blob: b97628831b67c56314010ec985a7a4f2e16f66f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Common methods for processing config data. Independent of the config
* storage ( this is a sort of base class ).
* Config is read from the storage as a map, with 'bean names' as keys
* and a map of attributes as values.
* We'll process the map creating new objects and calling the setters, similar
* with what we do on the java side ( see ant or tomcat ).
* There is also support for update, based on a version number. New objects
* or existing objects having a 'ver' attribute will have the setter methods
* called with the new values. XXX a reconfig method may be needed to notify.
* Backends that support notifications may update directly the changed attributes,
* but all components must support the simpler store ( where some attributes
* may be set multiple times, since we can't detect individual att changes ).
* Note: The current code assumes a backend that is capable of storing
* multi-valued attributes. This makes things hard to port to registry and
* some other repositories.
* @author: Gal Shachor <>
* @author: Costin Manolache
#include "jk_global.h"
#include "jk_map.h"
#include "jk_pool.h"
#include "jk_config.h"
#define LENGTH_OF_LINE (1024)
/** Interpret the 'name' as [OBJECT].[PROPERTY].
If the [OBJECT] is not found, construct it using
the prefix ( i.e. we'll search for a factory that matches
name - XXX make it longest match ? ).
Then set the property on the object that is found or
No replacement or saving is done on the val - this is
a private method
static int jk2_config_processBeanPropertyString(jk_env_t *env,
jk_config_t *cfg,
char *propertyString,
char **objName,
char **propertyName)
char *lastDot;
char *lastDot1;
propertyString = cfg->pool->pstrdup(env, cfg->pool, propertyString);
lastDot = strrchr(propertyString, (int)'.');
lastDot1 = strrchr(propertyString, (int)':');
if (lastDot1 == NULL)
lastDot1 = lastDot;
if (lastDot == NULL || lastDot < lastDot1)
lastDot = lastDot1;
if (lastDot == NULL || *lastDot == '\0')
return JK_ERR;
*lastDot = '\0';
*objName = propertyString;
*propertyName = lastDot;
/* fprintf(stderr, "ProcessBeanProperty string %s %s\n", *objName, *propertyName); */
return JK_OK;
/** Set a property on a bean. Call this when you know the bean.
The name and values will be saved in the config tables.
@param mbean coresponds to the object beeing configured
@param name the property to be set ( can't have '.' or ':' in it )
@param val the value, $(property) will be replaced.
int jk2_config_setProperty(jk_env_t *env, jk_config_t *cfg,
jk_bean_t *mbean, char *name, char *val)
char *pname;
int multiValue = JK_FALSE;
if (mbean == cfg->mbean) {
pname = name;
else {
/* Make substitution work for ${OBJ_NAME.PROP} */
pname = cfg->pool->calloc(env, cfg->pool,
strlen(name) + strlen(mbean->name) + 4);
strcpy(pname, mbean->name);
strcat(pname, ".");
strcat(pname, name);
name = cfg->pool->pstrdup(env, cfg->pool, name);
val = cfg->pool->pstrdup(env, cfg->pool, val);
if (strlen(name) && *name == '$') {
cfg->map->put(env, cfg->map, name + 1, val, NULL);
return JK_OK;
/** Save it on the config. XXX no support for deleting yet */
/* The _original_ value. Will be saved with $() in it */
if (mbean->settings == NULL)
jk2_map_default_create(env, &mbean->settings, cfg->pool);
if (mbean->multiValueInfo != NULL) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if (mbean->multiValueInfo[i] == NULL)
if (strcmp(name, mbean->multiValueInfo[i]) == 0) {
multiValue = JK_TRUE;
if (multiValue) {
mbean->settings->add(env, mbean->settings, name, val);
else {
mbean->settings->put(env, mbean->settings, name, val, NULL);
/* Call the 'active' setter
val = jk2_config_replaceProperties(env, cfg->map, cfg->map->pool, val);
/* fprintf( stderr, "config.setProperty2 %s %s %s \n", mbean->name, name, val ); */
/** Used for future replacements
if (multiValue) {
cfg->map->add(env, cfg->map, pname, val);
else {
cfg->map->put(env, cfg->map, pname, val, NULL);
if (cfg->mbean->debug > 0)
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
"config: set %s / %s / %#lx / %s = %s\n", mbean->name,
name, mbean, pname, val);
if (strcmp(name, "name") == 0) {
return JK_OK;
if (strcmp(name, "ver") == 0) {
mbean->ver = atol(val);
return JK_OK;
if (strcmp(name, "debug") == 0) {
mbean->debug = atoi(val);
if (mbean->setAttribute) {
mbean->setAttribute(env, mbean, name, val);
return JK_OK;
if (strcmp(name, "disabled") == 0) {
/* int oldDisabled=mbean->disabled; */
mbean->disabled = atoi(val);
if (mbean->setAttribute) {
mbean->setAttribute(env, mbean, name, val);
/* State change ... - it needs to be handled at the end */
/* if( oldDisabled != mbean->disabled ) { */
/* } */
return JK_OK;
if (strcmp(name, "info") == 0) {
/* do nothing, this is a comment */
return JK_OK;
if ((mbean == cfg->mbean) &&
(strcmp(name, "file") == 0) && cfg->file != NULL) {
/* 'file' property on ourself, avoid rec.
