blob: fe6523b0086664e8e2cd7227b0c97041fa7717c0 [file] [log] [blame]
= Apache TomEE 9.1.0 Release Notes
:index-group: Release Notes
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
Apache TomEE 9.1.0 has been released.
It is a maintenance release with some bug fixes and dependencies upgrades (MicroProfile 5, ActiveMQ, Johnzon, XBean, etc).
It fixes the latest Tomcat vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-28708, CVE-2023-24998, CVE-2023-28709) by back porting and patching Tomcat inside the TomEE build.
== Dependency upgrade
- link:[TOMEE-4217] Arquillian 1.7.0.Final
- link:[TOMEE-4204] Bouncycastle 1.73
- link:[TOMEE-4187] Commons FileUpload 1.5
- link:[TOMEE-4218] HSQLDB 2.7.2
- link:[TOMEE-4221] JUnit 5.9.3
- link:[TOMEE-4212] Jackson 2.15.0
- link:[TOMEE-4216] Jackson 2.15.1
- link:[TOMEE-4208] Johnzon 1.2.20
- link:[TOMEE-4205] Jose4j 0.9.3
- link:[TOMEE-4203] Microprofile Config API 3.0.3, Fault Tolerance Impl 6.2.2, OpenTracing Impl 3.0.3
- link:[TOMEE-4141] SmallRye on 9.x branch
- link:[TOMEE-4061] Wrap up updates for TomEE 9.x
- link:[TOMEE-4220] log4j 2.20.0 (integration)
- link:[TOMEE-4213] snakeyaml version 2.0 mitigate CVE-2022-1471
- link:[TOMEE-4219] xbeans 4.23
== Bug
- link:[TOMEE-4181] BCProv jar loses its signature during the patch process
- link:[TOMEE-4183] TomEE 9.0.0 is not creating service in Windows 10 incompatible software
- link:[TOMEE-4189] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.openejb.loader.SystemInstance
- link:[TOMEE-4192] ApplicationComposers do not clear GC references on release
- link:[TOMEE-4174] Port TOMEE-3779 to 9.x
- link:[TOMEE-4199] jakartaee-api with tomcat classifier has too much in it
- link:[TOMEE-4112] Performance Regression in bean resolution in EAR files
== Improvement
- link:[TOMEE-4200] Use ActiveMQ client jakarta instead of shading it in TomEE
- link:[TOMEE-4202] Backport CVE fixes of Tomcat 10.1.x to 10.0.27
== Task
- link:[TOMEE-4053] Dependency properties cleanup
== Documentation
- link:[TOMEE-4186] Update download page for discontinued branches
== Wish
- link:[TOMEE-4190] RunWithApplicationComposer should support inheritance
== Fixed Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)
- link:[TOMEE-4187] Commons FileUpload 1.5
- link:[TOMEE-4202] Backport CVE fixes of Tomcat 10.1.x to 10.0.27