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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document title="WARP 1.0 (draft)">
The WARP protocol version 1.0 (draft)
<section title="Introduction">
An overview of the WARP protocol
WARP was inspired by the great effort made by the Apache JServ team
in finding an efficent transport protocol allowing to connect over a
reliable full-duplex transmission channel (such as TCP over IP,
bi-directional pipes or UNIX sockets) a servlet container and an
HTTP protocol stack (normally, a web server).
Note, this revision of the WARP protocol has not been adopted yet by
the <b>WebApp module</b> for the Apache Web Server or by <b>Apache
<section title="The WARP name">
Maximum WARP, engage! (Tales about a name)
First of all, for non science fiction fanatics, WARP is an acronym and
means, (to use a syntax similar to Perl regular expressions) "Web
Application Remote (Access|Control)+ Protocol".
In "Star Trek" terms, WARP is a measuring unit for speed, such as
"miles per hour" or "meters per seconds". Always in "Star Trek" terms,
<b>Radio Free Tomorrow</b> gives us a very nice description about what
exactly the term "WARP" means (you can see the full text
<a href="">here</a>):
[...] Warping space as a means of traveling faster than light is a
method based in solid fact, and physicists have devised a mathematical
model of the universe which would allow it to work.
The idea behind warp drive is this: you bend a small section of space
to the extent that it completely encloses your starship, effectively
isolating it from the outside universe. You then move this isolated
pocket of space time to your destination, and allow it to rejoin normal
Because it's not moving through normal physical space, the lightspeed
limit doesn't apply to the warp. It can travel as fast as you want it
to. And because space itself is being bent, the starship technically
isn't moving at all, so restrictions on normal Newtonian motion don't
affect it.
In other terms, then, WARP is all about "bending" something (space), to
allow something else (the spaceship) to move faster from one point to
How does this applies to our case? Given that we can't "bend" your OS
kernel to transmit data faster over a reliable full-duplex connection,
neither we can "bend" the data included into the HTTP request to be
transmitted from one point to another, the WARP protocol "bends" the
rules of HTTP, transmitting an HTTP request, with all operational data
attached to it, into a different and more efficent manner, to minimize
the computational time required by both parties to process it.
To simplify, although HTTP version 1.1 is a great protocol for hypertext
data, it is not suited to encapsulate a pre-parsed half-processed HTTP
request and transmit it to another party for further elaboration.
And by all means, we hope that when you fire up your servlet container,
you won't stand up in your cubicle sticking your index finger out and
screaming "Maximum WARP, engage!".
<section title="Packet structure">
The Warp 1.0 packet structure
Compared to previous releases of the WARP protocol, the new packet
structure looses its "packet lenght" field. This was done to allow
progressive memory allocation during process (we don't require the
packet to be fully read before starting to put data in the right
places) and because (apart from when raw data was transfered), its
value could be easily gathered by the content of the packet itself.
The new structure of the WARP packet is therefore defined as follows:
<img src="images/packet1.gif"/>
<b>Packet Type</b>: is a unique one-byte value detailing what is
contained in the packet's payload.
<b>Packet Payload</b>: is a variable-length set of bytes containing
the data actually included in this packet. Its length and content
vary depending on the type of the packet.
<section title="Packet payload">
The Warp 1.0 packet payload structure
Depending on the type of the packet, the payload can contain zero or
more fields (each packet type specifies exactly what or where those
fields appear in the payload). Here listed are all payload fields
recognized by the Warp 1.0 protocol, their field identifier is a
reference for the below mentioned packet type descriptions:
<b>Numeric packet payload fields:</b>
<b>signed/unsigned byte</b>: is represented as a 8 bits sequence of
data. Its value can range between 0 and 255 decimal if unsigned and
between -128 and 127 decimal if signed, with the most significant bit
representing the sign. (field identifier: <b>BYTE/UBYTE</b>)
<b>signed/unsigned short integer</b>: is represented as a 16 bits
sequence of data, encoded in network-byte-order (most significant
bytes come first). Its value can range between 0 and 65535 decimal if
unsigned and between -32768 and 32767 when signed, with the most
significant bit representing the sign (field identifier:
<b>signed/unsigned integer</b>: exactly as for short integers, apart
from the fact that it is represented as a sequence of 32 bits,
therefore its value can range between -2147483648 and 2147483647
decimal when signed or between 0 and 4294967295 when unsigned
(field identifier <b>INT/UINT</b>).
<b>signed/unsigned long integer</b>: exactly as short and integer, but
it is represented as a sequence of 64 bits (you do the maths).
(field identifier <b>LONG/ULONG</b>).
<b>Variable-length packet payload fields:</b>
<b>raw data</b>: a chunk of raw data is transferred following this
structure: a USHORT field representing the number of bytes that
will be transfered, or if this value is 65535 decimal (0xffff) the
"null" sequence of bytes, followed by a serie of bytes (zero or more).
(field identifier <b>RAW</b>).
<b>generic string</b>: a generic string follows the same structure
defined for RAW, but the byte sequence is a US-ASCII encoded
representation of a string, as outlined in the HTTP/1.1 specification
(<a href="">RFC-2616</a>)
for everything but request and response bodies and header values
(field identifier <b>STRING</b>).
<b>mime string</b>: a mime string is exactly as a generic string,
but its byte-representation is supposed to be ISO-8859-1 encoded,
and must follow the rules defined by the HTTP/1.1 protocol
specification section 2.2 for TEXT (used by header values) referring
to <a href="">RFC-2047</a>
(Message Header Extension for Non-ASCII Text). Thus (for example)
the string "I love Japan" with the word "Japan" translated in Japanese
("Nihon") written in Kanji (in Unicode characters this would look like
U65E5 + U672C) and encoded in Shift_JIS would be represented
as <b>"I love =?Shift_JIS?q?=93=fa=96=7b?="</b> or if encoded in UTF-8
would look like <b>"I love =?UTF-8?q?=e6=97=a5=e6=9c=ac?="</b>.
(field identifier <b>MIME</b>).
<img src="images/japan.gif"/>
For simplicity's sake, this is how one of the three above mentioned
variable-length packet payload fields should be transfered (given that
the three characters F, o and X have the same value in ISO-8859-1 and
US-ASCII, and their hexadecimal value is respectively 0x46, 0x6f and
<img src="images/string.gif"/>