blob: 59cfe8ff7613b4f45fd76418de0d9c0f5d26ea46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.LimitLatch;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ResizableExecutor;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskQueue;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThreadFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor;
* @author Mladen Turk
* @author Remy Maucherat
public abstract class AbstractEndpoint<S> {
// -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
protected static final String DEFAULT_CIPHERS = "HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5";
protected static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(
public static interface Handler<S> {
* Different types of socket states to react upon.
public enum SocketState {
// TODO Add a new state to the AsyncStateMachine and remove
// ASYNC_END (if possible)
* Process the provided socket with the given current status.
* @param socket The socket to process
* @param status The current socket status
* @return The state of the socket after processing
public SocketState process(SocketWrapperBase<S> socket,
SocketStatus status);
* Obtain the GlobalRequestProcessor associated with the handler.
public Object getGlobal();
* Recycle resources associated with the handler.
public void recycle();
protected enum BindState {
public abstract static class Acceptor implements Runnable {
public enum AcceptorState {
protected volatile AcceptorState state = AcceptorState.NEW;
public final AcceptorState getState() {
return state;
private String threadName;
protected final void setThreadName(final String threadName) {
this.threadName = threadName;
protected final String getThreadName() {
return threadName;
private static final int INITIAL_ERROR_DELAY = 50;
private static final int MAX_ERROR_DELAY = 1600;
* Async timeout thread
protected class AsyncTimeout implements Runnable {
private volatile boolean asyncTimeoutRunning = true;
* The background thread that checks async requests and fires the
* timeout if there has been no activity.
public void run() {
// Loop until we receive a shutdown command
while (asyncTimeoutRunning) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (SocketWrapperBase<S> socket : waitingRequests) {
long asyncTimeout = socket.getAsyncTimeout();
if (asyncTimeout > 0) {
long asyncStart = socket.getLastAsyncStart();
if ((now - asyncStart) > asyncTimeout) {
processSocket(socket, SocketStatus.TIMEOUT, true);
// Loop if endpoint is paused
while (paused && asyncTimeoutRunning) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
protected void stop() {
asyncTimeoutRunning = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fields
* Running state of the endpoint.
protected volatile boolean running = false;
* Will be set to true whenever the endpoint is paused.
protected volatile boolean paused = false;
* Are we using an internal executor
protected volatile boolean internalExecutor = false;
* counter for nr of connections handled by an endpoint
private volatile LimitLatch connectionLimitLatch = null;
* Socket properties
protected SocketProperties socketProperties = new SocketProperties();
public SocketProperties getSocketProperties() {
return socketProperties;
* Threads used to accept new connections and pass them to worker threads.
protected Acceptor[] acceptors;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
* Has the user requested that send file be used where possible?
private boolean useSendfile = true;
public boolean getUseSendfile() {
return useSendfile;
public void setUseSendfile(boolean useSendfile) {
this.useSendfile = useSendfile;
* Time to wait for the internal executor (if used) to terminate when the
* endpoint is stopped in milliseconds. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
private long executorTerminationTimeoutMillis = 5000;
public long getExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis() {
return executorTerminationTimeoutMillis;
public void setExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis(
long executorTerminationTimeoutMillis) {
this.executorTerminationTimeoutMillis = executorTerminationTimeoutMillis;
* Acceptor thread count.
protected int acceptorThreadCount = 0;
public void setAcceptorThreadCount(int acceptorThreadCount) {
this.acceptorThreadCount = acceptorThreadCount;
public int getAcceptorThreadCount() { return acceptorThreadCount; }
* Priority of the acceptor threads.
protected int acceptorThreadPriority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
public void setAcceptorThreadPriority(int acceptorThreadPriority) {
this.acceptorThreadPriority = acceptorThreadPriority;
public int getAcceptorThreadPriority() { return acceptorThreadPriority; }
private int maxConnections = 10000;
public void setMaxConnections(int maxCon) {
this.maxConnections = maxCon;
LimitLatch latch = this.connectionLimitLatch;
if (latch != null) {
// Update the latch that enforces this
if (maxCon == -1) {
} else {
} else if (maxCon > 0) {
public int getMaxConnections() { return this.maxConnections; }
* Return the current count of connections handled by this endpoint, if the
* connections are counted (which happens when the maximum count of
* connections is limited), or <code>-1</code> if they are not. This
* property is added here so that this value can be inspected through JMX.
