blob: 0cc9bbda7a11b14e44dc079a89a6de32b222733b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package javax.el;
import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.jasper.el.ELContextImpl;
public class TestBeanELResolver {
private static final String METHOD01_NAME = "toString";
private static final String METHOD02_NAME = "<init>";
private static final String METHOD03_NAME = "nonExistingMethod";
private static final String BEAN_NAME = "test";
private static final String PROPERTY01_NAME = "valueA";
private static final String PROPERTY02_NAME = "valueB";
private static final String PROPERTY03_NAME = "name";
private static final String PROPERTY_VALUE = "test1";
public void testBug53421() {
ExpressionFactory factory = ExpressionFactory.newInstance();
ELContext context = new ELContextImpl(factory);
Bean bean = new Bean();
ValueExpression varBean =
factory.createValueExpression(bean, Bean.class);
context.getVariableMapper().setVariable("bean", varBean);
ValueExpression ve = factory.createValueExpression(
context, "${bean.valueA}", String.class);
Exception e = null;
try {
} catch (PropertyNotFoundException pnfe) {
e = pnfe;
Assert.assertTrue("Wrong exception type",
e instanceof PropertyNotFoundException);
String type = Bean.class.getName();
String msg = e.getMessage();
Assert.assertTrue("No reference to type [" + type +
"] where property cannot be found in [" + msg + "]",
* Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testGetType01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
resolver.getType(null, new Object(), new Object());
* Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is null.
public void testGetType02() {
doNegativeTest(null, new Object(), MethodUnderTest.GET_TYPE, true);
* Tests that a valid property is resolved.
public void testGetType03() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Class<?> result = resolver.getType(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY01_NAME);
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, result);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property does not exist.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testGetType04() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getType(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY02_NAME);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when a coercion cannot be
* performed.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testGetType05() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getType(context, new Bean(), new Object());
* Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testGetValue01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
resolver.getValue(null, new Object(), new Object());
* Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is null.
public void testGetValue02() {
doNegativeTest(null, new Object(), MethodUnderTest.GET_VALUE, true);
* Tests that a valid property is resolved.
public void testGetValue03() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Object result = resolver.getValue(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY03_NAME);
Assert.assertEquals(BEAN_NAME, result);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property does not exist.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testGetValue04() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getValue(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY02_NAME);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when a coercion cannot be
* performed.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testGetValue05() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getValue(context, new Bean(), new Object());
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property is not readable.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testGetValue06() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getValue(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY01_NAME);
* Tests that getter method throws exception which should be propagated.
@Test(expected = ELException.class)
public void testGetValue07() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.getValue(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY01_NAME);
* Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testSetValue01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
resolver.setValue(null, new Object(), new Object(), new Object());
* Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is null.
public void testSetValue02() {
doNegativeTest(null, new Object(), MethodUnderTest.SET_VALUE, true);
* Tests that an exception is thrown when readOnly is true.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotWritableException.class)
public void testSetValue03() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver(true);
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.setValue(context, new Bean(), new Object(), new Object());
* Tests that a valid property is resolved.
public void testSetValue04() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
TesterBean bean = new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME);
resolver.setValue(context, bean, PROPERTY03_NAME, PROPERTY_VALUE);
Assert.assertEquals(PROPERTY_VALUE, resolver.getValue(context, bean, PROPERTY03_NAME));
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when a coercion cannot be
* performed.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testSetValue05() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.setValue(context, new Bean(), new Object(), PROPERTY_VALUE);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property does not exist.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testSetValue06() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.setValue(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY02_NAME, PROPERTY_VALUE);
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property does not have
* setter method.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotWritableException.class)
public void testSetValue07() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.setValue(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY01_NAME, PROPERTY_VALUE);
* Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testIsReadOnly01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
resolver.isReadOnly(null, new Object(), new Object());
* Tests that the propertyResolved is false if base is null.
public void testIsReadOnly02() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.isReadOnly(context, null, new Object());
resolver = new BeanELResolver(true);
resolver.isReadOnly(context, null, new Object());
* Tests that if the BeanELResolver is constructed with readOnly the method
* will return always true.
public void testIsReadOnly03() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
boolean result = resolver.isReadOnly(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY03_NAME);
resolver = new BeanELResolver(true);
result = resolver.isReadOnly(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY03_NAME);
* Tests that an exception is thrown when a coercion cannot be performed.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testIsReadOnly04() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.isReadOnly(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), new Integer(0));
* Tests that an exception will be thrown when the property does not exist.
@Test(expected = PropertyNotFoundException.class)
public void testIsReadOnly05() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.isReadOnly(context, new Bean(), PROPERTY02_NAME);
* Tests that true will be returned when the property does not have setter
* method.
public void testIsReadOnly06() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
boolean result = resolver.isReadOnly(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), PROPERTY01_NAME);
* Tests that a valid FeatureDescriptors are not returned if base is not
* Map.
public void testGetFeatureDescriptors01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Iterator<FeatureDescriptor> result = resolver.getFeatureDescriptors(context, null);
* Tests that a valid FeatureDescriptors are returned.
public void testGetFeatureDescriptors02() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Iterator<FeatureDescriptor> result = resolver.getFeatureDescriptors(context, new Bean());
while (result.hasNext()) {
PropertyDescriptor featureDescriptor = (PropertyDescriptor);
* Tests that a null context results in an NPE as per EL Javadoc.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testInvoke01() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
resolver.invoke(null, new Object(), new Object(), new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
* Tests that a valid property is not resolved if base is null.
public void testInvoke02() {
doNegativeTest(null, new Object(), MethodUnderTest.INVOKE, true);
* Tests a method invocation.
public void testInvoke03() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Object result = resolver.invoke(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), METHOD01_NAME,
new Class<?>[] {}, new Object[] {});
Assert.assertEquals(BEAN_NAME, result);
* Tests that the method name cannot be coerced to String.
public void testInvoke04() {
doNegativeTest(new Bean(), null, MethodUnderTest.INVOKE, true);
* Tests that a call to &lt;init&gt; as a method name will throw an exception.
@Test(expected = MethodNotFoundException.class)
public void testInvoke05() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.invoke(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), METHOD02_NAME, new Class<?>[] {},
new Object[] {});
* Tests that a call to a non existing method will throw an exception.
@Test(expected = MethodNotFoundException.class)
public void testInvoke06() {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
resolver.invoke(context, new TesterBean(BEAN_NAME), METHOD03_NAME, new Class<?>[] {},
new Object[] {});
private static class Bean {
public void setValueA(String valueA) {
private void doNegativeTest(Object base, Object trigger, MethodUnderTest method,
boolean checkResult) {
BeanELResolver resolver = new BeanELResolver();
ELContext context = new StandardELContext(ELManager.getExpressionFactory());
Object result = null;
switch (method) {
case GET_VALUE: {
result = resolver.getValue(context, base, trigger);
case SET_VALUE: {
resolver.setValue(context, base, trigger, new Object());
case GET_TYPE: {
result = resolver.getType(context, base, trigger);
case INVOKE: {
result = resolver.invoke(context, base, trigger, new Class<?>[0], new Object[0]);
default: {
// Should never happen"Missing case for method");
if (checkResult) {
private static enum MethodUnderTest {