization of timerdata is too strict for manual timers
* link:[OPENEJB-1938] Embedded ActiveMQ broker startup and shutdown fails to observe configured timeout
* link:[OPENEJB-1910] IvmProxy shouldnt be used when creating ejb as OSGi services in KarafEE
* link:[OPENEJB-1934] arquillian-openejb-embedded-4 doesn't manage properly war libraries regarding cdi
* link:[OPENEJB-1954] Arquillian tests don't fail immediately if Test cannot be enriched
* link:[OPENEJB-1959] DeploymentListenerObserver should be public
* link:[OPENEJB-1961] Classloader memory leak by Threads which is started by org.apache.openejb.loader.Files
* link:[OWB-719] @Named qualifier is not adhering to CDI spec default naming conventions
* link:[OWB-718] Decorator can't call two methods of the delegate object in the same method
* link:[OWB-711] Specialization does not deactivate Observer methods in parent class
* link:[OWB-720] injections using generic not well managed
* link:[OWB-732] ClassLoader leak in WebBeansUtil.isScopeTypeNormalCache
* link:[OWB-713] Static observer methods of superclasses are not called when a method with the same name and parameters exists in the subclass
* link:[OWB-725] Beans containing a producerMethod are using the wrong CreationalContext
* link:[OWB-734] CLONE - AbstractProducer stores CreationalContext
* link:[OWB-724] Ambiguous producer methods and fields are not detected due to bug in AbstractProducerBean equals and hashCode
* link:[OWB-722] @Typed not respected for beans using generics
* link:[AMQ-4001] activemq karaf feature uses different commons-lang than pom
* link:[AMQ-4002] Instance of BlobTransferPolicy and its URL are being shared among multiple messages
* link:[AMQ-4007] BrokerService TempUsage and StoreUsage Default Values Are Incorrect
* link:[AMQ-3785] ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory does not detect ssl request in failover URIs when creating transports
* link:[AMQ-3989] ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory.setKeyAndTrustManagers does not work with failover enabled using 5.7 snapshot Jars
* link:[AMQ-3988] PooledSession throw Exception at closing
* link:[AMQ-3987] For JMSUsecaseTest, incompatible types found : javax.jms.Message required: org.apache.activemq.Message
* link:[AMQ-3985] ActiveMQConnection temp advisory consumer should use asyncDispatch - can cause deadlock with slow consumers
* link:[AMQ-3882] Broker should not send advisories for slow consumers or fast producers if the destination in question is an advisory destination already.
* link:[AMQ-3881] Handy diagnostic script for troubleshooting ActiveMQ problems
* link:[AMQ-3982] Overlapping PList iterators can read wrong data or throw exceptions about chunk streams not existing.
* link:[AMQ-3981] now has apache commons dependency
* link:[AMQ-3885] ActiveMQ java client doesn't scale to thousands of queues
* link:[AMQ-3889] Body Preview of BytesMessages change when browsed multiple times from QueueViewMbean
* link:[AMQ-3887] Occasional Null Pointer Exception during NetworkConnector connection
* link:[AMQ-3791] Flexibility, concurrency, security, and compatibility issues in CachedLDAPAuthorizationMap
* link:[AMQ-3797] org.apache.activemq.util.StringArrayEditor causes classloader leaks
* link:[AMQ-3998] Incorrect reporting of pendingQueueSize of durable subs after reconnect with unacked
* link:[AMQ-3997] Memory leak in activemq-pool
* link:[AMQ-3999] Unsubscribing durable subs can be blocked on calls to determine store size, contending with active subs
* link:[AMQ-3994] DefaultDatabaseLocker will leak pooled connections on link failure
* link:[AMQ-3891] Durable subscribers receiving duplicate messages
* link:[AMQ-3995] PListTest.testSerialAddIterate runs for over 30 minutes on Hudson nodes
* link:[AMQ-3895] Broker sends a STOMP RECEIPT frame although the subscription fails
* link:[AMQ-3992] Zero Prefetch consumers increment the Enqueue Counter when the pull times out
* link:[AMQ-3897] Stomp 1.1 keep alive does not work with stomp+nio
* link:[AMQ-3896] AMQ3622Test throws NumberFormatException on ec2/ubuntu 10.04
* link:[AMQ-3669] Pending producer with qMirror, messages are not spooled to disk
* link:[AMQ-3664] Not all messages will be acknowledged when optimizeAcknowledge is true
* link:[AMQ-3860] doAddMessageReference missing setting priority into prepared statement therefore using wrong index for message itself
* link:[AMQ-3868] ActiveMQ 5.6 - RAR deployment is not working on JBoss6
* link:[AMQ-3867] Unable to delete messages whose original destination is virtual topic from web console
* link:[AMQ-3865] AjaxTest fails all tests due to line ending differences
* link:[AMQ-3863] XA session is returned twice to the pool
* link:[AMQ-4017] Demand Forwarding Bridge uses value of asyncDispatch for advisory consumers
* link:[AMQ-3871] Problem in OrderPendingList can lead to message not being deliver after durable sub reconnect.