* It is visible on "ThreadPool" MBean.
* <p>The count is incremented by the Acceptor before it tries to accept a
* new connection. Until the limit is reached and thus the count cannot be
* incremented, this value is more by 1 (the count of acceptors) than the
* actual count of connections that are being served.
* @return The count
public long getConnectionCount() {
LimitLatch latch = connectionLimitLatch;
if (latch != null) {
return latch.getCount();
return -1;
* External Executor based thread pool.
private Executor executor = null;
public void setExecutor(Executor executor) {
this.executor = executor;
this.internalExecutor = (executor==null);
public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; }
* Server socket port.
private int port;
public int getPort() { return port; }
public void setPort(int port ) { this.port=port; }
public abstract int getLocalPort();
* Address for the server socket.
private InetAddress address;
public InetAddress getAddress() { return address; }
public void setAddress(InetAddress address) { this.address = address; }
* Allows the server developer to specify the backlog that
* should be used for server sockets. By default, this value
* is 100.
private int backlog = 100;
public void setBacklog(int backlog) { if (backlog > 0) this.backlog = backlog; }
public int getBacklog() { return backlog; }
* Controls when the Endpoint binds the port. <code>true</code>, the default
* binds the port on {@link #init()} and unbinds it on {@link #destroy()}.
* If set to <code>false</code> the port is bound on {@link #start()} and
* unbound on {@link #stop()}.
private boolean bindOnInit = true;
public boolean getBindOnInit() { return bindOnInit; }
public void setBindOnInit(boolean b) { this.bindOnInit = b; }
private BindState bindState = BindState.UNBOUND;
* Keepalive timeout, if not set the soTimeout is used.
private Integer keepAliveTimeout = null;
public int getKeepAliveTimeout() {
if (keepAliveTimeout == null) {
return getSoTimeout();
} else {
return keepAliveTimeout.intValue();
public void setKeepAliveTimeout(int keepAliveTimeout) {
this.keepAliveTimeout = Integer.valueOf(keepAliveTimeout);
* Socket TCP no delay.
public boolean getTcpNoDelay() { return socketProperties.getTcpNoDelay();}
public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean tcpNoDelay) { socketProperties.setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay); }
* Socket linger.
public int getSoLinger() { return socketProperties.getSoLingerTime(); }
public void setSoLinger(int soLinger) {
* Socket timeout.
public int getSoTimeout() { return socketProperties.getSoTimeout(); }
public void setSoTimeout(int soTimeout) { socketProperties.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); }
* SSL engine.
private boolean SSLEnabled = false;
public boolean isSSLEnabled() { return SSLEnabled; }
public void setSSLEnabled(boolean SSLEnabled) { this.SSLEnabled = SSLEnabled; }
private int minSpareThreads = 10;
public int getMinSpareThreads() {
return Math.min(minSpareThreads,getMaxThreads());
public void setMinSpareThreads(int minSpareThreads) {
this.minSpareThreads = minSpareThreads;
if (running && executor!=null) {
if (executor instanceof java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) {
} else if (executor instanceof ResizableExecutor) {
((ResizableExecutor)executor).resizePool(minSpareThreads, maxThreads);
* Maximum amount of worker threads.
private int maxThreads = 200;
public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads) {
this.maxThreads = maxThreads;
if (running && executor!=null) {
if (executor instanceof java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) {
} else if (executor instanceof ResizableExecutor) {
((ResizableExecutor)executor).resizePool(minSpareThreads, maxThreads);
public int getMaxThreads() {
return getMaxThreadsExecutor(running);
protected int getMaxThreadsExecutor(boolean useExecutor) {
if (useExecutor && executor != null) {
if (executor instanceof java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) {
return ((java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor)executor).getMaximumPoolSize();
} else if (executor instanceof ResizableExecutor) {
return ((ResizableExecutor)executor).getMaxThreads();
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return maxThreads;
* Max keep alive requests
private int maxKeepAliveRequests=100; // as in Apache HTTPD server
public int getMaxKeepAliveRequests() {
return maxKeepAliveRequests;
public void setMaxKeepAliveRequests(int maxKeepAliveRequests) {
this.maxKeepAliveRequests = maxKeepAliveRequests;
* The maximum number of headers in a request that are allowed.
