| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # build.properties.sample |
| # |
| # This is an example "build.properties" file, used to customize building |
| # Tomcat for your local environment. It defines the location of all external |
| # modules that Tomcat depends on. Copy this file to "build.properties" |
| # in the top-level source directory, and customize it as needed. |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # ----- Version Control Flags ----- |
| version.major=8 |
| version.minor=0 |
| version.build=46 |
| version.patch=0 |
| version.suffix= |
| |
| # ----- Build control flags ----- |
| # Note enabling validation uses Checkstyle which is LGPL licensed |
| execute.validate=false |
| execute.test.bio=true |
| execute.test.nio=true |
| execute.test.nio2=true |
| # Still requires APR/native library to be present |
| execute.test.apr=true |
| # Stop testing if a failure occurs |
| test.haltonfailure=false |
| # Activate AccessLog during testing |
| test.accesslog=false |
| # Display the tests output on the console |
| test.verbose=true |
| |
| # Number of parallel threads to use for testing. The recommended value is one |
| # thread per core. |
| # Note: Cobertura code coverage currently requires this to be set to 1. Setting |
| # a value above one will disable code coverage if enabled. |
| test.threads=1 |
| |
| # Note the Cobertura code coverage tool is GPLv2 licensed |
| test.cobertura=false |
| |
| # Note the FindBugs is LGPL licensed |
| execute.findbugs=false |
| |
| # Some platforms (e.g. OSX El Capitan) require IPv4 to be the default for the |
| # multicast tests to work |
| java.net.preferIPv4Stack=false |
| |
| # Location of GPG executable (used only for releases) |
| gpg.exec=/path/to/gpg |
| |
| # Code signing of Windows installer |
| do.codesigning=false |
| codesigning.user=request-via-pmc |
| codesigning.pwd=request-via-pmc |
| codesigning.partnercode=request-via-pmc |
| codesigning.keyStore=request-via-pmc |
| codesigning.keyStorePassword=request-via-pmc |
| codesigning.service=Microsoft Windows Signing |
| |
| # ----- Settings to use when downloading files ----- |
| trydownload.httpusecaches=true |
| |
| # ----- Default Base Path for Dependent Packages ----- |
| # Please note this path must be absolute, not relative, |
| # as it is referenced with different working directory |
| # contexts by the various build scripts. |
| base.path=${user.home}/tomcat-build-libs |
| |
| compile.source=1.7 |
| compile.target=1.7 |
| compile.debug=true |
| |
| # Do not pass -deprecation (-Xlint:deprecation) flag to javac |
| compile.deprecation=false |
| |
| base-apache.loc.1=http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua?action=download&filename= |
| base-apache.loc.2=http://archive.apache.org/dist |
| base-commons.loc.1=${base-apache.loc.1}/commons |
| base-commons.loc.2=${base-apache.loc.2}/commons |
| base-tomcat.loc.1=${base-apache.loc.1}/tomcat |
| base-tomcat.loc.2=${base-apache.loc.2}/tomcat |
| |
| base-sf.loc=http://downloads.sourceforge.net |
| # repo.maven.apache.org is the same as repo2.maven.org |
| base-maven.loc=http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 |
| |
| # Mirror, was used when there were problems with the main SF downloads site |
| # base-sf.loc=http://sunet.dl.sourceforge.net |
| |
| # ----- Commons Logging, version 1.1 or later ----- |
| # If this version is updated, check the versions required for the dependencies below |
| # - avalon-framework |
| # - log4j |
| # - logkit |
| # - servletapi |
| commons-logging.version=1.1.3 |
| commons-logging.home=${base.path}/commons-logging-${commons-logging.version} |
| commons-logging-src.loc.1=${base-commons.loc.1}/logging/source/commons-logging-${commons-logging.version}-src.tar.gz |
| commons-logging-src.loc.2=${base-commons.loc.2}/logging/source/commons-logging-${commons-logging.version}-src.tar.gz |
| commons-logging-src.tar.gz=${commons-logging.home}/commons-logging-${commons-logging.version}-src.tar.gz |
| |
| # ----- Avalon Framework (required by commons logging) ----- |
| avalon-framework.version=4.1.5 |
| avalon-framework.home=${base.path}/avalon-framework-${avalon-framework.version} |
| avalon-framework.loc=${base-maven.loc}/avalon-framework/avalon-framework/${avalon-framework.version}/avalon-framework-${avalon-framework.version}.jar |