* link:[AMQ-3870] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when using Multi kahaDB (mKahaDB) adapter, per-destination adapters and Topics
* link:[AMQ-3879] Temporary queues may be deleted by the wrong connection
* link:[AMQ-3873] Occasional deadlock during startup
* link:[AMQ-3872] Implement "exactly once" delivery with JDBC and XA in the event of a failure post prepare
* link:[AMQ-2521] Some JMX operations fail with SecurityException with secured broker
* link:[AMQ-3654] JDBC Master/Slave : Slave cannot acquire lock when the master loose database connection.
* link:[AMQ-3633] [OSGi] activemq-web-console: exception after restart container
* link:[AMQ-2453] start/control-script is not suitable for professional environments
* link:[AMQ-4090] Missing svn:ignores
* link:[AMQ-4084] Linux/Unix Files Have Incorrect EOL When Packaged
* link:[AMQ-3807] MBeans are not unregistered under WebSphere
* link:[AMQ-3908] StompSslAuthTest.testSubscribeWithReceiptNotAuthorized() fails
* link:[AMQ-2656] ActiveMQInitialConnectionFactory cannot return an XAConnectionFactory
* link:[AMQ-3909] Messages sometimes not received by active topic subscriptions
* link:[AMQ-3903] Failed to fire fast producer advisory, reason: java.lang.NullPointerException
* link:[AMQ-3905] Karaf: activemq:create-broker results in only locally visible broker
* link:[AMQ-3912] Durable subs store messages in error with broker attribute persistent="false"
* link:[AMQ-4081] favicon should be handled as binary file in assembly
* link:[AMQ-4083] Consumers in Client Ack sessions can fail to ack expired messages in some cases
* link:[AMQ-4076] sizePrefixDisabled and/or maxFrameSize change in AcriveMq 5.6 broke FilePendingMessageCursor for big messages
* link:[AMQ-3919] getDestinationMap does not return temp destinations
* link:[AMQ-3915] JMX connector does not bind to a specific host when a connectHost is specified on the managementContext
* link:[AMQ-2665] Durable subscription re-activation failed when keepDurableSubsActive=true.
* link:[AMQ-3727] activemq-web-console: AjaxServlet not working in OSGi container
* link:[AMQ-3921] Duplicated durable subscriptions after broker retart with option keepDurableSubsActive=true
* link:[AMQ-3920] Performance issue with delay policy in DestinationBridge.onMessage
* link:[AMQ-3923] Webconsole should import javax.servlet.* too
* link:[AMQ-3925] Advisory messages/topics not generated for ActiveMQ.Advisory.FULL or ActiveMQ.Advisory.FastProducer.Queue
* link:[AMQ-3927] can't connect to stomp protocol 1.1 using telnet
* link:[AMQ-3929] STOMP multiple header handling incorrect per the 1.1 spec
* link:[AMQ-2488] Unable to access Serializable class when receiving ObjectMessage in OSGi environment
* link:[AMQ-3934] QueueViewMBean.getMessage throws NullPointerException when message not found
* link:[AMQ-3932] receiveNoWait hangs when broker is down, using failover and prefetch=0
* link:[AMQ-3931] Memory problems with large transactions
* link:[AMQ-3935] JConsole browse() function does not work if useCache=false
* link:[AMQ-3936] activemq status return codes should be LSB compliant
* link:[AMQ-3939] FailoverTransport never closes backup connections
* link:[AMQ-3841] mKahaDB causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on restart after deleting existing queues
* link:[AMQ-3845] CachedLDAPAuthorizationMap doesn't handle the ldap connectino dying
* link:[AMQ-3846] The JMX message move, copy and remove operation do not take messages in FIFO order
* link:[AMQ-3943] Connect to ActiveMQ server's jmx feature,but failed.
* link:[AMQ-4042] Rest MessageServlet on osgi failes to start
* link:[AMQ-3848] Messages Are Not Read With Multiple Consumers
* link:[AMQ-4043] Web demo - Receive a message page renders an error page
* link:[AMQ-3849] Typos in protobuf specs + generated Java code for KahaDB
* link:[AMQ-4047] activemq-optional - Should include the JARs it needs
* link:[AMQ-4044] Shutting down AcitveMQ broker started in foreground logs 2 times
* link:[AMQ-3852] Stomp transport allows durable topic subscriber to subscribe to a queue
* link:[AMQ-3853] Missing import in activemq-web-console
* link:[AMQ-3856] MessageServlet assumes TextMessages contain Text
* link:[AMQ-3857] MessageServlet get messages does not return JMS Message Properties
* link:[AMQ-3854] Referencing old spring xsd in configuration files
* link:[AMQ-3855] MQTT doesn't translate wildcards to ActiveMQ wildcards
* link:[AMQ-3955] WebSocket Transport - Race condition starting transport
* link:[AMQ-3956] KahaDB pagefile ( steady growth - BTreeIndex page leak
* link:[AMQ-3953] org.apache.activemq.util.URISupport.isCompositeURI doesn't work properly.
* link:[AMQ-3954] Intended delivery mode for JMSUsecaseTest is not tested
* link:[AMQ-3951] LDAP Connection Timeouts in CachedLDAPAuthorizationMap
* link:[AMQ-3958] META-INF/spring.schemas does not contain a reference to 5.6.0 schema
* link:[AMQ-4030] Tomcat7 with ActiveMQ-5.6 or ActiveMQ-5.7 starts with error
* link:[AMQ-4031] BrokerFactoryBean logs error when starting a non persistent broker
* link:[AMQ-3858] Failure to resolve local jmx url for sunJvm can result in npe
* link:[AMQ-4033] AMQ Broker - Uses custom RMIServerSocketFactory class which cannot be unloaded due socket reuse
* link:[AMQ-4035] Null pointer in class KahaDBStore programmed
* link:[AMQ-4070] catstomp.rb does not work anymore
* link:[AMQ-3961] Durable subscriber only receives part of the persisted messages on re-connect
* link:[AMQ-3962] Memory leak bacause of InactivityMonitor thread
* link:[AMQ-2170] Incoherent documentation / strange property names for advisory messages
* link:[AMQ-3965] Expired msgs not getting acked to broker causing consumer to fill up its prefetch and not getting more msgs.
* link:[AMQ-3594] Stuck messages in topic after restart of ActiveMQ
* link:[AMQ-3557] Performance of consumption with JDBC persistance and Microsoft SQL Server
* link:[AMQ-4062] durableTopicPrefetch attribute in policyEntry in activemq.xml dont take effect
* link:[AMQ-3828] URISupport incorrectly handles parenthesis
* link:[AMQ-3451] Tomcat 6.0.32 complains that ActiveMQ 5.5 doesn't shutdown a thread
* link:[AMQ-3827] The SslContext definition is not used by the https transport protocol.
* link:[AMQ-3832] Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin
* link:[AMQ-3831] Exit code is not properly returned when using RUN_AS_USER
* link:[AMQ-3973] data.db size is not included in calculation to monitor systemUsage settings
* link:[AMQ-3976] ActiveMQMessageProducer::send uses == instead of equals to compare destinations
* link:[AMQ-3979] AjaxServlet preventing Tomcat Container from shutting down.
* link:[AMQ-4058] http transport should remove options in uri
* link:[AMQ-4052] When consumers was killed and restarted frequently, some messages could not be consumed by consumer but they were still in pending messages.
* link:[AMQ-3837] BrokerFacade returns more connections than expect when call getConnections by connector name
* link:[AMQ-3836] STOMP 1.0 protocol (SUBSCRIBE destination) broken on ActiveMQ 5.6.0
* link:[CXF-4541] idl2wsdl not finding properly scoped structure elements
* link:[CXF-4542] @XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on exception classes
* link:[CXF-4540] Colon character in the password is not hanled properly in AbstractHTTPDestination class
* link:[CXF-4545] ut_sign + sign_enc samples broken in last releases
* link:[CXF-4484] Claims to SAML attribute encoding wrong
* link:[CXF-4487] cxf-codegen-plugin: Error resolving component warnings for imported types
* link:[CXF-4481] unable to generate WADL to java
* link:[CXF-4500] Evaluate jaxrs:schemaLocations after jaxrs:providers
* link:[CXF-4539] WS-Security inbound performance regression
* link:[CXF-4537] XmlAdapter Not Being Used
* link:[CXF-4552] typical HTML form payload does not seem to work when HTML form is used
* link:[CXF-4499] wrong charset encoding in FormEncodingProvider
* link:[CXF-4496] find of ResponseExceptionMapper do not handle runtime exceptions
* link:[CXF-4494] JMSDestination need set binary mode if server send MTOM message back
* link:[CXF-4493] If javax.jws.Oneway annotation is specified for a SOAP interface method a NPE occurs
* link:[CXF-4511] WS-RM Sequence header should have mustUnderstand attribute
* link:[CXF-4503] TransformOutInterceptor may lose namespace declarations in some elements
* link:[CXF-4505] Invalid WS-RM messages may not be correctly rejected by WS-RM destination
* link:[CXF-4507] bug in SchemaJavascriptBuilder while deserializing an Array
* link:[CXF-4508] @Context fails to inject SearchContext into JAX-RS resource bean