* 100 by default. A value of less than 0 means no limit.
private int maxHeaderCount = 100; // as in Apache HTTPD server
public int getMaxHeaderCount() {
return maxHeaderCount;
public void setMaxHeaderCount(int maxHeaderCount) {
this.maxHeaderCount = maxHeaderCount;
* Name of the thread pool, which will be used for naming child threads.
private String name = "TP";
public void setName(String name) { = name; }
public String getName() { return name; }
* The default is true - the created threads will be
* in daemon mode. If set to false, the control thread
* will not be daemon - and will keep the process alive.
private boolean daemon = true;
public void setDaemon(boolean b) { daemon = b; }
public boolean getDaemon() { return daemon; }
* Priority of the worker threads.
protected int threadPriority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
public void setThreadPriority(int threadPriority) { this.threadPriority = threadPriority; }
public int getThreadPriority() { return threadPriority; }
protected abstract boolean getDeferAccept();
* Attributes provide a way for configuration to be passed to sub-components
* without the {@link org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler} being aware of the
* properties available on those sub-components. One example of such a
* sub-component is the
* {@link}.
protected HashMap<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
* Generic property setter called when a property for which a specific
* setter already exists within the
* {@link org.apache.coyote.ProtocolHandler} needs to be made available to
* sub-components. The specific setter will call this method to populate the
* attributes.
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) {
if (getLog().isTraceEnabled()) {
getLog().trace(sm.getString("endpoint.setAttribute", name, value));
attributes.put(name, value);
* Used by sub-components to retrieve configuration information.
public Object getAttribute(String key) {
Object value = attributes.get(key);
if (getLog().isTraceEnabled()) {
getLog().trace(sm.getString("endpoint.getAttribute", key, value));
return value;
public boolean setProperty(String name, String value) {
setAttribute(name, value);
final String socketName = "socket.";
try {
if (name.startsWith(socketName)) {
return IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(socketProperties, name.substring(socketName.length()), value);
} else {
return IntrospectionUtils.setProperty(this,name,value,false);
}catch ( Exception x ) {
getLog().error("Unable to set attribute \""+name+"\" to \""+value+"\"",x);
return false;
public String getProperty(String name) {
return (String) getAttribute(name);
* Return the amount of threads that are managed by the pool.
* @return the amount of threads that are managed by the pool
public int getCurrentThreadCount() {
if (executor!=null) {
if (executor instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) {
return ((ThreadPoolExecutor)executor).getPoolSize();
} else if (executor instanceof ResizableExecutor) {
return ((ResizableExecutor)executor).getPoolSize();
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return -2;
* Return the amount of threads that are in use
* @return the amount of threads that are in use
public int getCurrentThreadsBusy() {
if (executor!=null) {
if (executor instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor) {
return ((ThreadPoolExecutor)executor).getActiveCount();
} else if (executor instanceof ResizableExecutor) {
return ((ResizableExecutor)executor).getActiveCount();
} else {
return -1;
} else {
return -2;
public boolean isRunning() {
return running;
public boolean isPaused() {
return paused;
public void createExecutor() {
internalExecutor = true;
TaskQueue taskqueue = new TaskQueue();
TaskThreadFactory tf = new TaskThreadFactory(getName() + "-exec-", daemon, getThreadPriority());
executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(getMinSpareThreads(), getMaxThreads(), 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS,taskqueue, tf);
taskqueue.setParent( (ThreadPoolExecutor) executor);
public void shutdownExecutor() {
if ( executor!=null && internalExecutor ) {
if ( executor instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor ) {
//this is our internal one, so we need to shut it down
ThreadPoolExecutor tpe = (ThreadPoolExecutor) executor;
long timeout = getExecutorTerminationTimeoutMillis();
if (timeout > 0) {
try {
tpe.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
if (tpe.isTerminating()) {
getLog().warn(sm.getString("endpoint.warn.executorShutdown", getName()));
TaskQueue queue = (TaskQueue) tpe.getQueue();
executor = null;
* Unlock the server socket accept using a bogus connection.
