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<p>This package contains <code>Realm</code> implementations for the
various supported realm technologies for authenticating users and
identifying their associated roles. The <code>Realm</code> that is
associated with a web application's <code>Context</code> (or a hierarchically
superior Container) is used to resolve authentication and role presence
questions when a web application uses container managed security as described
in the Servlet API Specification.</p>
<p>The implementations share a common base class that supports basic
functionality for all of the standard <code>Realm</code> implementations,
and can be configured by setting the following properties (default values
are in square brackets):</p>
<li><b>debug</b> - Debugging detail level for this component. [0]</li>
<p>The standard <code>Realm</code> implementations that are currently
available include the following (with additional configuration properties
as specified):</p>
<li><b>JDBCRealm</b> - Implementation of <code>Realm</code> that operates
from data stored in a relational database that is accessed via a JDBC
driver. The name of the driver, database connection information, and
the names of the relevant tables and columns are configured with the
following additional properties:
<li><b>connectionURL</b> - The URL to use when connecting to this database.
<li><b>driverName</b> - Fully qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver
to be used. [REQUIRED - NO DEFAULT]</li>
<li><b>roleNameCol</b> - Name of the database column that contains role
names. [REQUIRED - NO DEFAULT]</li>
<li><b>userCredCol</b> - Name of the database column that contains the
user's credentials (i.e. password) in cleartext. [REQUIRED -
<li><b>userNameCol</b> - Name of the database column that contains the
user's logon username. [REQUIRED - NO DEFAULT]</li>
<li><b>userRoleTable</b> - Name of the database table containing user
role information. This table must include the columns specified by
the <code>userNameCol</code> and <code>roleNameCol</code> properties.
<li><b>userTable</b> - Name of the database table containing user
information. This table must include the columns specified by the
<code>userNameCol</code> and <code>userCredCol</code> properties.
<li><b>MemoryRealm</b> - Implementation of <code>Realm</code> that uses the
contents of a simple XML file (<code>conf/tomcat-users.xml</code>) as the
list of valid users and their roles. This implementation is primarily to
demonstrate that the authentication technology functions correctly, and is
not anticipated as adequate for general purpose use. This component
supports the following additional properties:
<li><b>pathname</b> - Pathname of the XML file containing our user and
role information. If a relative pathname is specified, it is resolved
against the pathname specified by the "catalina.home" system property.