| avalon-framework.jar=${avalon-framework.home}/avalon-framework-${avalon-framework.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- log4j (required by commons logging) ----- |
| log4j.version=1.2.17 |
| log4j.home=${base.path}/log4j-${log4j.version} |
| log4j.loc=${base-maven.loc}/log4j/log4j/${log4j.version}/log4j-${log4j.version}.jar |
| log4j.jar=${log4j.home}/log4j-${log4j.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- logkit (required by commons logging) ----- |
| logkit.version=1.0.1 |
| logkit.home=${base.path}/logkit-${logkit.version} |
| logkit.loc=${base-maven.loc}/logkit/logkit/${logkit.version}/logkit-${logkit.version}.jar |
| logkit.jar=${logkit.home}/logkit-${logkit.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- servletapi (required by commons logging) ----- |
| servletapi.version=2.3 |
| servletapi.home=${base.path}/servletapi-${servletapi.version} |
| servletapi.loc=${base-maven.loc}/servletapi/servletapi/${servletapi.version}/servletapi-${servletapi.version}.jar |
| servletapi.jar=${servletapi.home}/servletapi-${servletapi.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Webservices - JAX RPC ----- |
| jaxrpc-lib.version=1.1-rc4 |
| jaxrpc-lib.home=${base.path}/jaxrpc-${jaxrpc-lib.version} |
| jaxrpc-lib.loc=${base-maven.loc}/geronimo-spec/geronimo-spec-jaxrpc/${jaxrpc-lib.version}/geronimo-spec-jaxrpc-${jaxrpc-lib.version}.jar |
| jaxrpc-lib.jar=${jaxrpc-lib.home}/geronimo-spec-jaxrpc-${jaxrpc-lib.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Webservices - WSDL4J ----- |
| wsdl4j-lib.version=1.6.2 |
| wsdl4j-lib.home=${base.path}/wsdl4j-${wsdl4j-lib.version} |
| wsdl4j-lib.loc=${base-maven.loc}/wsdl4j/wsdl4j/${wsdl4j-lib.version}/wsdl4j-${wsdl4j-lib.version}.jar |
| wsdl4j-lib.jar=${wsdl4j-lib.home}/wsdl4j-${wsdl4j-lib.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Eclipse JDT, version 4.5 or later -----# |
| # See https://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/JDTCoreBatchCompiler before updating |
| jdt.version=4.6.3 |
| jdt.release=R-4.6.3-201703010400 |
| jdt.home=${base.path}/ecj-${jdt.version} |
| jdt.jar=${jdt.home}/ecj-${jdt.version}.jar |
| # The download will be moved to the archive area eventually. We are taking care of that in advance. |
| jdt.loc.1=http://archive.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/${jdt.release}/ecj-${jdt.version}.jar |
| jdt.loc.2=http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/${jdt.release}/ecj-${jdt.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Tomcat native library ----- |
| tomcat-native.version=1.2.12 |
| tomcat-native.home=${base.path}/tomcat-native-${tomcat-native.version} |
| tomcat-native.tar.gz=${tomcat-native.home}/tomcat-native.tar.gz |
| tomcat-native.loc.1=${base-tomcat.loc.1}/tomcat-connectors/native/${tomcat-native.version}/source/tomcat-native-${tomcat-native.version}-src.tar.gz |
| tomcat-native.loc.2=${base-tomcat.loc.2}/tomcat-connectors/native/${tomcat-native.version}/source/tomcat-native-${tomcat-native.version}-src.tar.gz |
| tomcat-native.win.1=${base-tomcat.loc.1}/tomcat-connectors/native/${tomcat-native.version}/binaries/tomcat-native-${tomcat-native.version}-win32-bin.zip |
| tomcat-native.win.2=${base-tomcat.loc.2}/tomcat-connectors/native/${tomcat-native.version}/binaries/tomcat-native-${tomcat-native.version}-win32-bin.zip |
| |
| # ----- NSIS, version 3.0 or later ----- |
| nsis.version=3.01 |
| nsis.home=${base.path}/nsis-${nsis.version} |
| nsis.exe=${nsis.home}/makensis.exe |
| nsis.arch.dir=x86-unicode/ |
| nsis.installoptions.dll=${nsis.home}/Plugins/${nsis.arch.dir}InstallOptions.dll |
| nsis.nsexec.dll=${nsis.home}/Plugins/${nsis.arch.dir}nsExec.dll |
| nsis.nsisdl.dll=${nsis.home}/Plugins/${nsis.arch.dir}NSISdl.dll |
| nsis.system.dll=${nsis.home}/Plugins/${nsis.arch.dir}System.dll |
| nsis.nsdialogs.dll=${nsis.home}/Plugins/${nsis.arch.dir}nsDialogs.dll |
| nsis.loc=${base-sf.loc}/nsis/nsis-${nsis.version}.zip |
| |
| # ----- Commons Daemon, version 1.0-Alpha or later ----- |
| commons-daemon.version=1.0.15 |
| commons-daemon.home=${base.path}/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version} |
| commons-daemon.jar=${commons-daemon.home}/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}.jar |
| commons-daemon.native.win.home=${commons-daemon.home}/windows |
