blob: 78c673ebb6aa11d4623f40a15f30aa1b743e9e68 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="Modules" default="dist" basedir=".">
<!-- ===================== Initialize Property Values =================== -->
<!-- See "" in the top level directory for all -->
<!-- property values you must customize for successful building!!! -->
<!--property file=""/>
<property file="../"/>
<property file="${user.home}/"/-->
<!-- =================== BUILD: Create Directories ====================== -->
<target name="build-prepare">
<available property="jdk1.4.present" classname="java.nio.Buffer" />
<!-- =================== BUILD: Compile Subprojects ===================== -->
<!-- Add a new target for each module subproject -->
<target name="cluster" if="jdk1.4.present">
<ant dir="${basedir}/cluster" target="dist"/>
<target name="config" >
<ant dir="${basedir}/storeconfig" target="dist"/>
<!-- ================= BUILD: Compile Server Components ================= -->
<!-- Update the depends list for each subproject -->
<target name="build" depends="build-prepare,cluster,config"/>
<!-- ======================= BUILD: Clean Directory ===================== -->
<target name="build-clean">
<!-- ==================== BUILD: Rebuild Everything ===================== -->
<target name="all" depends="build-clean,dist"/>
<!-- ================= DEPLOY: Deploy Webapps Projects ================== -->
<target name="deploy" depends="dist"
description="Build and deploy Modules component">
<!-- ================= DIST: Create Distribution Files ================== -->
<target name="dist" depends="build"/>
<!-- ======================= DIST: Clean Directory ====================== -->
<target name="dist-clean">
<!-- ====================== Convenient Synonyms ========================= -->
<target name="clean" depends="build-clean,dist-clean"
description="Clean build and dist directories"/>
<!-- ===================== TEST: Compile Unit Tests ===================== -->
<target name="build-tests" depends="dist" if="junit.present">
<!-- ===================== TEST: Execute Unit Tests ===================== -->
<target name="test" if="junit.present"
description="Run all unit test cases">