if (cfg->mbean->debug > 0)
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
"config.setAttribute() ignore %s %s %s\n",
mbean->name, name, val);
return JK_OK;
if (mbean->setAttribute) {
int rc = mbean->setAttribute(env, mbean, name, val);
if (rc != JK_OK) {
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_INFO,
"config.setAttribute() Error setting %s %s %s\n",
mbean->name, name, val);
if (cfg->mbean->debug > 0)
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
"config.setAttribute() %d setting %s %s %s\n",
cfg->mbean->debug, mbean->name, name, val);
return rc;
return JK_ERR;
int jk2_config_setPropertyString(jk_env_t *env, jk_config_t *cfg,
char *name, char *value)
jk_bean_t *mbean;
int status;
char *objName = NULL;
char *propName = NULL;
/* fprintf( stderr, "setPropertyString %s %s \n", name, value ); */
status =
jk2_config_processBeanPropertyString(env, cfg, name, &objName,
if (status != JK_OK) {
/* Unknown properties ends up in our config, as 'unclaimed' or global */
cfg->setProperty(env, cfg, cfg->mbean, name, value);
return status;
/** Replace properties in the object name */
objName =
jk2_config_replaceProperties(env, cfg->map, cfg->map->pool, objName);
mbean = env->getBean(env, objName);
if (mbean == NULL) {
mbean = env->createBean(env, cfg->pool, objName);
if (mbean == NULL) {
/* Can't create it, save the value in our map */
cfg->setProperty(env, cfg, cfg->mbean, name, value);
return JK_ERR;
if (mbean->settings == NULL)
jk2_map_default_create(env, &mbean->settings, cfg->pool);
return cfg->setProperty(env, cfg, mbean, propName, value);
* Replace $(property) in value.
char *jk2_config_replaceProperties(jk_env_t *env, jk_map_t *m,
struct jk_pool *resultPool, char *value)
char *rc;
char *env_start;
int rec = 0;
int didReplace = JK_FALSE;
rc = value;
env_start = value;
while (env_start = strstr(env_start, "${")) {
char *env_end = strstr(env_start, "}");
if (rec++ > 20)
return rc;
if (env_end) {
char env_name[LENGTH_OF_LINE + 1] = "";
char *env_value;
strncpy(env_name, env_start + 2, (env_end - env_start) - 2);
env_value = m->get(env, m, env_name);
if (env_value == NULL) {
env_value = getenv(env_name);
/* fprintf(stderr, "XXXjk_map %s %s \n", env_name, env_value ); */
if (env_value != NULL) {
int offset = 0;
/* tmp allocations in tmpPool */
char *new_value = env->tmpPool->calloc(env, env->tmpPool,
(strlen(rc) +
if (!new_value) {
if (env_start == rc) {
new_value[0] = '\0';
else {
strncpy(new_value, rc, env_start - rc);
/* fprintf(stderr, "XXX %s %s %s\n", new_value, env_value, env_end + 1 ); */
strcat(new_value, env_value);
strcat(new_value, env_end + 1);
offset = env_start - rc + strlen(env_value);
rc = new_value;
/* Avoid recursive subst */
env_start = rc + offset;
didReplace = JK_TRUE;
else {
env_start = env_end;
else {
if (didReplace && resultPool != NULL && resultPool != env->tmpPool) {
/* Make sure the result is allocated in the right mempool.
tmpPool will be reset for each request.
rc = resultPool->pstrdup(env, resultPool, rc);
return rc;
/* -------------------- Reconfiguration -------------------- */
/** cfgData has component names as keys and a map of attributes as value.
