blob: d27a13d43fa315bb9c2433a040031198506cec70 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE document [
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<document url="changelog.html">
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Subsection ordering:
General, Catalina, Coyote, Jasper, Cluster, WebSocket, Web applications,
Extras, Tribes, jdbc-pool, Other
Item Ordering:
Fixes having an issue number are sorted by their number, ascending.
There is no ordering by add/update/fix.
Other fixed issues are added to the end of the list, chronologically.
They eventually become mixed with the numbered issues. (I.e., numbered
issues to not "pop up" wrt. others).
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.13 (markt)">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>55917</bug>: Allow bytes in the range 0x80 to 0xFF to appear in
cookie values if the cookie is a V1 (RFC2109) cookie and the value is
correctly quoted. The new RFC6265 based cookie parser must be enabled to
correctly handle these cookies. (markt)
<bug>55918</bug>: Do not permit control characters to appear in quoted
V1 (RFC2109) cookie values. The new RFC6265 based cookie parser must be
enabled to correctly handle these cookies. (markt)
<bug>55921</bug>: Correctly handle (ignore the cookie) unescaped JSON in
a cookie value. The new RFC6265 based cookie parser must be enabled to
correctly handle these cookies. (markt)
<bug>56401</bug>: Log version information when Tomcat starts.
<bug>56530</bug>: Add a web application class loader implementation that
supports the parallel loading of web application classes. (markt)
<bug>56900</bug>: Fix some potential resource leaks when reading
property files reported by Coverity Scan. Based on patches provided by
Felix Schumacher. (markt)
<bug>56902</bug>: Fix a potential resource leak in the Default Servlet
reported by Coverity Scan. Based on a patch provided by Felix
Schumacher. (markt)
<bug>56903</bug>: Correct the return value for
<code>StandardContext.getResourceOnlyServlets()</code> so that multiple
names are separated by commas. Identified by Coverity Scan and fixed
based on a patch by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
Add an additional implementation of a RFC6265 based cookie parser along
with new Context options to select and configure it. This parser is
currently considered experiemental and is not used by default. (markt)
Fixed the multipart elements merge operation performed during web
application deployment. Identified by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
Correct the information written by
<code>ExtendedAccessLogValve</code> when a format token x-O(XXX) is
used so that multiple values for a header XXX are separated by commas.
Identified by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
Fix a potential resource leak when reading MANIFEST.MF file for
extension dependencies reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
Fix some potential resource leaks when reading properties, files and
other resources. Reported by Coverity Scan. (violetagg)
Correct the previous fix for <bug>56825</bug> that enabled pre-emptive
authentication to work with the SSL authenticator. (markt)
Refactor to reduce code duplication identified by Simian. (markt)
When using parallel deployment and <code>undeployOldVersions</code>
feature is enabled on a Host, correctly undeploy context of old
version. Make sure that Tomcat does not undeploy older Context if
current context is not running. (kfujino)
Fix a rare threading issue when locking resources via WebDAV.
Fix a rare threading issue when using HTTP digest authentication.
When deploying war, add XML file in the config base to the redeploy
resources if war does not have META-INF/context.xml or
<code>deployXML</code> is false. If XML file is created in the config
base, redeploy will occur. (kfujino)
Various changes to reduce unnecessary code in Tomcat&apos;s copy of
Apache Commons BCEL to reduce the time taken for annotation scanning
when web applications start. Includes contributions from kkolinko and
hzhang9. (markt)
<bug>56938</bug>: Ensure web applications that have mixed case context
paths and are deployed as directories are correctly removed on undeploy
when running on a case sensitive file system. (markt)
<bug>57004</bug>: Add <code>stuckThreadCount</code> property to
<code>StuckThreadDetectionValve</code>'s JMX bean. Patch provided by
Ji&#x159;&#xED; Pejchal. (schultz)
<bug>57011</bug>: Ensure that the request and response are correctly
recycled when processing errors during async processing. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>56910</bug>: Prevent the invalid value of <code>-1</code> being
used for <code>maxConnections</code> with APR connectors. (markt)
Ensure that AJP connectors enable the <code>KeepAliveTimeout</code>.
Reduce duplicated code. All AJP connectors use common method to
configuration of processor. (kfujino)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>43001</bug>: Enable the JspC Ant task to set the JspC option
<code>mappedFile</code>. (markt)
Ensure that the implementation of
<code>javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.include(String, boolean)</code>
will throw <code>IOException</code> when an I/O error occur during
the operation. (violetagg)
<bug>56908</bug>: Fix some potential resource leaks when reading
jar files. Reported by Coverity Scan. Patch provided by Felix
Schumacher. (violetagg)
Fix a potential resource leak in JDTCompiler when checking wether
a resource is a package. Reported by Coverity Scan. (fschumacher)
<bug>56991</bug>: Deprecate the use of a request attribute to pass a
&lt;jsp-file&gt; declaration to Jasper and prevent an infinite loop
if this technique is used in conjunction with an include. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>56905</bug>: Make destruction on web application stop of thread
group used for WebSocket connections more robust. (kkolinko/markt)
<bug>56907</bug>: Ensure that client IO threads are stopped if a secure
WebSocket client connection fails. (markt)
<bug>56982</bug>: Return the actual negotiated extensions rather than an
empty list for <code>Session.getNegotiatedExtensions()</code>. (markt)
Update the WebSocket implementation to support the Java WebSocket
specification version 1.1. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Add <code>JarScanner</code> to the nested components listed for a
Context. (markt)
Update the Windows authentication documentation after some additional
testing to answer the remaining questions. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>56079</bug>: The Apache Tomcat Windows installer, the Apache Tomcat
Windows service and the Apache Tomcat Windows service monitor
application are now digitally signed. (markt)
<bug>56895</bug>: Correctly compose <code>JAVA_OPTS</code> in
<code>catalina.bat</code> so that escape sequences are preserved. Patch
by Lucas Theisen. (markt)
<bug>56988</bug>: Allow to use relative path in <code>base.path</code>
setting when building Tomcat. (kkolinko)
<bug>56990</bug>: Ensure that the <code>ide-eclipse</code> build target
downloads all the libraries required by the default Eclipse
configuration files. (markt)
Update the package renamed copy of Apache Commons DBCP 2 to revision
1626988 to pick up the fixes since the 2.0.1 release including support
for custom eviction policies. (markt)
Update the package renamed copy of Apache Commons Pool 2 to revision
1627271 to pick up the fixes since the 2.2 release including some memory
leak fixes and support for application provided eviction policies.
