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= Chatterbox NATS
== Introduction
This connector provides a sample for connecting to a NATS server from a Java EE environment, such as TomEE. NATS provides async messaging. At a high-level,
you can connect to a NATS server and consume messages with the following code:
final StreamingConnectionFactory cf = new StreamingConnectionFactory(new Options.Builder().natsUrl(baseAddressNats)
final StreamingConnection connection = cf.createConnection();
connection.subscribe("scheduler:notify", new MessageHandler() {
public void onMessage(Message m) {
try {
// handle the message
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle exception
The challenge here is handling the MessageHander callback, with all the relevant dependency injections correctly available,
in a portable manner, without specific knowledge of any app server internals. Message-driven beans provide the opportunity
to do this.
== Testing the example out
The connector includes a very simple sample web application, which can both send and receive messages to/from a NATS server.
You will need:
* A NATS server
* Some system properties
The easy way to start a NATS server if you don't have one is to use the docker compose file included:
docker compose up -d
This will start a NATS server listening on tcp/4222 with a cluster ID of `mycluster`.
Next we'll need to tell TomEE how to connect to that server - the easiest way to do this is to add the following lines to `~/.openejb/`
NOTE: the system property name follows this format: <RAR name>.<property>=<value>.
<RAR name> is the name of the RAR file, without the .rar extention, with "RA" appended on the end. For example, `chatterbox-nats-rar-0.3-SNAPSHOT.rar`
becomes `chatterbox-nats-rar-0.3-SNAPSHOTRA`.
We can now start the sample application using the TomEE Maven Plugin:
cd tomee-chatterbox/chatterbox-nats/chatterbox-nats-sample-war
mvn clean install tomee:run
Once the application has started, running the following:
curl -d testing -v -H "Content-Type: text/plain" "http://localhost:8080/chatterbox-nats-sample-war-0.3-SNAPSHOT/sender/echo"
Will send the message "testing" to a NATS subject called "echo". The MDB in the application is listening on the "echo" subject and
will echo any messages received to STDOUT.
== I like it, can I deploy it in my TomEE instance?
Absolutely. You'll need to do a couple of things:
Firstly, the resource adapter has an API, and you'll want to deploy the jar file for that to the TomEE lib directory so both the server itself and any applications
have visibility of it.
Simple copy the chatterbox-nats-api JAR from this project to the TomEE lib folder.
Next up, we need to deploy the resource adapter. You'll need the following config in `conf/tomee.xml` to enable the `apps` directory, and you'll need to create the `apps` directory itself:
<Deployments dir="apps" />
And finally, configure the resource adapter in `conf/`:
=== Sending messages to NATS (publishing to a subject)
To send a message, inject the NATS connection factory into your bean:
private NATSConnectionFactory cf;
and then get a connection and call its `publish()` method:
final NATSConnection connection = cf.getConnection();
connection.publish(subject, message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
=== Receiving messages from NATS
Messages can be received and acted upon in MDBs. The MDB should implement the `org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.api.InboundListener` interface.
Additionally, an activation property, `subject` is required. This is the NATS subject that the resource adapter will subscribe to for the MDB.
The MDB's `onMessage` method will be invoked for any message sent to the subject.
Please note that is the message requires acknowledgement, the MDB should call `org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.api.NATSMessage.ack`. The sender
will block until this is called.
@MessageDriven(name = "Echo", activationConfig = {
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subject", propertyValue = "echo")
public class EchoBean implements InboundListener {
public void onMessage(final NATSMessage message) throws NATSException {
try {
final String text = new String(message.getData(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NATSException(e);
== Embedding the RAR in WAR
See the chatterbox-nats-sample-war-rar for an example of this. This includes the API and IMPL jars (not the rar itself) in the web application's WEB-INF/lib.
The resource adapter, connection factory, and MDB container are configured in the application's WEB-INF/resources.xml - this effectively is the tomee.xml equivalent
of what goes in a rar file's ra.xml.
<Resource id="NATS" class-name="org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.adapter.NATSResourceAdapter">
<Container id="NATSContainer" ctype="MESSAGE">
ResourceAdapter NATS
ActivationSpecClass org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.adapter.NATSActivationSpec
MessageListenerInterface org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.api.InboundListener
<Resource id="NATSConnectionFactory" type="org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.api.NATSConnectionFactory" class-name="org.apache.tomee.chatterbox.nats.adapter.out.NATSManagedConnectionFactory">
ResourceAdapter NATS
TransactionSupport none
We still need to supply the baseUrl, clusterId and clientId to the resource adapter. This can be hardcoded in WEB-INF/resources.xml if you wish, or you can specify them as system properties: