blob: b5a927d8d30418c282e53206e6afc3b0d95fd790 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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authenticator.certificates=No client certificate chain in this request
authenticator.changeSessionId=Session ID changed on authentication from [{0}] to [{1}]
authenticator.formlogin=Invalid direct reference to form login page
authenticator.loginFail=Login failed
authenticator.manager=Exception initializing trust managers
authenticator.noAuthHeader=No authorization header sent by client
authenticator.notContext=Configuration error: Must be attached to a Context
authenticator.requestBodyTooBig=The request body was too large to be cached during the authentication process
authenticator.sessionExpired=The time allowed for the login process has been exceeded. If you wish to continue you must either click back twice and re-click the link you requested or close and re-open your browser
authenticator.unauthorized=Cannot authenticate with the provided credentials
digestAuthenticator.cacheRemove=A valid entry has been removed from client nonce cache to make room for new entries. A replay attack is now possible. To prevent the possibility of replay attacks, reduce nonceValidity or increase cnonceCacheSize. Further warnings of this type will be suppressed for 5 minutes.
formAuthenticator.forwardErrorFail=Unexpected error forwarding to error page
formAuthenticator.forwardLogin=Forwarding request for [{0}] made with method [{1}] to login page [{2}] of context [{3}] using request method GET
formAuthenticator.forwardLoginFail=Unexpected error forwarding to login page
formAuthenticator.noErrorPage=No error page was defined for FORM authentication in context [{0}]
formAuthenticator.noLoginPage=No login page was defined for FORM authentication in context [{0}]
spnegoAuthenticator.authHeaderNoToken=The Negotiate authorization header sent by the client did not include a token
spnegoAuthenticator.authHeaderNotNego=The authorization header sent by the client did not start with Negotiate
spnegoAuthenticator.serviceLoginFail=Unable to login as the service principal
spnegoAuthenticator.ticketValidateFail=Failed to validate client supplied ticket