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.12 (markt)" rtext="2014-09-03">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Make the session id generator extensible by adding a
<code>SessionIdGenerator</code> interface, an abstract
base class and a standard implementation. (rjung)
<bug>56882</bug>: Fix regression in processing of includes and forwards
when Context have been reloaded. Tomcat was responding with HTTP Status
503 (Servlet xxx is currently unavailable). (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Coyote">
When building a list of JSSE ciphers from an OpenSSL cipher defintiion,
ignore unknown criteria rather than throwing a
<code>NullPointerException</code>. (markt)
Add support for the EECDH alias when using the OpenSSL cipher syntax to
define JSSE ciphers. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Correct a logic error in the <code>JasperElResolver</code>. There was no
functional impact but the code was less efficient as a result of the
error. Based on a patch by martinschaef. (markt)
<bug>56568</bug>: Enable any HTTP method to be used to request a JSP
page that has the <code>isErrorPage</code> page directive set to
<code>true</code>. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Extend support for the <code>permessage-deflate</code> extension to
compression of outgoing messages on the server side. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>56323</bug>: Include the <code>*.bat</code> files when installing
Tomcat via the Windows installer. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.11 (markt)" rtext="2014-08-22">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>56658</bug>: Fix regression that a context was inaccessible after
reload. (kkolinko)
<bug>56710</bug>: Do not map requests to servlets when context is
being reloaded. (kkolinko)
<bug>56712</bug>: Fix session idle time calculations in
<code>PersistenceManager</code>. (kkolinko)
<bug>56717</bug>: Fix duplicate registration of
<code>MapperListener</code> during repeated starts of embedded Tomcat.
<bug>56724</bug>: Write an error message to Tomcat logs if container
background thread is aborted unexpectedly. (kkolinko)
When scanning class files (e.g. for annotations) and reading the number
of parameters in a <code>MethodParameters</code> structure only read a
single byte (rather than two bytes) as per the JVM specification. Patch
provided by Francesco Komauli. (markt)
Allow the JNDI Realm to start even if the directory is not available.
The directory not being available is not fatal once the Realm is started
and it need not be fatal when the Realm starts. Based on a patch by
Cédric Couralet. (markt)
<bug>56736</bug>: Avoid an incorrect <code>IllegalStateException</code>
if the async timeout fires after a non-container thread has called
<code>AsyncContext.dispatch()</code> but before a container thread
starts processing the dispatch. (markt)
<bug>56739</bug>: If an application handles an error on an application
thread during asynchronous processing by calling
<code>HttpServletResponse.sendError()</code>, then ensure that the
application is given an opportunity to report that error via an
appropriate application defined error page if one is configured. (markt)
<bug>56784</bug>: Fix a couple of rare but theoretically possible
atomicity bugs. (markt)
<bug>56785</bug>: Avoid <code>NullPointerException</code> if directory
exists on the class path that is not readable by the Tomcat user.
<bug>56796</bug>: Remove unnecessary sleep when stopping a web
application. (markt)
<bug>56801</bug>: Improve performance of
<code>org.apache.tomcat.util.file.Matcher</code> which is to filter JARs
for scanning during web application start. Based on a patch by Sheldon
Shao. (markt)
<bug>56815</bug>: When the <code>gzip</code> option is enabled for the
<code>DefaultServlet</code> ensure that a suitable <code>Vary</code>
header is returned for resources that might be returned directly in
compressed form. (markt)
Do not mark threads from the container thread pool as container threads
when being used to process <code>AsyncContext.start(Runnable)</code> so
processing is correctly transferred back to a genuine container thread
when necessary. (markt)
Add simple caching for calls to <code>StandardRoot.getResources()</code>
in the new (for 8.0.x) resources implementation. (markt)
<bug>56825</bug>: Enable pre-emptive authentication to work with the
SSL authenticator. Based on a patch by jlmonteiro. (markt)
<bug>56840</bug>: Avoid NPE when the rewrite valve is mapped to
a context. (remm)
Correctly handle multiple <code>accept-language</code> headers rather
than just using the first header to determine the user&apos;s preferred
Locale. (markt)
<bug>56848</bug>: Improve handling of <code>accept-language</code>
headers. (markt)
<bug>56857</bug>: Fix thread safety issue when calling ServletContext
methods while running under a security manager. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Fix NIO2 sendfile state tracking and error handling to fix
various corruption issues. (remm)
Missing timeout for NIO2 sendfile writes. (remm)
Allow inline processing for NIO2 sendfile and optimize keepalive
behavior. (remm)
Fix excessive NIO2 sendfile direct memory use in some cases, sendfile
will now instead use the regular socket write buffer as configured.
<bug>56661</bug>: Fix <code>getLocalAddr()</code> for AJP connectors.
The complete fix is only available with a recent AJP forwarder like
the forthcoming mod_jk 1.2.41. (rjung)
Use default ciphers defined as
<code>HIGH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!RC4:!MD5</code> so
that no weak ciphers are enabled by default. (remm)
<bug>56780</bug>: Enable Tomcat to start when using SSL with an IBM JRE
in strict SP800-131a mode. (markt)
<bug>56810</bug>: Remove use of Java 8 specific API calls in unit tests
for OpenSSL to JSSE cipher conversion. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56709</bug>: Fix system property name in a log message. Submitted
by Robert Kish. (remm)
<bug>56797</bug>: When matching a method in an EL expression, do not
treat bridge methods as duplicates of the method they bridge to. In this
case always call the target of the bridge method. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>56746</bug>: Allow secure WebSocket client threads to use the
current context class loader rather than explicitly setting it to the
class loader that loaded the WebSocket implementation. This allows
WebSocket client connections from within web applications to access,
amongst other things, the JNDI resources associated with the web
application. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Correct the label in the list of sessions by idle time for the bin that
represents the idle time immediately below the maximum permitted idle
time when using the expire command of the Manager application. (markt)
<subsection name="jdbc-pool">
<bug>53088</bug>: More identifiable thread name. (fhanik)
<bug>53200</bug>: Selective logging for slow versus failed queries.
<bug>53853</bug>: More flexible classloading. (fhanik)
<bug>54225</bug>: Disallow empty init SQL. (fhanik)
<bug>54227</bug>: Evaluate max age upon borrow. (fhanik)
<bug>54235</bug>: Disallow nested pools exploitating using data source.
<bug>54395</bug>: Fix JDBC interceptor parsing bug. (fhanik)
<bug>54537</bug>: Performance improvement in
<code>StatementFinalizer</code>. (fhanik)
<bug>54978</bug>: Make sure proper connection validation always happens,
regardless of config. (fhanik)
<bug>56318</bug>: Ability to trace statement creation in
<code>StatementFinalizer</code>. (fhanik)
<bug>56789</bug>: getPool() returns the actual pool, always. (fhanik)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>56788</bug>: Display the full version in the list of installed
applications when installed via the Windows installer package. Patch
provided by Alexandre Garnier. (markt)
<bug>56829</bug>: Add the ability for users to define their own values
for <code>_RUNJAVA</code> and <code>_RUNJDB</code> environment
variables. Be more strict with executable filename on Windows
(s/java/java.exe/). Based on a patch by Neeme Praks. (markt/kkolinko)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.10 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>44312</bug>: Log an error if there is a conflict between Host and
Alias names. Improve host management methods in <code>Mapper</code>
to avoid occasionally removing a wrong host. Check that host management
operations are performed on the host and not on an alias. (kkolinko)
<bug>56611</bug>: Refactor code to remove inefficient calls to
<code>Method.isAnnotationPresent()</code>. Based on a patch by Jian Mou.
