blob: 1e50a1e07cf9d3977ad4e3ee281426540cf6b642 [file] [log] [blame]
# fetch mod_jk version numbers from input file and writes them to STDOUT
while ((getline < ARGV[1]) > 0) {
if (match ($0, /^#define JK_VERMAJOR [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_major = substr($3, 1, length($3));
else if (match ($0, /^#define JK_VERMINOR [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_minor = substr($3, 1, length($3));
else if (match ($0, /^#define JK_VERFIX [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_fix = substr($3, 1, length($3));
else if (match ($0, /^#define JK_VERISRELEASE [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_isrelease = substr($3, 1, length($3));
else if (match ($0, /^#define JK_VERBETA [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_isbeta = substr($3, 1, length($3));
else if (match ($0, /^#define JK_BETASTRING [^"]+/)) {
jk_ver_betastr = substr($3, 2, length($3) - 2);
jk_ver = jk_ver_major "," jk_ver_minor "," jk_ver_fix;
jk_ver_str = jk_ver_major "." jk_ver_minor "." jk_ver_fix;
if (jk_ver_isrelease != 1) {
jk_ver_str = jk_ver_str "-dev";
if (jk_ver_isbeta == 1) {
jk_ver_str = jk_ver_str "-beta-" jk_ver_betastr;
# fetch Apache version numbers from input file and writes them to STDOUT
if (ARGV[2]) {
if (match (ARGV[2], /ap_release.h/)) {
while ((getline < ARGV[2]) > 0) {
if (match ($0, /^#define AP_SERVER_MAJORVERSION "[^"]+"/)) {
ap_ver_major = substr($3, 2, length($3) - 2);
else if (match ($0, /^#define AP_SERVER_MINORVERSION "[^"]+"/)) {
ap_ver_minor = substr($3, 2, length($3) - 2);
else if (match ($0, /^#define AP_SERVER_PATCHLEVEL/)) {
ap_ver_str_patch = substr($3, 2, length($3) - 2);
if (match (ap_ver_str_patch, /[0-9][0-9]*/)) {
ap_ver_patch = substr(ap_ver_str_patch, RSTART, RLENGTH);
ap_ver_str = ap_ver_major "." ap_ver_minor "." ap_ver_str_patch;
if (match (ARGV[2], /httpd.h/)) {
while ((getline < ARGV[2]) > 0) {
if (match ($0, /^#define SERVER_BASEREVISION "[^"]+"/)) {
ap_ver_str = substr($3, 2, length($3) - 2);
print "AP_VERSION_STR = " ap_ver_str "";
print "JK_VERSION = " jk_ver "";
print "JK_VERSION_STR = " jk_ver_str "";