protected void unlockAccept() {
// Only try to unlock the acceptor if it is necessary
boolean unlockRequired = false;
for (Acceptor acceptor : acceptors) {
if (acceptor.getState() == AcceptorState.RUNNING) {
unlockRequired = true;
if (!unlockRequired) {
InetSocketAddress saddr = null;
try {
// Need to create a connection to unlock the accept();
if (address == null) {
saddr = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", getLocalPort());
} else {
saddr = new InetSocketAddress(address, getLocalPort());
try ( s = new {
int stmo = 2 * 1000;
int utmo = 2 * 1000;
if (getSocketProperties().getSoTimeout() > stmo)
stmo = getSocketProperties().getSoTimeout();
if (getSocketProperties().getUnlockTimeout() > utmo)
utmo = getSocketProperties().getUnlockTimeout();
// TODO Consider hard-coding to s.setSoLinger(true,0)
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("About to unlock socket for:"+saddr);
if (getDeferAccept()) {
* In the case of a deferred accept / accept filters we need to
* send data to wake up the accept. Send OPTIONS * to bypass
* even BSD accept filters. The Acceptor will discard it.
OutputStreamWriter sw;
sw = new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream(), "ISO-8859-1");
sw.write("OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0\r\n" +
"User-Agent: Tomcat wakeup connection\r\n\r\n");
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug("Socket unlock completed for:"+saddr);
// Wait for upto 1000ms acceptor threads to unlock
long waitLeft = 1000;
for (Acceptor acceptor : acceptors) {
while (waitLeft > 0 &&
acceptor.getState() == AcceptorState.RUNNING) {
waitLeft -= 50;
} catch(Exception e) {
if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLog().debug(sm.getString("endpoint.debug.unlock", "" + getPort()), e);
// ---------------------------------------------- Request processing methods
* Process the given SocketWrapper with the given status. Used to trigger
* processing as if the Poller (for those endpoints that have one)
* selected the socket.
* @param socketWrapper The socket wrapper to process
* @param socketStatus The input status to the processing
* @param dispatch Should the processing be performed on a new
* container thread
public abstract void processSocket(SocketWrapperBase<S> socketWrapper,
SocketStatus socketStatus, boolean dispatch);
public void executeNonBlockingDispatches(SocketWrapperBase<S> socketWrapper) {
* This method is called when non-blocking IO is initiated by defining
* a read and/or write listener in a non-container thread. It is called
* once the non-container thread completes so that the first calls to
* onWritePossible() and/or onDataAvailable() as appropriate are made by
* the container.
* Processing the dispatches requires (for APR/native at least)
* that the socket has been added to the waitingRequests queue. This may
* not have occurred by the time that the non-container thread completes
* triggering the call to this method. Therefore, the coded syncs on the
* SocketWrapper as the container thread that initiated this
* non-container thread holds a lock on the SocketWrapper. The container
* thread will add the socket to the waitingRequests queue before
* releasing the lock on the socketWrapper. Therefore, by obtaining the
* lock on socketWrapper before processing the dispatches, we can be
* sure that the socket has been added to the waitingRequests queue.
synchronized (socketWrapper) {
Iterator<DispatchType> dispatches = socketWrapper.getIteratorAndClearDispatches();
while (dispatches != null && dispatches.hasNext()) {
DispatchType dispatchType =;
processSocket(socketWrapper, dispatchType.getSocketStatus(), false);
// ------------------------------------------------------- Lifecycle methods
* NOTE: There is no maintenance of state or checking for valid transitions
* within this class other than ensuring that bind/unbind are called in the
* right place. It is expected that the calling code will maintain state and
* prevent invalid state transitions.