Fix regression in
<code>StandardContext.removeApplicationListener()</code>, introduced by
the fix for bug <bug>56588</bug>. (kkolinko)
<bug>56653</bug>: Fix concurrency issue with lists of contexts in
<code>Mapper</code> when stopping Contexts. (kkolinko)
<bug>56657</bug>: When using parallel deployment, if the same session id
matches different versions of a web application, prefer the latest
version. Ensure that remapping selects the version that we expect.
Assert that mapping result object is empty before performing mapping
work in <code>Mapper</code>. (kkolinko)
Remove <code>context</code> and <code>wrapper</code> fields in
<code>Request</code> class and deprecate their setters. (kkolinko)
<bug>56658</bug>: Avoid delay between registrations of mappings for
context and for its servlets. (kkolinko)
<bug>56665</bug>: Correct the generation of the effective web.xml when
elements contain an empty string as value. (violetagg)
Fix storeconfig exception routing issues, so that a major problem
should avoid configuration overwrite. (remm)
Add configuration fields for header names in SSLValve. (remm)
<bug>56666</bug>: When clearing the SSO cookie use the same values for
domain, path, httpOnly and secure as were used to set the SSO cookie.
<bug>56677</bug>: Ensure that
<code>HttpServletRequest.getServletContext()</code> returns the correct
value during a cross-context dispatch. (markt)
<bug>56684</bug>: Ensure that Tomcat does not shut down if the socket
waiting for the shutdown command experiences a
<code>SocketTimeoutException</code>. (markt)
<bug>56693</bug>: Fix various issues in the static resource cache
implementation where the cache retained a stale entry after the
successful completion of an operation that always invalidates the cache
entry such as a delete operation.
When the current PathInfo is modified as a result of dispatching a
request, ensure that a call to
<code>HttpServletRequest.getPathTranslated()</code> returns a value that
is based on the modified PathInfo. (markt)
<bug>56698</bug>: When persisting idle sessions, only persist newly idle
sessions. Patch provided by Felix Schumacher. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>56663</bug>: Fix edge cases demonstrated by ByteCounter relating
to data available, remaining and extra write events, mostly occurring
with non blocking Servlet 3.1. (remm)
Avoid possible NPE stopping endpoints that are not started (stop
shouldn't do anything in that case). (remm)
<bug>56704</bug>: Add support for OpenSSL syntax for ciphers when
using JSSE SSL connectors. Submitted by Emmanuel Hugonnet. (remm)
Allow to configure <code>maxSwallowSize</code> attribute of an HTTP
connector via JMX. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56543</bug>: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.4. (violetagg)
<bug>56652</bug>: Add support for method parameters that use arrays and
varargs to <code>ELProcessor.defineFunction()</code>.(markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Add support for the <code>permessage-deflate</code> extension. This is
currently limited to decompressing incoming messages on the server side.
It is expected that support will be extended to outgoing messages and to
the client side shortly. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Attempt to obfuscate session cookie values associated with other web
applications when viewing HTTP request headers with the Cookies example
from the examples web application. This reduces the opportunity to use
this example for malicious purposes should the advice to remove the
examples web application from security sensitive systems be ignored.
<bug>56694</bug>: Remove references to <code>Manager</code> attribute
<code>checkInterval</code> from documentation and Javadoc since it no
longer exists. Based on a patch by Felix Schumacher. Also remove other
references to <code>checkInterval</code> that are no longer valid.
<subsection name="Other">
Update the API stability section of the release notes now that Tomcat 8
has had its first stable release. (markt)
Improve <code>build.xml</code> so that when Eclipse JDT Compiler is
updated, it will delete the old JAR from <code>build/lib</code>
directory. (kkolinko)
Simplify implementation of "setproxy" target in <code>build.xml</code>.
Update optional Checkstyle library to 5.7. (kkolinko)
<bug>56596</bug>: Update to Tomcat Native Library version 1.1.31 to
pick up the Windows binaries that are based on OpenSSL 1.0.1h. (markt)
<bug>56685</bug>: Add quotes necessary for <code></code> to
work correctly on Solaris. Based on a suggesiton by lfuka. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons Pool2 to r1609323 to pick various
bug fixes. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons DBCP2 to r1609329 to pick up a
minor bug fix. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons FileUpload to r1596086 to pick
various bug fixes. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.9 (markt)" rtext="2014-06-24">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>55282</bug>: Ensure that one and the same application listener is
added only once when starting the web application. (violetagg)
<bug>55975</bug>: Apply consistent escaping for double quote and
backslash characters when escaping cookie values. (markt)
<bug>56387</bug>: Improve the code that handles an attempt to load a
class after a web application has been stopped. Use common code to handle
this case regardless of the access path and don't throw an exception
purely to log a stack trace. (markt)
<bug>56399</bug>: Improve implementation of CoyoteAdapter.checkRecycled()
to do not use an exception for flow control. (kkolinko)
<bug>56461</bug>: New <code>failCtxIfServletStartFails</code> attribute
on Context and Host configuration to force the context startup to fail
if a load-on-startup servlet fails its startup. (slaurent)
<bug>56526</bug>: Improved the <code>StuckThreadDetectionValve</code> to
optionally interrupt stuck threads to attempt to unblock them.
<bug>56545</bug>: Pre-load two additional classes, the loading of which
may otherwise be triggered by a web application which in turn would
trigger an exception when running under a security manager. (markt)
<bug>56546</bug>: Reduce logging level for stack traces of stuck web
application threads printed by WebappClassLoader.clearReferencesThreads()
from error to info. (kkolinko)
Refactor and simplify common code in object factories in
<code>org.apache.catalina.naming</code> package, found thanks to Simian
(Similarity Analyser) tool. Improve handling of Throwable.
Relax cookie naming restrictions. Cookie attribute names used in the
<code>Set-Cookie</code> header may be used unambiguously as cookie
names. The restriction that prevented such usage has been removed.
Further relax cookie naming restrictions. Version 0 (a.k.a Netscape
format) cookies may now use names that start with the <code>$</code>
character. (jboynes/markt)
Restrict cookie naming so that the <code>=</code> character is no longer
permitted in a version 0 (a.k.a. Netscape format) cookie name. While
Tomcat allowed this, browsers always truncated the name at the
<code>=</code> character leading to a mis-match between the cookie the
server set and the cookie returned by the browser. (jboynes/markt)
Add a simple <code>ServiceLoader</code> based discovery mechanism to the
JULI <code>LogFactory</code> to make it easier to use JULI and Tomcat
components that depend on JULI (such as Jasper) independently from
Tomcat. Patch provided by Greg Wilkins. (markt)
<bug>56578</bug>: Correct regression in the fix for <bug>56339</bug>
that prevented sessions from expiring when using clustering. (markt)
<bug>56588</bug>: Remove code previously added to enforce the
requirements of section 4.4 of the Servlet 3.1 specification. The code
is no longer required now that Jasper initialization has been refactored
and TLD defined listeners are added via a different code path that
already enforces the specification requirements. (markt)
<bug>56600</bug>: In WebdavServlet: Do not waste time generating
response for broken PROPFIND request. (kkolinko)
Provide a better error message when asynchronous operations are not
supported by a filter or servlet. Patch provided by Romain Manni-Bucau.
