blob: 56992c68d47016521833513898a48b9a80614d57 [file] [log] [blame]
1. Fix farm deployment for 5.5
Every start all application are deployed only to all running cluster nodes
New registered nodes don't get the applications!
Deploy must send a GET_ALL_APP to all other Deployers.
FH: Correction, you should not send GET_ALL_APP to all deployers, only
to the main one. Which could be another property of the Member object, it
would not make sense to transfer the same webapp over and over again.
Only watchEnabled Deployer send this member all deployed application.
Yes very true, but currently we distribute also all wars from watch node at begining.
Waiting to start other nodes is only change to not got these war's!
I have made some experiments to register war deployment at new memberAdded to cluster.
Add JMX Support
Resend Deployed Applications to all or one cluster node.
Show all watch Resource
Processing Time
Change fileMessage Buffersize.
Start/Stop Cluster wide application
Deployer and Watcher sync with engine background thread!
Last FileMessage fragment need longe ackTimeout
<Cluster ..> <Sender ... ackTimeout="60000"/> </Cluster>
2. Extend StandardSession if possible
3. Implement primary/secondary replication logic
4. Implement fragmentation of large replication objects
5. Implement a NonSerializable interface for session attributes that do not
wish to be replicated
6. Implement context attribute replication (?)
Also send Start/Stop messages from Context to complete cluster!
7. JMX friendly
8. Documentation
9. Add a flag for replicated attribute events, to enable or disable them -
Why different defaults from notifyListenersOnReplication at SimpleTcpCluster and DeltaManager exists?