public abstract void bind() throws Exception;
public abstract void unbind() throws Exception;
public abstract void startInternal() throws Exception;
public abstract void stopInternal() throws Exception;
public final void init() throws Exception {
if (bindOnInit) {
bindState = BindState.BOUND_ON_INIT;
public final void start() throws Exception {
if (bindState == BindState.UNBOUND) {
bindState = BindState.BOUND_ON_START;
protected final void startAcceptorThreads() {
int count = getAcceptorThreadCount();
acceptors = new Acceptor[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
acceptors[i] = createAcceptor();
String threadName = getName() + "-Acceptor-" + i;
Thread t = new Thread(acceptors[i], threadName);
* Hook to allow Endpoints to provide a specific Acceptor implementation.
protected abstract Acceptor createAcceptor();
* Pause the endpoint, which will stop it accepting new connections.
public void pause() {
if (running && !paused) {
paused = true;
* Resume the endpoint, which will make it start accepting new connections
* again.
public void resume() {
if (running) {
paused = false;
public final void stop() throws Exception {
if (bindState == BindState.BOUND_ON_START) {
bindState = BindState.UNBOUND;
public final void destroy() throws Exception {
if (bindState == BindState.BOUND_ON_INIT) {
bindState = BindState.UNBOUND;
private String adjustRelativePath(String path, String relativeTo) {
// Empty or null path can't point to anything useful. The assumption is
// that the value is deliberately empty / null so leave it that way.
if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {
return path;
String newPath = path;
File f = new File(newPath);
if ( !f.isAbsolute()) {
newPath = relativeTo + File.separator + newPath;
f = new File(newPath);
if (!f.exists()) {
getLog().warn("configured file:["+newPath+"] does not exist.");
return newPath;
protected abstract Log getLog();
protected LimitLatch initializeConnectionLatch() {
if (maxConnections==-1) return null;
if (connectionLimitLatch==null) {
connectionLimitLatch = new LimitLatch(getMaxConnections());
return connectionLimitLatch;
protected void releaseConnectionLatch() {
LimitLatch latch = connectionLimitLatch;
if (latch!=null) latch.releaseAll();
connectionLimitLatch = null;
protected void countUpOrAwaitConnection() throws InterruptedException {
if (maxConnections==-1) return;
LimitLatch latch = connectionLimitLatch;
if (latch!=null) latch.countUpOrAwait();
protected long countDownConnection() {
if (maxConnections==-1) return -1;
LimitLatch latch = connectionLimitLatch;
if (latch!=null) {
long result = latch.countDown();
if (result<0) {
getLog().warn("Incorrect connection count, multiple socket.close called on the same socket." );
return result;
} else return -1;
* Provides a common approach for sub-classes to handle exceptions where a
* delay is required to prevent a Thread from entering a tight loop which
* will consume CPU and may also trigger large amounts of logging. For
* example, this can happen with the Acceptor thread if the ulimit for open
* files is reached.
* @param currentErrorDelay The current delay being applied on failure
* @return The delay to apply on the next failure
protected int handleExceptionWithDelay(int currentErrorDelay) {
// Don't delay on first exception
if (currentErrorDelay > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
// On subsequent exceptions, start the delay at 50ms, doubling the delay
// on every subsequent exception until the delay reaches 1.6 seconds.