<bug>56606</bug>: User entries in <code>tomcat-users.xml</code> file
are recommended to use "username" attribute rather than legacy "name"
attribute. Fix inconsistencies in Windows installer, examples. Update
digester rules and documentation for <code>MemoryRealm</code>.
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>56518</bug>: When using NIO, do not attempt to write to the socket
if the thread is marked interrupted as this will lead to a connection
limit leak. This fix was based on analysis of the issue by hanyong.
<bug>56521</bug>: Re-use the asynchronous write buffer between writes to
reduce allocation and GC overhead. Based on a patch by leonzhx. Also
make the buffer size configurable and remove copying of data within
buffer when the buffer is only partially written on a subsequent write.
Ensure that a request without a body is correctly handled during Comet
processing. This fixes the Comet chat example. (markt)
Fix input concurrency issue in NIO2 upgrade. (remm)
Correct a copy/paste error and return a 500 response rather than a 400
response when an internal server error occurs on early stages of
request processing. (markt)
<bug>56582</bug>: Use switch(actionCode) in processors instead of a
chain of "elseif"s. (kkolinko)
<bug>56582#c1</bug>: Implement DISPATCH_EXECUTE action for AJP
connectors. (kkolinko)
If request contains an unrecognized Expect header, respond with error
417 (Expectation Failed), according to RFC2616 chapter 14.20. (markt)
When an error occurs after the response has been committed close the
connection immediately rather than attempting to finish the response to
make it easier for the client to differentiate between a complete
response and one that failed part way though. (markt)
Remove the beta tag from the NIO2 connectors. (remm)
<bug>56620</bug>: Avoid bogus access log entries when pausing the NIO
HTTP connector and ensure that access log entries generated by error
conditions use the correct request start time. (markt)
Improve configuration of cache sizes in the endpoint. (markt)
Add a new limit, defaulting to 2MB, for the amount of data Tomcat will
swallow for an aborted upload. The limit is configurable by
<code>maxSwallowSize</code> attribute of an HTTP connector. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56334#c15</bug>: Fix a regression in EL parsing when quoted string
follows a whitespace. (kkolinko/markt)
<bug>56543</bug>: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler 4.4RC4 to pick up
some fixes for Java 8 support. (markt/kkolinko)
<bug>56561</bug>: Avoid <code>NoSuchElementException</code> while
handling attributes with empty string value. (violetagg)
Do not configure a <code>JspFactory</code> in the
<code>JasperInitializer</code> if one has already been set as might be
the case in some embedding scenarios. (markt)
Add a simple implementation of <code>InstanceManager</code> and have
Jasper use it if no other <code>InstanceManager</code> is provided. This
makes it easier to use Jasper independently from Tomcat. Patch provided
by Greg Wilkins. (markt)
<bug>56568</bug>: Allow any HTTP method when a JSP is being used as an
error page. (markt)
<bug>56581</bug>: If an error on a JSP page occurs when response has
already been committed, do not clear the buffer of JspWriter, but flush
it. It will make more clear where the error occurred. (kkolinko)
<bug>56612</bug>: Correctly parse two consecutive escaped single quotes
when used in UEL expression in a JSP. (markt)
Move code that parses EL expressions within JSP template text from
<code>Parser</code> to <code>JspReader</code> class for better
performance. (kkolinko)
<bug>56636</bug>: Correctly identify the required method when specified
via <code>ELProcessor.defineFunction(String,String,String,String)</code>
when using Expression Language. (markt)
<bug>56638</bug>: When using
<code>ELProcessor.defineFunction(String,String,String,String)</code> and
no function name is specified, use the method name as the function name
as required by the specification. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>56446</bug>: Clearer handling of exceptions when calling a method
on a POJO based WebSocket endpoint. Based on a suggestion by Eugene
Chung. (markt)
When a WebSocket client attempts to write to a closed connection, handle
the resulting <code>IllegalStateException</code> in a manner consistent
with the handling of an <code>IOException</code>. (markt)
Add more varied endpoints for echo testing. (remm)
<bug>56577</bug>: Improve the executor configuration used for the
callbacks associated with asynchronous writes. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Set the path for cookies created by the examples web application so they
only returned to the examples application. This reduces the opportunity
for using such cookies for malicious purposes should the advice to
remove the examples web application from security sensitive systems be
ignored. (markt/kkolinko)
Attempt to obfuscate session cookie values associated with other web
applications when viewing HTTP request headers with the Request Header
example from the examples web application. This reduces the opportunity
to use this example for malicious purposes should the advice to remove
the examples web application from security sensitive systems be ignored.
Add options for all of the WebSocket echo endpoints to the WebSocket
echo example in the examples web application. (markt)
Ensure that the asynchronous WebSocket echo endpoint in the examples
web application always waits for the previous message to complete before
it sends the next. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Update package renamed Apache Commons DBCP2 to r1596858. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.8 (markt)" rtext="beta, 2014-05-21">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>56536</bug>: Ensure that
<code>HttpSessionBindingListener.valueUnbound()</code> uses the correct
class loader when the <code>SingleSignOn</code> valve is used. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56529</bug>: Avoid <code>NoSuchElementException</code> while handling
attributes with empty string value in custom tags. Patch provided by
Hariprasad Manchi. (violetagg)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.7 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>56523</bug>: When using SPNEGO authentication, log the exceptions
associated with failed user logins at debug level rather than error
level. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>56399</bug>: Assert that both Coyote and Catalina request objects
have been properly recycled. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56522</bug>: When setting a value for a
<code>ValueExpression</code>, ensure that the expected coercions take
place such as a <code>null</code> string being coerced to an empty
string. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Copy missing resources file from Apache Commons DBCP 2 to packaged
renamed copy of DBCP 2. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.6 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Fix extension validation which was broken by refactoring for new
resources implementation. (markt)
Fix custom UTF-8 decoder so that a byte of value 0xC1 is always rejected
immediately as it is never valid in a UTF-8 byte sequence. Update UTF-8
decoder tests to account for UTF-8 decoding improvements in Java 8.
