blob: 8bc71a2e21e877a8d97920543642318ac75c38af [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE document [
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<document url="changelog.html">
<author email="">Remy Maucherat</author>
<author email="">Yoav Shapira</author>
<section name="Preface">
This is the Changelog for Tomcat 5.5.x, which was branched based on Tomcat 5.0.27.
For changes in Tomcat version 5.0.x, which preceded version 5.5.0, please see
<a href="">The
Tomcat 5.0.x Changelog</a>. As maintenance releases are cut on the 5.0.x branch,
most fixes will be ported into a 5.5.x release and noted both here and in the
above Changelog. However, bugs fixed in Tomcat 5.0.28 and earlier are noted
only in the above changelog.
<section name="Tomcat 5.5.1 (yoavs)">
<subsection name="General">
Tomcat 5.5 can be built on JDK 5.0. (yoavs)
Windows installer polish. (mladen, remm)
Remove dependency on Jakarta regexp. (remm)
<subsection name="Catalina">
Allow overriding the location of the default context file, similar to the default
web.xml. (remm)
Backport if-else logic for SSI servlet from 4.1 (funkman)
Remove DefaultContext elements from the digester rules. (remm)
Fix ResourceLink handling. (remm)
Modify the auto deployer to get along with contexts which are statically defined in server.xml. (remm)
Externalize constant strings defining the location of deployment related resources. (remm)
<bug>31052</bug>: BeanFactory swallows root cause of exception. (yoavs)
Allow using deploy Ant task with just config attribute, submitted by Michael Schuerig. (remm)
Added longest time an expired session had been alive to set of monitorable session manager attributes. (luehe)
Clear a reference in the digester where a context would be referenced for more time than it
needed, until the next context deployment operation. (remm)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>31018</bug>: Race condition in SystemLogHandler. (yoavs)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Use the "compiler" parameter to allow specifying that Ant should be used. (remm)
Ignore JDT compiler warnings. (remm)
Added compilerTargetVM option support, "1.4" default. (yoavs)
<subsection name="Cluster">
Fix adding the clustering valve, so that session replication actually occurs. (fhanik)
<subsection name="Webapps">
Major documentation update with current Tomcat 5.5 changes. (remm)
Added JavaScript confirmation dialog to "dangerous" Manager servler links. (yoavs)
<section name="Tomcat 5.5.0 (yoavs)">
<subsection name="General">
Many updated and fixed JavaDocs. (yoavs)
Designed and tested Tomcat on J2SE 5.0 (aka JDK 1.5). (everyone)
Bundled Eclipse JDT (new dependency) to allow Tomcat to run on a JRE only, i.e. no JDK required. (remm)
Repackage commons-dbcp and its dependencies as a sigle smaller WAR, with renamed packages. (remm)
Removed dependencies on commons-digester, commons-beanutils, and commons-collections.
The relevant digester functionality is now merged in tomcat-util. (remm)
<subsection name="Catalina">
Removed usage of org.apache.catalina.Logger, increased usage of commons-logging everywhere. (remm)
Refactored classloader code to better handle JAR and general resource locking. (remm)
Written JMX-related code to play nicely with J2SE 5.0 built-in JMX abilities. (remm, costin)
Extensively profiled and optimized the server startup performance as well as the request mapping and processing pipeline. (remm)
The container will now always process a /META-INF/context.xml resource, unless the webapp has a specified external context file. (remm)
New default configuration mechanism for web applications, replacing DefaultContext. This uses a
shared context file located in conf/context.xml. (remm)
Revamped deployer, alloying full hotdeploy (note: on Windows, this requires the anti file locking
features). (remm)
Remove verbosity from the JNDI resources configuration, by allowing arbitrary attributes on the Resource element. (remm)
Simpler Valve interface, to allow smaller stack traces and reducing the amount of method calls. (remm)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<subsection name="Jasper">
Eclipse JDT is now the default Java compiler in Jasper. Source dependencies are now loaded from
the container classloader, and compilation times are much faster. (remm)
Jasper development mode should now have acceptable performance for heavily accessed pages.
Precompiling JSPs is still significantly more efficient, however. (remm)
<subsection name="Cluster">
<subsection name="Webapps">