* link:[CXF-4523] Unclosed XMLStreamReader/Writer causes leaking
* link:[CXF-4522] The logicalHandler could not modify the soap:body content if provider uses the SOAPMessage
* link:[CXF-4520] XMLStreamException about namespace has not been bound to a prefix with other stax implemenation
* link:[CXF-4518] CXF bundle jax-ws-catalog.xml doesn't include mapping of ""
* link:[CXF-4517] ClassCastException in WS-RM when RMP 200702 assertions are used
* link:[CXF-4514] JAXRS client ignores enum properties when populating request URI from beans
* link:[CXF-4476] Content-Disposition header may be incorrectly set in MTOM under windows
* link:[CXF-4475] LoggingInInterceptor throws when pretty printing MTOM messages
* link:[CXF-4477] [WADL2JAVA] Generate incorrect primitive parameter type
* link:[CXF-4533] Encoding error in CachedOutputStream when double-byte char is on 1024 byte boundary
* link:[CXF-4535] SOAP fault XML is invalid when a details element exists
* link:[CXF-4534] SortedMap is returned as HashMap
* link:[CXF-4526] PolicyAnnotationListener throws NPE in jar
* link:[CXF-4528] WebApplicationExceptionMapper is too shy
* link:[MYFACES-3620] jsf.js: @this results in a javascript error
* link:[MYFACES-3638] NPE in ServerSideStateCacheImpl
* link:[MYFACES-3646] remove unused src/main/old from core-impl
* link:[MYFACES-3637] jsf.js: All Script Tags are Evaluated (wrong behavior)
* link:[MYFACES-3649] myfaces-shaded-impl always unpacks myfaces-2.1.1
* link:[MYFACES-3630] PartialViewContextImpl.findHeadComponent and findBodyComponent does not take into account h:head or h:body inside child of UIViewRoot
* link:[MYFACES-3617] NullPointerException occurs when using an EL Expression in f:viewParam name attribute
* link:[MYFACES-3641] ViewDeclarationLanguageFactoryImpl.getViewDeclarationLanguage(String viewId) should not throw exception if no associate VDL can be found
* link:[MYFACES-3618] jsf.js: ajax response is missing a param in the error handing of replaceHtmlItem
* link:[MYFACES-3616] Javascript: Method call with wrong argument size after error in AJAX request/response
* link:[MYFACES-3613] NPE in composite component when ActionListener is missing in the source
* link:[MYFACES-3626] f:ajax execute '@none' submitted as explicit request param, firing source listeners
* link:[MYFACES-3632] resource bundle name with bean property collition when trying to set value
* link:[MYFACES-3631] Malformed Ajax XML Response with duplicated IDs
* link:[MYFACES-3627] jsf.js: DomExperimental.js isMultipartCandidate fails on older IE Versions </ul>
== Tasks & Sub-Tasks
* link:[TOMEE-442] valid using hostname in webapp id is fine
* link:[TOMEE-439] refactor DeployerEjb to be able to deploy war as Tomcat
* link:[OPENEJB-1922] [KARAFEE] see how to take into account cdi dependencies
* link:[AMQ-4006] activemq-pool - Upgrade to commons-pool 1.6.0
* link:[AMQ-3784] Download page lists lots of releases; they are not in order and most of the pages point to the wrong location
* link:[AMQ-4013] Upgrade to xbean 3.11
* link:[AMQ-4041] Upgrade ActiveMQ karaf feature
* link:[AMQ-4045] Unit test shows NPE in BrokerService
* link:[AMQ-4038] Favor using JARs from Maven central
* link:[AMQ-4039] Upgrade 3rd party dependency JARs and align with SMX/Camel
* link:[AMQ-4056] Remove activemq-jmdns module
* link:[AMQ-4053] Cleanup duplicate JARs in ActiveMQ distro
* link:[AMQ-3945] QueueBrowser missing messages on first browse.
* link:[AMQ-3947] ActiveMQConnectionFactory doesn't set the nestedMapAndListEnabled property on new Connections
* link:[AMQ-3967] ActiveMQJmsHeaderRouteTest doesn't work with Apache Camel 2.10
* link:[AMQ-3969] ActiveMQJmsHeaderRouteTest doesn't work with Apache Camel 2.10
* link:[AMQ-3968] ActiveMQJmsHeaderRouteTest doesn't work with Apache Camel 2.10
* link:[AMQ-3970] ActiveMQJmsHeaderRouteTest doesn't work with Apache Camel 2.10+++</module-name>++++++</servlets>++++++</module-name>++++++</ear-name>++++++</tomee>++++++</broker>+++