The custom UTF-8 decoder is still required due to bugs in the UTF-8
decoder provided by Java. Java 8&apos;s decoder is better than Java
7&apos;s but it is still buggy. (markt)
<bug>56027</bug>: Add more options for managing FIPS mode in the
AprLifecycleListener. (schultz/kkolinko)
<bug>56320</bug>: Fix a file descriptor leak in the default servlet when
sendfile is used. (markt)
<bug>56321</bug>: When a WAR is modified, undeploy the web application
before deleting any expanded directory as the undeploy process may
refer to classes that need to be loaded from the expanded directory. If
the expanded directory is deleted first, any attempt to load a new class
during undeploy will fail. (markt)
<bug>56327</bug>: Enable AJP as well as HTTP connectors to be created
via JMX. Patch by kiran. (markt)
<bug>56339</bug>: Avoid an infinite loop if an application calls
<code>session.invalidate()</code> from the session destroyed event for
that session. (markt)
<bug>56365</bug>: Simplify file name pattern matching code in
<code>StandardJarScanner</code>. Improve documentation. (kkolinko)
Ensure that the static resource cache is able to detect when a cache
entry is invalidated by being overridden by a new resource in a
different <code>WebResourceSet</code>. (markt)
<bug>56369</bug>: Ensure that removing an MBean notification listener
reverts all the operations performed when adding an MBean notification
listener. (markt)
Improve implementation of <code>Lifecycle</code> for
<code>WebappClassLoader</code>. State is now correctly reported rather
than always reporting as <code>NEW</code>. (markt)
<bug>56382</bug>: Information about finished deployment and its execution
time is added to the log files. Patch is provided by Danila Galimov.
<bug>56383</bug>: Properties for disabling server information and error
report are added to the <code>org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve</code>.
Based on the patch provided by Nick Bunn. (violetagg/kkolinko)
<bug>56390</bug>: Fix JAR locking issue with JARs containing TLDs and
the TLD cache that prevented the undeployment of web applications when
the WAR was deleted. (markt)
Fix CVE-2014-0119:
Only create XML parsing objects if required and fix associated potential
memory leak in the default Servlet.
Extend XML factory, parser etc. memory leak protection to cover some
additional locations where, theoretically, a memory leak could occur.
Modify generic exception handling so that
<code>StackOverflowError</code> is not treated as a fatal error and can
handled and/or logged as required. (markt)
<bug>56409</bug>: Avoid <code>StackOverflowError</code> on non-Windows
systems if a file named <code>\</code> is encountered when scanning for
TLDs. (markt)
<bug>56430</bug>: Extend checks for suspicious URL patterns to include
patterns of the form <code>*.a.b</code> which are not valid patterns for
extension mappings. (markt)
<bug>56441</bug>: Raise the visibility of exceptions thrown when a
problem is encountered calling a getter or setter on a component
attribute. The logging level is raised from debug to warning. (markt)
<bug>56463</bug>: Property for disabling server information is added to
the <code>DefaultServlet</code>. Server information is presented in the
response sent to the client when directory listings is enabled.
<bug>56472</bug>: Allow NamingContextListener to clean up on stop if its
start failed. (kkolinko)
<bug>56481</bug>: Work around case insensitivity issue in
<code>URLClassLoader</code> exposed by some recent refactoring. (markt)
<bug>56492</bug>: Avoid eclipse debugger pausing on uncaught exceptions
when tomcat renews its threads. (slaurent)
Add the <code>org.apache.naming</code> package to the packages requiring
code to have the <code>defineClassInPackage</code> permission when
running under a security manager. (markt)
Make the naming context tokens for containers more robust by using a
separate object. Require RuntimePermission when introducing a new token.
<bug>56501</bug>: <code>HttpServletRequest.getContextPath()</code>
should return the undecoded context path used by the user agent. (markt)
Minor fixes to <code>ThreadLocalLeakPreventionListener</code>. Do not
trigger threads renewal for failed contexts. Do not ignore
<code>threadRenewalDelay</code> setting. Improve documentation. (kkolinko)
Correct regression introduced in <rev>1239520</rev> that broke loading
of users from <code>tomcat-users.xml</code> when using the
<code>JAASMemoryLoginModule</code>. (markt)
Correct regression introduced in <rev>797162</rev> that broke
authentication of users when using the
<code>JAASMemoryLoginModule</code>. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
More cleanup of NIO2 endpoint shutdown. (remm)
<bug>56336</bug>: AJP output corruption and errors. (remm)
Handle various cases of incomplete writes in NIO2. (remm)
Code cleanups and i18n in NIO2. (remm)
Fix extra onDataAvailable calls in the NIO2 connector. (remm)
Fix gather writes in NIO2 SSL. (remm)
Upgrade the NIO2 connectors to beta, but still not ready for production. (remm)
Fix code duplication between NIO and NIO2. (remm)
<bug>56348</bug>: Fix slow asynchronous read when read was performed on
a non-container thread. (markt)
<bug>56416</bug>: Correct documentation for default value of socket
linger for the AJP and HTTP connectors. (markt)
Fix possible corruption if doing keepalive after a comet request. (remm)
<bug>56518</bug>: Fix connection limit latch leak when a non-container
thread is interrupted during asynchronous processing. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>56334</bug>: Fix a regression in the handling of back-slash
escaping introduced by the fix for <bug>55735</bug>. (markt/kkolinko)
<bug>56425</bug>: Improve method matching for EL expressions. When
looking for matching methods, an exact match between parameter types is
preferred followed by an assignable match followed by a coercible match.
Correct the handling of back-slash escaping in the EL parser and no
longer require that <code>\$</code> or <code>\#</code> must be followed
by <code>{</code> in order for the back-slash escaping to take effect.
<subsection name="Cluster">
Remove the implementation of
<code>org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener</code> from
<code>SimpleTcpCluster</code> does not work as
<code>LifecycleListener</code>, it works as nested components of Host or
Engine. (kfujino)
Remove cluster and replicationValve from cluster manager template. These
instance are not necessary to template. (kfujino)
Add support for cross context session replication to
<code>org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager</code>. (kfujino)
Remove the unnecessary cross context check. It does not matter whether
the context that is referenced by other context is set to
<code>crossContext</code>=true. The context that refers to the different
context must be set to <code>crossContext</code>=true. (kfujino)
Move to <code>org.apache.catalina.ha.session.ClusterManagerBase</code>
common logics of
<code>org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager</code> and
<code>org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager</code>. (kfujino)
Simplify the code of <code>o.a.c.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster</code>. In
order to add or remove cluster valve to Container, use pipeline instead
of <code>IntrospectionUtils</code>. (kfujino)
There is no need to set cluster instance when
<code>SimpleTcpCluster.unregisterClusterValve</code> is called.
Set null than cluster instance for cleanup. (kfujino)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>56343</bug>: Avoid a NPE if Tomcat&apos;s Java WebSocket 1.0
implementation is used with the Java WebSocket 1.0 API JAR from the
reference implementation. (markt)
Increase the default maximum size of the executor used by the WebSocket
implementation for call backs associated with asynchronous writes from
10 to 200. (markt)
Add a warning if the thread group created for WebSocket asynchronous
write call backs can not be destroyed when the web application is
stopped. (markt)
Ensure that threads created to support WebSocket clients are stopped
when no longer required. This will happen automatically for WebSocket
client connections initiated by web applications but stand alone clients
must call <code>WsWebSocketContainer.destroy()</code>. (markt)
<bug>56449</bug>: When creating a new session, add the message handlers
to the session before calling <code>Endpoint.onOpen()</code> so the
message handlers are in place should the <code>onOpen()</code> method
trigger the sending of any messages. (markt)
<bug>56458</bug>: Report WebSocket sessions that are created over secure
connections as secure rather than as not secure. (markt)
Stop threads used for secure WebSocket client connections when they are
no longer required and give them better names for easier debugging while
they are running. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Add Support for <code>copyXML</code> attribute of Host to Host Manager.
