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<document url="setup.html">
<author email="">Remy Maucherat</author>
<title>Tomcat Setup</title>
<section name="Table of Contents">
<section name="Introduction">
This document introduces several ways to set up Tomcat for running
on different platforms. Please note that some advanced setup issues
are not covered here: the full distribution (ZIP file or tarball)
includes a file called
RUNNING.txt which discusses these issues. We encourage you to refer
to it if the information below does not answer some of your questions.
<section name="Windows">
Installing Tomcat on Windows can be done easily using the Windows
installer. Its interface and functionality is similar to other wizard
based installers, with only a few items of interest.
<li><strong>Installation as a service</strong>: Tomcat will be
installed as a Windows service no matter what setting is selected.
Using the checkbox on the component page sets the service as "auto"
startup, so that Tomcat is automatically started when Windows
starts. For optimal security, the service should be run as a
separate user, with reduced permissions (see the Windows Services
administration tool and its documentation).</li>
<li><strong>Java location</strong>: The installer will provide a default
JRE to use to run the service. The installer uses the registry to
determine the base path of a JRE, including the JRE
installed as part of the full JDK. When running on a 64-bit
operating system, the installer will first look for a 64-bit JRE and
only look for a 32-bit JRE if a 64-bit JRE is not found. It is not
mandatory to use the default JRE detected by the installer. You
may select any installed 32-bit or 64-bit Java 5 or later JRE.</li>
<li><strong>Tray icon</strong>: When Tomcat is run as a service, there
will be a tray icon visible. Note that
when choosing to run Tomcat at the end of installation, the tray
icon will be loaded at the same time.</li>
<li>Refer to the
<a href="windows-service-howto.html">Windows Service HOW-TO</a>
for information on how to manage Tomcat as Windows service.
<p>The installer will create shortcuts allowing starting and configuring
Tomcat. It is important to note that the Tomcat administration web
application can only be used when Tomcat is running.</p>
<p>Note that while Tomcat 5.5 supports running with Java 1.4, the
compatibility package required for that is not included in the
installer to minimize download size. If you need it, you have to
download it and expand into the folder where Tomcat is installed.
See <code>RUNNING.txt</code> for details.
<section name="Unix daemon">
<p>Tomcat can be run as a daemon using the jsvc tool from the
commons-daemon project. Source tarballs for jsvc are included with the
Tomcat binaries, and need to be compiled. Building jsvc requires
a C ANSI compiler (such as GCC), GNU Autoconf, and a JDK.</p>
<p>Before running the script, the <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment
variable should be set to the base path of the JDK. Alternately, when
calling the <code>./configure</code> script, the path of the JDK may
be specified using the <code>--with-java</code> parameter, such as
<code>./configure --with-java=/usr/java</code>.</p>
<p>Using the following commands should result in a compiled jsvc binary,
located in the <code>$CATALINA_HOME/bin</code> folder. This assumes
that GNU TAR is used, and that <code>CATALINA_HOME</code> is an
environment variable pointing to the base path of the Tomcat
<p>Please note that you should use the GNU make (gmake) instead of
the native BSD make on FreeBSD systems.</p>
tar xvfz commons-daemon-native.tar.gz
cd commons-daemon-1.0.x-native-src/unix
cp jsvc ../..
cd ../..
<p>Tomcat can then be run as a daemon using the following commands.</p>
./bin/jsvc -Djava.endorsed.dirs=./common/endorsed -cp ./bin/bootstrap.jar \
-outfile ./logs/catalina.out -errfile ./logs/catalina.err \
<p>jsvc has other useful parameters, such as <code>-user</code> which
causes it to switch to another user after the daemon initialization is
complete. This allows, for example, running Tomcat as a non privileged
user while still being able to use privileged ports.
<code>jsvc --help</code> will return the full jsvc usage
information. In particular, the <code>-debug</code> option is useful
to debug issues running jsvc.</p>
<p>The file <code>
</code> can be used as a template for starting Tomcat automatically at
boot time from <code>/etc/init.d</code>.</p>
<p>Note that the Commons-Daemon JAR file must be on your runtime classpath
to run Tomcat in this manner. The Commons-Daemon JAR file is in the
Class-Path entry of the bootstrap.jar manifest, but if you get a
ClassNotFoundException or a NoClassDefFoundError for a Commons-Daemon
class, add the Commons-Daemon JAR to the -cp argument when launching