| commons-daemon.native.win.mgr.exe=${commons-daemon.native.win.home}/prunmgr.exe |
| commons-daemon.native.src.tgz=${commons-daemon.home}/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-native-src.tar.gz |
| commons-daemon.native.win.zip=${commons-daemon.home}/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-bin-windows-signed.zip |
| commons-daemon.bin.loc.1=${base-commons.loc.1}/daemon/binaries/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-bin.tar.gz |
| commons-daemon.bin.loc.2=${base-commons.loc.2}/daemon/binaries/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-bin.tar.gz |
| commons-daemon.native.src.loc.1=${base-commons.loc.1}/daemon/source/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-native-src.tar.gz |
| commons-daemon.native.src.loc.2=${base-commons.loc.2}/daemon/source/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-native-src.tar.gz |
| commons-daemon.native.win.loc.1=${base-commons.loc.1}/daemon/binaries/windows/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-bin-windows-signed.zip |
| commons-daemon.native.win.loc.2=${base-commons.loc.2}/daemon/binaries/windows/commons-daemon-${commons-daemon.version}-bin-windows-signed.zip |
| |
| # ----- JUnit Unit Test Suite, version 4.11 or later ----- |
| junit.version=4.11 |
| junit.home=${base.path}/junit-${junit.version} |
| junit.jar=${junit.home}/junit-${junit.version}.jar |
| junit.loc=${base-maven.loc}/junit/junit/${junit.version}/junit-${junit.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Hamcrest Library, used by JUnit, version 1.3 or later ---- |
| hamcrest.version=1.3 |
| hamcrest.home=${base.path}/hamcrest-${hamcrest.version} |
| hamcrest.jar=${hamcrest.home}/hamcrest-core-${hamcrest.version}.jar |
| hamcrest.loc=${base-maven.loc}/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/${hamcrest.version}/hamcrest-core-${hamcrest.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- EasyMock, version 3.2 or later ----- |
| easymock.version=3.2 |
| easymock.home=${base.path}/easymock-${easymock.version} |
| easymock.loc=${base-sf.loc}/easymock/easymock-${easymock.version}.zip |
| easymock.jar=${easymock.home}/easymock-${easymock.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- cglib, used by EasyMock, version 2.2 or later ----- |
| cglib.version=2.2.3 |
| cglib.home=${base.path}/cglib-${cglib.version} |
| cglib.loc=${base-sf.loc}/cglib/cglib-nodep-${cglib.version}.jar |
| cglib.jar=${cglib.home}/cglib-nodep-${cglib.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- objenesis, used by EasyMock, version 1.2 or later ----- |
| objenesis.version=1.2 |
| objenesis.home=${base.path}/objenesis-${objenesis.version} |
| objenesis.loc=https://bintray.com/easymock/distributions/download_file?file_path=objenesis-${objenesis.version}-bin.zip |
| objenesis.jar=${objenesis.home}/objenesis-${objenesis.version}.jar |
| |
| # ----- Checkstyle, version 6.16 or later ----- |
| checkstyle.version=6.17 |
| checkstyle.home=${base.path}/checkstyle-${checkstyle.version} |
| checkstyle.loc=${base-sf.loc}/checkstyle/checkstyle/${checkstyle.version}/checkstyle-${checkstyle.version}-all.jar |
| checkstyle.jar=${checkstyle.home}/checkstyle-${checkstyle.version}-all.jar |
| |
| # ----- JSON Libraries (for bayeux module) ----- |
| json-lib.home=${base.path}/json-20080701 |
| json-lib.lib=http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/json/json/20080701/json-20080701.jar |
| json-lib.jar=json.jar |
| |
| # ----- Dojo Toolkit (for bayeux module) ----- |
| dojo-js.home=${base.path}/dojo-release-1.1.1 |
| dojo-js.loc=http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.1.1/dojo-release-1.1.1.tar.gz |
| dojo-js.jar=${dojo-js.home}/dojo/dojo.js |
| |
| # ----- Cobertura code coverage tool ----- |
| cobertura.version=2.1.1 |
| cobertura.home=${base.path}/cobertura-${cobertura.version} |
| cobertura.jar=${cobertura.home}/cobertura-${cobertura.version}.jar |
| cobertura.lib=${cobertura.home}/lib |
| cobertura.loc=${base-sf.loc}/cobertura/cobertura-2.1.1-bin.tar.gz |
| |
| # ----- Findbugs ----- |
| findbugs.version=3.0.1 |
| findbugs.home=${base.path}/findbugs-${findbugs.version} |
| findbugs.lib=${findbugs.home}/lib |
| findbugs.jar=${findbugs.lib}/findbugs-ant.jar |
| findbugs.loc=${base-sf.loc}/project/findbugs/findbugs/${findbugs.version}/findbugs-${findbugs.version}.tar.gz |