Ensure that "name" request parameter is used as a application base of
host if "webapps" request parameter is not set when adding host in
HostManager Application. (kfujino)
Correct documentation on Windows service options, aligning it with
Apache Commons Daemon documentation. (kkolinko)
<bug>56418</bug>: Ensure that the Manager web application does not
report success for a web application deployment that fails. (slaurent)
Improve valves documentation. Split valves into groups. (kkolinko)
<bug>56513</bug>: Make the documentation crystal clear that using
sendfile will disable any compression that Tomcat may otherwise have
applied to the response. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Review source code and take advantage of Java 7&apos;s
try-with-resources syntax where possible. (markt)
Align DisplayName of Tomcat installed by <code>service.bat</code> with
one installed by the *.exe installer. Print a warning in case if neither
server nor client jvm is found by <code>service.bat</code>. (kkolinko)
<bug>56363</bug>: Update to version 1.1.30 of Tomcat Native library.
Update package renamed Apache Commons BCEL to r1593495 to pick up some
additional changes for Java 7 support and some code clean up. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons FileUpload to r1569132 to pick up
some small improvements (e.g. better <code>null</code> protection) and
some code clean up. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons Codec to r1586336 to pick up some
Javadoc fixes and some code clean up. (markt)
Switch to including Apache Commons DBCP via a package renamed svn copy
rather than building from a source release for consistency with other
Commons packages and to allow faster releases to fix DBCP related
issues. (markt)
Update package renamed Apache Commons Pool2 and DBCP2 to r1593563 to
pick various bug fixes. (markt)
In tests: allow to configure directory where JUnit reports and access
log are written to. (kkolinko)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.5 (markt)" rtext="beta, 2014-03-27">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Rework the fix for <bug>56190</bug> as the previous fix did not recycle
the request in all cases leading to mis-routing of requests. (markt)
Allow web applications to package tomcat-jdbc.jar and their JDBC driver
of choice in the web application. (markt)
<bug>56293</bug>: Cache resources loaded by the class loader from
<code>/META-INF/services/</code> for better performance for repeated
look ups. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Fix possibly incomplete final flush with NIO2 when using non blocking
mode. (remm)
Cleanup NIO2 endpoint shutdown. (remm)
Fix rare race condition notifying onWritePossible in the NIO2
HTTP/1.1 connector. (remm)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>54475</bug>: Add Java 8 support to SMAP generation for JSPs. Patch
by Robbie Gibson. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
<bug>56273</bug>: If the Manager web application does not perform an
operation because the web application is already being serviced, report
an error rather than reporting success. (markt)
<bug>56304</bug>: Add a note to the documentation about not using
WebSocket with BIO HTTP in production. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.4 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Restore the ability to use the <code>addURL()</code> method of the
web application class loader to add external resources to the web
application. (markt)
Improve the robustness of web application undeployment based on some
code analysis triggered by the report for <bug>54315</bug>. (markt)
<bug>56125</bug>: Correctly construct the URL for a resource that
represents the root of a JAR file. (markt)
Generate a valid root element for the effective web.xml for a web
application for all supported versions of web.xml. (markt)
Make it easier for applications embedding and/or extending Tomcat to
modify the <code>javaseClassLoader</code> attribute of the
<code>WebappClassLoader</code>. (markt)
Add missing support for <code>&lt;deny-uncovered-http-methods&gt;</code>
element when merging web.xml files. (markt)
Improve merging process for web.xml files to take account of the
elements and attributes supported by the Servlet version of the merged
file. (markt)
Avoid <code>NullPointerException</code> in resource cache when making an
invalid request for a resource outside of the web application. (markt)
Remove an unnecessary null check identified by FindBugs. (markt)
In WebappClassLoader, when reporting threads that are still running
while web application is being stopped, print their stack traces to
the log. (kkolinko)
<bug>56190</bug>: The response should be closed (i.e. no further output
is permitted) when a call to <code>AsyncContext.complete()</code> takes
effect. (markt)
<bug>56236</bug>: Enable Tomcat to work with alternative Servlet and
JSP API JARs that package the XML schemas in such as way as to require
a dependency on the JSP API before enabling validation for web.xml.
Tomcat has no such dependency. (markt)
<bug>56244</bug>: Fix MBeans descriptor for WebappClassLoader MBean.
Add a work around for validating XML documents (often TLDs) that use
just the file name to refer to refer to the JavaEE schema on which they
are based. (markt)
Add methods of get the idle time from last client access time to
<code>org.apache.catalina.Session</code>. (kfujino)
<bug>56246</bug>: Fix NullPointerException in MemoryRealm when
authenticating an unknown user. (markt)
<bug>56248</bug>: Allow the deployer to update an existing WAR file
without undeploying the existing application if the update flag is set.
This allows any existing custom context.xml for the application to be
retained. To update an application and remove any existing context.xml
simply undeploy the old version of the application before deploying the
new version. (markt)
<bug>56253</bug>: When listing resources that are provided by a JAR, fix
possible <code>StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</code>s. Add some unit
tests for this and similar scenarios and fix the additional issues those
unit tests identified. Based on a patch by Larry Isaacs. (markt)
Fix CVE-2014-0096:
Redefine the <code>globalXsltFile</code> initialisation parameter of the
DefaultServlet as relative to CATALINA_BASE/conf or CATALINA_HOME/conf.
Prevent user supplied XSLTs used by the DefaultServlet from defining
external entities. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
In some circumstances asynchronous requests could time out too soon.
<bug>56172</bug>: Avoid possible request corruption when using the AJP
NIO connector and a request is sent using more than one AJP message.
Patch provided by Amund Elstad. (markt)
Add experimental NIO2 connector. Based on code developed by
Nabil Benothman. (remm)
Fix CVE-2014-0075:
Improve processing of chuck size from chunked headers. Avoid overflow
and use a bit shift instead of a multiplication as it is marginally
faster. (markt/kkolinko)
Fix CVE-2014-0095:
Correct regression introduced in 8.0.0-RC2 as part of the Servlet 3.1
non-blocking IO support that broke handling of requests with an explicit
content length of zero. (markt/kkolinko)
Fix CVE-2014-0099:
Fix possible overflow when parsing long values from a byte array.
<subsection name="Jasper">
Change the default compiler source and compiler target versions to 1.7
since Tomcat 8 requires a minimum of Java 7. (markt)
<bug>56179</bug>: Fix parsing of EL expressions that contain unnecessary
parentheses. (markt)
<bug>56177</bug>: Handle dependency tracking for TLDs when using JspC
with a tag library JAR that is located outside of the web application.
