blob: b7279dfbad1bc18b650126b9d8563fd07bce88f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.catalina.ssi;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.catalina.util.DateTool;
import org.apache.catalina.util.Strftime;
import org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder;
* Allows the different SSICommand implementations to share data/talk to each other
* @author Bip Thelin
* @author Amy Roh
* @author Dan Sandberg
* @version $Revision$, $Date$
public class SSIMediator {
protected final static String DEFAULT_CONFIG_ERR_MSG = "[an error occurred while processing this directive]";
protected final static String DEFAULT_CONFIG_TIME_FMT = "%A, %d-%b-%Y %T %Z";
protected final static String DEFAULT_CONFIG_SIZE_FMT = "abbrev";
protected static URLEncoder urlEncoder;
protected String configErrMsg = DEFAULT_CONFIG_ERR_MSG;
protected String configTimeFmt = DEFAULT_CONFIG_TIME_FMT;
protected String configSizeFmt = DEFAULT_CONFIG_SIZE_FMT;
protected String className = getClass().getName();
protected SSIExternalResolver ssiExternalResolver;
protected Date lastModifiedDate;
protected int debug;
protected Strftime strftime;
static {
//We try to encode only the same characters that apache does
urlEncoder = new URLEncoder();
public SSIMediator( SSIExternalResolver ssiExternalResolver,
Date lastModifiedDate,
int debug ) {
this.ssiExternalResolver = ssiExternalResolver;
this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate;
this.debug = debug;
setConfigTimeFmt( DEFAULT_CONFIG_TIME_FMT, true );
public void setConfigErrMsg( String configErrMsg ) {
this.configErrMsg = configErrMsg;
public void setConfigTimeFmt( String configTimeFmt ) {
setConfigTimeFmt( configTimeFmt, false );
public void setConfigTimeFmt( String configTimeFmt, boolean fromConstructor ) {
this.configTimeFmt = configTimeFmt;
//What's the story here with DateTool.LOCALE_US?? Why??
this.strftime = new Strftime( configTimeFmt, DateTool.LOCALE_US );
//Variables like DATE_LOCAL, DATE_GMT, and LAST_MODIFIED need to be updated when
//the timefmt changes. This is what Apache SSI does.
setDateVariables( fromConstructor );
public void setConfigSizeFmt( String configSizeFmt ) {
this.configSizeFmt = configSizeFmt;
public String getConfigErrMsg() {
return configErrMsg;
public String getConfigTimeFmt() {
return configTimeFmt;
public String getConfigSizeFmt() {
return configSizeFmt;
public Collection getVariableNames() {
Set variableNames = new HashSet();
//These built-in variables are supplied by the mediator ( if not over-written by the user ) and always exist
variableNames.add( "DATE_GMT" );
variableNames.add( "DATE_LOCAL" );
variableNames.add( "LAST_MODIFIED" );
ssiExternalResolver.addVariableNames( variableNames );
//Remove any variables that are reserved by this class
Iterator iter = variableNames.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
String name = (String);
if ( isNameReserved( name ) ) {
return variableNames;
public long getFileSize( String path, boolean virtual ) throws IOException {
return ssiExternalResolver.getFileSize( path, virtual );
public long getFileLastModified( String path, boolean virtual ) throws IOException {
return ssiExternalResolver.getFileLastModified( path, virtual );
public String getFileText( String path, boolean virtual ) throws IOException {
return ssiExternalResolver.getFileText( path, virtual );
protected boolean isNameReserved( String name ) {
return name.startsWith( className + "." );
public String getVariableValue( String variableName ) {
return getVariableValue( variableName, "none" );
public void setVariableValue( String variableName, String variableValue ) {
if ( !isNameReserved( variableName ) ) {
ssiExternalResolver.setVariableValue( variableName, variableValue );
public String getVariableValue( String variableName, String encoding ) {
String lowerCaseVariableName = variableName.toLowerCase();
String variableValue = null;
if ( !isNameReserved( lowerCaseVariableName ) ) {
//Try getting it externally first, if it fails, try getting the 'built-in' value
variableValue = ssiExternalResolver.getVariableValue( variableName );
if ( variableValue == null ) {
variableName = variableName.toUpperCase();
variableValue = (String) ssiExternalResolver.getVariableValue( className + "." + variableName );
if ( variableValue != null ) {
variableValue = encode( variableValue, encoding );
return variableValue;
protected String formatDate( Date date, TimeZone timeZone ) {
String retVal;
if ( timeZone != null ) {
//we temporarily change strftime. Since SSIMediator is inherently single-threaded, this
//isn't a problem
TimeZone oldTimeZone = strftime.getTimeZone();
strftime.setTimeZone( timeZone );
retVal = strftime.format(date);
strftime.setTimeZone( oldTimeZone );
} else {
retVal = strftime.format(date);
return retVal;
protected String encode( String value, String encoding ) {
String retVal = null;
if ( encoding.equalsIgnoreCase( "url" ) ) {
retVal = urlEncoder.encode( value );
} else if ( encoding.equalsIgnoreCase( "none" ) ) {
retVal = value;
} else if ( encoding.equalsIgnoreCase( "entity" ) ) {
//Not sure how this is really different than none
retVal = value;
} else {
//This shouldn't be possible
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown encoding: " + encoding);
return retVal;
public void log( String message ) {
ssiExternalResolver.log( message, null );
public void log( String message, Throwable throwable ) {
ssiExternalResolver.log( message, throwable );
protected void setDateVariables( boolean fromConstructor ) {
boolean alreadySet = ssiExternalResolver.getVariableValue( className + ".alreadyset" ) != null;
//skip this if we are being called from the constructor, and this has already been set
if ( !( fromConstructor && alreadySet ) ) {
ssiExternalResolver.setVariableValue( className + ".alreadyset", "true" );
Date date = new Date();
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
String retVal = formatDate( date, timeZone );
//If we are setting on of the date variables, we want to remove them from the user
//defined list of variables, because this is what Apache does
setVariableValue ( "DATE_GMT", null );
ssiExternalResolver.setVariableValue ( className + ".DATE_GMT", retVal );
retVal = formatDate( date, null );
setVariableValue ( "DATE_LOCAL", null );
ssiExternalResolver.setVariableValue ( className + ".DATE_LOCAL", retVal );
retVal = formatDate( lastModifiedDate, null );
setVariableValue ( "LAST_MODIFIED", null );
ssiExternalResolver.setVariableValue ( className + ".LAST_MODIFIED", retVal );