* We'll create the beans and call the setters.
* If this is not firstTime, we create new componens and modify those
* with a lower 'ver'.
* Note that _no_ object can be ever destroyed. You can 'disable' them,
* but _never_ remove/destroy it. We work in a multithreaded environment,
* and any removal may have disastrous consequences. Using critical
* sections would drastically affect the performance.
int jk2_config_processConfigData(jk_env_t *env, jk_config_t *cfg,
int firstTime)
int i;
int rc = 0;
/* Set the config
for (i = 0; i < cfg->cfgData->size(env, cfg->cfgData); i++) {
char *name = cfg->cfgData->nameAt(env, cfg->cfgData, i);
rc = cfg->processNode(env, cfg, name, firstTime);
/* Init/stop components that need that. FirstTime will be handled by workerEnv, since
some components don't support dynamic config and need a specific order.
if (!firstTime) {
for (i = 0; i < env->_objects->size(env, env->_objects); i++) {
char *name = env->_objects->nameAt(env, env->_objects, i);
jk_bean_t *mbean = env->_objects->valueAt(env, env->_objects, i);
if (mbean == NULL)
/* New state ( == not initialized ) and disabled==0,
try to reinit */
if (mbean->state == JK_STATE_NEW && mbean->disabled == 0) {
int initOk = JK_OK;
if (mbean->init != NULL) {
initOk = mbean->init(env, mbean);
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_INFO,
"config.update(): Starting %s %d\n", name,
if (initOk == JK_OK) {
mbean->state = JK_STATE_INIT;
/* Initialized state - and the config changed to disabled */
if (mbean->state == JK_STATE_INIT && mbean->disabled != 0) {
int initOk = JK_OK;
/* Stop */
if (mbean->destroy) {
initOk = mbean->destroy(env, mbean);
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_INFO,
"config.update(): Stopping %s %d\n", name,
if (initOk) {
mbean->state = JK_STATE_NEW;
return rc;
/** This method will process one mbean configuration or reconfiguration.
The special case for firstTime will be eventually removed - it is needed because some
components may still depend on a specific startup order.
The goal is for each component to follow JMX patterns - you should be able to add / remove
jk components at runtime in any order.
int jk2_config_processNode(jk_env_t *env, jk_config_t *cfg, char *name,
int firstTime)
int j;
jk_map_t *prefNode = cfg->cfgData->get(env, cfg->cfgData, name);
jk_bean_t *bean;
long ver = 0;
char *verString;
int newBean = 0;
if (cfg->mbean->debug > 5)
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
"config.setConfig(): process %s\n", name);
bean = env->getBean(env, name);
if (bean == NULL) {
if (cfg->mbean->debug > 0) {
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_DEBUG,
"config.setConfig(): Creating %s\n", name);
bean = env->createBean(env, cfg->pool, name);
newBean = 1;
if (bean == NULL) {
/* Can't create it, save the value in our map */
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_ERROR,
"config.update(): Can't create %s\n", name);
return JK_ERR;
/* Don't call setters on objects that have the same ver.
This is just a workaround for components that are not reconfigurable.
verString = prefNode->get(env, prefNode, "ver");
if (!firstTime) {
/* No ver option - assume it didn't change */
if (verString == NULL && !newBean) {
return JK_OK;
if (verString != NULL) {
ver = atol(verString);
if (ver == bean->ver && !newBean) {
/* Object didn't change and is not new
return JK_OK;
if (!firstTime)
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_INFO,
"config.update(): Updating %s in %d\n", name, getpid());
for (j = 0; j < prefNode->size(env, prefNode); j++) {
char *pname = prefNode->nameAt(env, prefNode, j);
char *pvalue = prefNode->valueAt(env, prefNode, j);
cfg->setProperty(env, cfg, bean, pname, pvalue);
env->l->jkLog(env, env->l, JK_LOG_INFO,
"config.update(): done %s\n", name);
return JK_OK;