Remove an unnecessary null check identified by FindBugs. (markt)
<bug>56199</bug>: Restore validateXml option for JspC which determines
if web.xml will be parsed with a validating parser. (markt)
<bug>56223</bug>: Throw an <code>IllegalStateException</code> if a call
is made to <code>ServletContext.setInitParameter()</code> after the
ServletContext has been initialized. (markt)
<bug>56265</bug>: Do not escape values of dynamic tag attributes
containing EL expressions. (kkolinko)
Make the default compiler source and target versions for JSPs Java 7
since Tomcat 8 requires Java 7 as a minimum. (markt)
<bug>56283</bug>: Update to the Eclipse JDT Compiler P20140317-1600
which adds support for Java 8 syntax to JSPs. Add support for value
"1.8" for the <code>compilerSourceVM</code> and
<code>compilerTargetVM</code> options. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Avoid a possible deadlock when one thread is shutting down a connection
while another thread is trying to write to it. (markt)
Avoid NPE when flushing batched messages. (markt)
<subsection name="Web Applications">
<bug>56093</bug>: Add the SSL Valve to the documentation web
application. (markt)
<bug>56217</bug>: Improve readability by using left alignment for the
table cell containing the request information on the Manager application
status page. (markt)
Fixed <code>java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException</code> when using
"Expire sessions" command in the manager web application on a
context where the session timeout is disabled. (kfujino)
Add support for <code>LAST_ACCESS_AT_START</code> system property to
Manager web application. (kfujino)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>56115</bug>: Expose the <code>httpusecaches</code> property of
Ant&apos;s <code>get</code> task as some users may need to change the
default. Based on a suggestion by Anthony. (markt)
<bug>56143</bug>: Improve <code>service.bat</code> so that it can be
launched from a non-UAC console. This includes using a single call to
<code>tomcat8.exe</code> to install the Windows service rather than
three calls, and using command line arguments instead of environment
variables to pass the settings. (markt/kkolinko)
Simplify Windows *.bat files: remove %OS% checks, as current java does
not run on ancient non-NT operating systems. (kkolinko)
Align options between <code>service.bat</code> and <code>exe</code>
Windows installer. For <code>service.bat</code> the changes are in
--Classpath, --DisplayName, --StartPath, --StopPath. For
<code>exe</code> installer the changes are in --JvmMs, --JvmMx options,
which are now 128 Mb and 256 Mb respectively instead of being empty.
Explicitly specify --LogPath path when uninstalling Windows service,
avoiding default value for that option. (kkolinko)
<bug>56137</bug>: Explicitly use NIO connector in SSL example in
server.xml so it doesn't break if APR is enabled. (markt)
<bug>56139</bug>: Avoid a web application class loader leak in some unit
tests when running on Windows. (markt)
Correct build script to avoid building JARs with empty packages. (markt)
Allow to limit JUnit test run to a number of selected test case
methods. (kkolinko)
Update Commons Pool 2 to 2.2. (markt)
Update Commons DBCP 2 to the 2.0 release. (markt)
<bug>56189</bug>: Remove used file cpappend.bat from the distribution.
<bug>56204</bug>: Remove unnecessary dependency between tasks in the
build script. (markt)
Add definition of <code>org.apache.catalina.ant.FindLeaksTask</code>.
Implement <code>org.apache.catalina.ant.VminfoTask</code>,
<code>org.apache.catalina.ant.ThreaddumpTask</code> and
<code>org.apache.catalina.ant.SslConnectorCiphersTask</code>. (kfujino)
Add the option to the Apache Ant tasks to ignore the constraint of the
first line of the response message that must be "OK -"
(<code>ignoreResponseConstraint</code> in <code>AbstractCatalinaTask</code>).
Default is false. (kfujino)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.3 (markt)" rtext="beta, 2014-02-11">
<subsection name="Other">
Fix build of Apache Commons DBCP2 classes. (kkolinko)
Update Commons DBCP 2 to snapshot 170 dated 07 Feb 2014. This enables
DBCP to work with a SecurityManager such that only DBCP needs to be
granted the necessary permissions to communicate with the database.
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.2 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>56082</bug>: Fix a concurrency bug in JULI&apos;s LogManager
implementation. (markt)
<bug>56085</bug>: <code>ServletContext.getRealPath(String)</code> should
return <code>null</code> for invalid input rather than throwing an
<code>IllegalArgumentException</code>. (markt)
Fix WebDAV support that was broken by the refactoring for the new
resources implementation. (markt)
Simplify Catalina.initDirs(). (kkolinko)
<bug>56096</bug>: When the attribute <code>rmiBindAddress</code> of the
JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener is specified it's value will be used when
constructing the address of a JMX API connector server. Patch is
provided by Jim Talbut. (violetagg)
When environment entry with one and the same name is defined in the web
deployment descriptor and with annotation then the one specified in the
web deployment descriptor is with priority. (violetagg)
Fix passing the value of false for <code>xmlBlockExternal</code> option
of Context to Jasper, as the default was changed in 8.0.1. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Enable non-blocking reads to take place on non-container threads.
<subsection name="Cluster">
Simplify the code of
Remove unnecessary class cast. (kfujino)
<subsection name="Web applications">
In Manager web application improve handling of file upload errors.
Display a message instead of error 500 page. Simplify. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>56104</bug>: Correct the version number on the welcome page of the
Windows installer. (markt)
Update Commons DBCP 2 to snapshot 168 dated 05 Feb 2014. (markt)
Fix CVE-2014-0050, a denial of service with a malicious, malformed
Content-Type header and multipart request processing. Fixed by merging
latest code (r1565159) from Commons FileUpload. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.1 (markt)" rtext="beta, 2014-02-02">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Change default value of <code>xmlBlockExternal</code> attribute of
Context. It is <code>true</code> now. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Correct regression in the fix for <bug>55996</bug> that meant that
asynchronous requests might timeout too early. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Change default value of the <code>blockExternal</code> attribute of
JspC task. The default value is <code>true</code>. Add support for
<code>-no-blockExternal</code> switch when JspC is run as a
standalone application. (kkolinko)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Do not return an empty string for the
<code>Sec-WebSocket-Protocol</code> HTTP header when no sub-protocol has
been requested or no sub-protocol could be agreed as RFC6455 requires
that no <code>Sec-WebSocket-Protocol</code> header is returned in this
case. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 8.0.0 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Implement JSR 340 - Servlet 3.1. The JSR 340 implementation includes
contributions from Nick Williams and Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
Implement JSR 245 MR2 - JSP 2.3. (markt)
Implement JSR 341 - Unified Expression Language 3.0. (markt)
Implement JSR 356 - WebSockets. The JSR 356 implementation includes
contributions from Nick Williams, Rossen Stoyanchev and Niki Dokovski.
<bug>46727</bug>: Refactor default servlet to make it easier to
sub-class to implement finer grained control of the file encoding. Based
on a patch by Fred Toth. (markt)
<bug>45995</bug>: Align Tomcat with Apache httpd and perform MIME type
mapping based on file extension in a case insensitive manner. (markt)
Remove duplicate code that converted a Host&apos;s appBase attribute to
a canonical file. (markt)
<bug>51408</bug>: Replace calls to <code>Charset.defaultCharset()</code>
with an explicit reference to the ISO-8859-1 Charset. (markt)
Refactor initialization code to use a single, consistent approach to
determining the Catalina home (binary) and base (instance) directories.
