blob: 544b8161e14e8cdf70a44f433187f7d0c618d131 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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ReplicationValve.crossContext.add=add Cross Context session replication container to replicationValve threadlocal
ReplicationValve.crossContext.registerSession=register Cross context session id={0} from context {1}
ReplicationValve.crossContext.remove=remove Cross Context session replication container from replicationValve threadlocal
ReplicationValve.crossContext.sendDelta=send Cross Context session delta from context {0}.
ReplicationValve.filter.loading=Loading request filter={0}
ReplicationValve.filter.failure=Unable to compile filter={0}
ReplicationValve.invoke.uri=Invoking replication request on {0}
ReplicationValve.nocluster=No cluster configured for this request.
ReplicationValve.resetDeltaRequest=Cluster is standalone: reset Session Request Delta at context {0}
ReplicationValve.send.failure=Unable to perform replication request.
ReplicationValve.send.invalid.failure=Unable to send session [id={0}] invalid message over cluster.
ReplicationValve.session.found=Context {0}: Found session {1} but it isn't a ClusterSession.
ReplicationValve.session.indicator=Context {0}: Primarity of session {0} in request attribute {1} is {2}.
ReplicationValve.session.invalid=Context {0}: Requested session {1} is invalid, removed or not replicated at this node.
ReplicationValve.stats=Average request time= {0} ms for Cluster overhead time={1} ms for {2} requests {3} filter requests {4} send requests {5} cross context requests (Request={6} ms Cluster={7} ms).
simpleTcpCluster.clustermanager.cloneFailed=Unable to clone cluster manager, defaulting to org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager
simpleTcpCluster.clustermanager.notImplement=Manager [{0}] does not implement ClusterManager, addition to cluster has been aborted.
simpleTcpCluster.start=Cluster is about to start
simpleTcpCluster.startUnable=Unable to start cluster.
simpleTcpCluster.stopUnable=Unable to stop cluster.
simpleTcpCluster.unableSend.localMember=Unable to send message to local member {0}
simpleTcpCluster.sendFailed=Unable to send message through cluster sender.
simpleTcpCluster.member.added=Replication member added:{0}
simpleTcpCluster.member.addFailed=Unable to connect to replication system.
simpleTcpCluster.member.disappeared=Received member disappeared:{0}
simpleTcpCluster.member.removeFailed=Unable remove cluster node from replication system.