if (currentErrorDelay == 0) {
} else if (currentErrorDelay < MAX_ERROR_DELAY) {
return currentErrorDelay * 2;
} else {
// -------------------- SSL related properties --------------------
private String algorithm = KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
public String getAlgorithm() { return algorithm;}
public void setAlgorithm(String s ) { this.algorithm = s;}
private String clientAuth = "false";
public String getClientAuth() { return clientAuth;}
public void setClientAuth(String s ) { this.clientAuth = s;}
private String keystoreFile = System.getProperty("user.home")+"/.keystore";
public String getKeystoreFile() { return keystoreFile;}
public void setKeystoreFile(String s ) {
keystoreFile = adjustRelativePath(s,
private String keystorePass = null;
public String getKeystorePass() { return keystorePass;}
public void setKeystorePass(String s ) { this.keystorePass = s;}
private String keystoreType = "JKS";
public String getKeystoreType() { return keystoreType;}
public void setKeystoreType(String s ) { this.keystoreType = s;}
private String keystoreProvider = null;
public String getKeystoreProvider() { return keystoreProvider;}
public void setKeystoreProvider(String s ) { this.keystoreProvider = s;}
private String sslProtocol = "TLS";
public String getSslProtocol() { return sslProtocol;}
public void setSslProtocol(String s) { sslProtocol = s;}
private String ciphers = DEFAULT_CIPHERS;
public String getCiphers() { return ciphers;}
public void setCiphers(String s) {
ciphers = s;
* @return The ciphers in use by this Endpoint
public abstract String[] getCiphersUsed();
private String keyAlias = null;
public String getKeyAlias() { return keyAlias;}
public void setKeyAlias(String s ) { keyAlias = s;}
private String keyPass = null;
public String getKeyPass() { return keyPass;}
public void setKeyPass(String s ) { this.keyPass = s;}
private String truststoreFile = System.getProperty("");
public String getTruststoreFile() {return truststoreFile;}
public void setTruststoreFile(String s) {
truststoreFile = adjustRelativePath(s,
private String truststorePass =
public String getTruststorePass() {return truststorePass;}
public void setTruststorePass(String truststorePass) {
this.truststorePass = truststorePass;
private String truststoreType =
public String getTruststoreType() {return truststoreType;}
public void setTruststoreType(String truststoreType) {
this.truststoreType = truststoreType;
private String truststoreProvider = null;
public String getTruststoreProvider() {return truststoreProvider;}
public void setTruststoreProvider(String truststoreProvider) {
this.truststoreProvider = truststoreProvider;
private String truststoreAlgorithm = null;
public String getTruststoreAlgorithm() {return truststoreAlgorithm;}
public void setTruststoreAlgorithm(String truststoreAlgorithm) {
this.truststoreAlgorithm = truststoreAlgorithm;
private String trustManagerClassName = null;
public String getTrustManagerClassName() {return trustManagerClassName;}
public void setTrustManagerClassName(String trustManagerClassName) {
this.trustManagerClassName = trustManagerClassName;
private String crlFile = null;
public String getCrlFile() {return crlFile;}
public void setCrlFile(String crlFile) {
this.crlFile = crlFile;
private String trustMaxCertLength = null;
public String getTrustMaxCertLength() {return trustMaxCertLength;}
public void setTrustMaxCertLength(String trustMaxCertLength) {
this.trustMaxCertLength = trustMaxCertLength;
private String sessionCacheSize = null;
public String getSessionCacheSize() { return sessionCacheSize;}
public void setSessionCacheSize(String s) { sessionCacheSize = s;}
private String sessionTimeout = "86400";
public String getSessionTimeout() { return sessionTimeout;}
public void setSessionTimeout(String s) { sessionTimeout = s;}
private String allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation = null;
public String getAllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation() {
return allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation;
public void setAllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation(String s) {
allowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation = s;
private String[] sslEnabledProtocolsarr = new String[0];
public String[] getSslEnabledProtocolsArray() {
return this.sslEnabledProtocolsarr;
public void setSslEnabledProtocols(String s) {
if (s == null) {
this.sslEnabledProtocolsarr = new String[0];
} else {
ArrayList<String> sslEnabledProtocols = new ArrayList<>();
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(s,",");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String p = t.nextToken().trim();
if (p.length() > 0) {
sslEnabledProtocolsarr = sslEnabledProtocols.toArray(
new String[sslEnabledProtocols.size()]);
protected final Set<SocketWrapperBase<S>> waitingRequests = Collections
.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<SocketWrapperBase<S>, Boolean>());
* The async timeout thread.
private AsyncTimeout asyncTimeout = null;
public AsyncTimeout getAsyncTimeout() {
return asyncTimeout;
public void setAsyncTimeout(AsyncTimeout asyncTimeout) {
this.asyncTimeout = asyncTimeout;