blob: 9258f296eed52b24b7211ed16a9244ddee632050 [file] [log] [blame]
README for WebApp Library and Related Modules
NO, IT DOES NOT RUN WITH WINDOWS (your images don't appear and the
OVER THERE (from my side).
If you want to do it (port it to Windows), those are few hints:
- Apache 1.3 on Windows is MultiThreaded
- Therefore the error coming out is a multi-threading issue
- The WARP socket is unique in WebApp
- You need to change that and build up a socket pool
- And add some locking mechanism to prevent race conditions
If you don't know what the above means, simply forget it (and I suggest
you doing a "format c:" and install Solaris 8 - my favorite preference
or throw out your x86 hardware out of in the dumpster and get an
Apple PowerMac with MacOS/X installed). If you are willing to do the
job, you're more than welcome to write to me or to the mailing list
with some patches.
How to obtain the WebApp and Apache Portable Runtime sources:
NOTE: If you downloaded a source distribution from our website or a
mirror (the file is called webapp-module...src.tar.gz) you don't need
to obtain any other file. Please follow this chapter only if you want
to obtain the latest CVS version of the sources.
Check out the module sources from CVS using the following commands:
cvs -d login
(Logging in to
CVS password: anoncvs
cvs -d \
checkout jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp
Once CVS downloads the WebApp module sources, we need to download the
APR (Apache Portable Runtime) sources. To do this simply:
cd ./jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp
cvs -d \
checkout apr
An other way is to use a release version of APR:
- You can download it from
- Extract it in jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp (Remember use a Gnu tar).
When the APR sources are in place, we need to create the configure
scripts. It is done by running the command:
To build the sources, now follow the steps in the next chapters.
How to build the tomcat-webapp.jar module from CVS sources:
The tomcat-webapp.jar is build using Ant.
To get Ant see (
To build the tomcat-webapp.jar you have to do the following:
* Edit to taste. This file is created by ./configure when
the WebApp module is configured, see below.
* Run "ant". It'll build the tomcat-webapp.jar
* Copy the build/lib/tomcat-webapp.jar in the Tomcat server/lib directory.
* If using cygwin make sure of the following:
- cygwin1.dll is in your PATH variable.
- grep is installed (GNU grep, egrep and fgrep: Category Base).
- sed is installed (sed: GNU sed stream editor: Category Base).
How to build the WebApp module from CVS sources:
If you downloaded the CVS sources (as described above) or downloaded a
source distribution of the WebApp module, now all you need to do is build
the binary module for your platform. To do so, start by doing a:
./configure --with-apxs
In case your platform needs some flags for APR just put them before the
configure. For example:
CC=/usr/bin/cc \
./configure --with-apxs=/opt/apache/bin/apxs
This will configure and build APR, and build the WebApp module for
Apache 1.3. The available options for the configure script are:
Use the APXS Apache 1.3 Extension Tool. If this option is
not specified, the Apache module will not be built (only the
APR and WEBAPP libraries will be build).
The "FILE" parameter specifies the full path for the apxs
executable. If this is not specified apxs will be searched in
the current path.
If you already have the APR sources lying around somewhere, and
want to use them instead of checking them out from CVS, you can
specify where these can be found.
Enable compiled-in debugging output. Using this option the WebApp
module, library, and Java counterpart will be built with debugging
information. This will create a lot of output in your log files,
and will kill performances, but it's a good starting poing when
something goes wrong.
Enable the build of java part of mod_webapp: tomcat-warp.jar.
DIR is the directory containing the Tomcat distribution.
It works for Tomcat 4.x.
Once built, the DSO module will be found in the webapp/apache-1.3 directory.
To install it copy the file in your Apache 1.3 libexec
directory, and add the following lines to httpd.conf:
LoadModule webapp_module [path to]
AddModule mod_webapp.c
To check out if everything is correctly configured, issue the following:
apachectl configtest
If the output of the apachectl command doesn't include "Syntax OK", something
went wrong with the build process. Please report that through our bug tracking
database at <> or to the Tomcat developers
mailing list <>
Have fun...
Pier <>