The search order for home is <code>catalina.home</code> system property,
parent of current directory if boootstrap.jar is present and finally
current working directory. The search order for Catalina base is
<code>catalina.base</code> system property falling back to the value for
Catalina home. (markt)
<bug>52092</bug>: JULI now uses the <code>OneLineFormatter</code> and
<code>AsyncFileHandler</code> by default. (markt)
<bug>52558</bug>: Refactor <code>CometConnectionManagerValve</code> so
that it does not prevent the session from being serialized in when
running in a cluster. (markt)
<bug>52767</bug>: Remove reference to MySQL specific autoReconnect
property in <code>JDBCAccessLogValve</code>. (markt)
Make the Mapper type-safe. Hosts, Contexts and Wrappers are no
longer handled as plain objects, instead they keep their type.
Code using the Mapper doesn't need to cast objects returned by
the mapper. (rjung)
Move Manager, Loader and Resources from Container to Context since
Context is the only place they are used. The documentation already
states (and has done for some time) that Context is the only valid
location for these nested components. (markt)
Move the Mapper from the Connector to the Service since the Mapper is
identical for all Connectors of a given Service and it is common for
there to be multiple Connectors for a Service (http, https and ajp).
This means there is now only ever one Mapper per Service rather than
possibly multiple identically configured Mapper objects. (markt)
Remove the per Context Mapper objects and use the Mapper from the
Service. This removes the need to maintain two copies of the mappings
for Servlets and Filters. (markt)
Implement a new Resources implementation that merges Aliases,
VirtualLoader, VirtualDirContext, JAR resources and external
repositories into a single framework rather than a separate one for each
feature. (markt)
URL rewrite valve, similar in functionality to mod_rewrite. (remm)
Port storeconfig functionality, which can persist to server.xml and
context.xml runtime container configuration changes. (remm)
<bug>54095</bug>: Add support to the Default Servlet for serving
gzipped versions of static resources directly from disk as an
alternative to Tomcat compressing them on each request. Patch by
Philippe Marschall. (markt)
<bug>54708</bug>: Change the name of the working directory for the ROOT
application (located under $CATALINA_BASE/work by default) from _ to
ROOT. (markt)
Change default configuration so that a change to the global web.xml file
will trigger a reload of all web applications. (markt)
<bug>55101</bug>: Make BASIC authentication more tolerant of whitespace.
Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
<bug>55166</bug>: Move JSP descriptor and tag library descriptor schemas
to servlet-api.jar to enable relative references between the schemas to
be correctly resolved. (markt)
Refactor the descriptor parsing code into a separate module that can be
used by both Catalina and Jasper. Includes patches provided by Jeremy
Boynes. (violetagg/markt)
<bug>55246</bug>: Move TLD scanning to a ServletContainerInitializer
provided by Jasper. Includes removal of TldConfig lifecycle listener and
associated Context properties. (jboynes)
<bug>55317</bug>: Facilitate weaving by allowing ClassFileTransformer to
be added to WebppClassLoader. Patch by Nick Williams. (markt)
<bug>55620</bug>: Enable Tomcat to start when either $CATALINA_HOME
and/or $CATALINA_BASE contains a comma character. Prevent Tomcat from
starting when $CATALINA_HOME and/or $CATALINA_BASE contains a semi-colon
on Windows. Prevent Tomcat from starting when $CATALINA_HOME and/or
$CATALINA_BASE contains a colon on Linux/FreeBSD/etc. (markt)
Initialize the JSP runtime in Jasper's initializer to avoid need for a
Jasper-specific lifecycle listener. <code>JasperListener</code> has been
removed. (jboynes)
Change ordering of elements of JMX objects names so components are
grouped more logically in JConsole. Generally, components are now
grouped by Host and then by Context. (markt)
Context listener to allow better EE and framework integration. (remm)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Experimental support for SPDY. Includes contributions from Sheldon Shao.
The default connector is now the Java NIO connector even when specifying
HTTP/1.1 as protocol (fhanik)
Update default value of pollerThreadCount for the NIO connector. The new
default value will never go above 2 regardless of available processors.
<bug>54010</bug>: Remove some unnecessary code (duplicate calls to
configure the scheme as https for AJP requests originally received over
HTTPS). (markt)
Refactor char encoding/decoding using NIO APIs. (remm)
Change the default URIEncoding for all connectors from ISO-8859-1 to
UTF-8. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Simplify API of <code>ErrorDispatcher</code> class by using varargs.
Update Jasper to use the new common web.xml parsing code. Includes
patches by Jeremy Boynes. (markt/violetagg)
Create test cases for JspC. Patch by Jeremy Boynes. (markt)
<bug>55246</bug>: TLD scanning is now performed by JasperInitializer
(a ServletContainerInitializer) removing the need for support within the
Servlet container itself. The scan is now performed only once rather than
in two passes reducing startup time. (jboynes)
<bug>55251</bug>: Do not allow JspC task to fail silently if the web.xml
or web.xml fragment can not be generated. (markt)
<subsection name="Cluster">
Remove unused JvmRouteSessionIDBinderListener and SessionIDMessage.
Modify method signature in ReplicationValve. Cluster instance is not
necessary to argument of method. (kfujino)
Remove unused <code>expireSessionsOnShutdown</code> attribute in
<code>org.apache.catalina.ha.session.BackupManager</code>. (kfujino)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Extend the diagnostic information provided by the Manager web
application to include details of the configured SSL ciphers suites for
each connector. (markt)
<bug>48550</bug>: Update examples web application to use UTF-8. (markt)
<bug>55383</bug>: Improve the design and correct the HTML markup of
the documentation web application. Patches provided by Konstantin
Preißer. (markt)
<subsection name="Tribes">
Refactor <code>AbstractReplicatedMap</code> to use generics. A key
side-effect of this is that the class now implements
<code>Map&lt;K,V&gt;</code> rather than extends
<code>ConcurrentMap</code>. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Remove unused, deprecated code. (markt)
Remove static info String and associated getInfo() method where present.
(<rev>1353242</rev>, <rev>1353410</rev>):
Remove Ant tasks <code>jasper2</code> and <code>jkstatus</code>.
The correct names are <code>jasper</code> and <code>jkupdate</code>.
<bug>53529</bug>: Clean-up the handling of
<code>InterruptedException</code> throughout the code base. (markt)
<bug>54899</bug>: Provide an initial implementation of NetBeans support.
Patch provided by Brian Burch. (markt)
<bug>55166</bug>: Move the JSP descriptor and tag library descriptor
schema defintion files from jsp-api.jar to servlet-api.jar so relative
includes between the J2EE, Servlet and JSP schemas are correctly
resolved. (markt)
<bug>55372</bug>: When starting Tomcat with the <code>jpda</code> option
to enable remote debugging, by default only listen on localhost for
connections from a debugger. Prior to this change, Tomcat listened on
all known addresses. (markt)