blob: 9ee7c48d60a32408b9d00ebb37bb16f2ae540236 [file] [log] [blame]
contextBindings.unknownContext=Unknown context name : {0}
contextBindings.noContextBoundToThread=No naming context bound to this thread
contextBindings.noContextBoundToCL=No naming context bound to this class loader
selectorContext.noJavaUrl=This context must be accessed throught a java: URL
namingContext.contextExpected=Name is not bound to a Context
namingContext.failResolvingReference=Unexpected exception resolving reference
namingContext.nameNotBound=Name {0} is not bound in this Context
namingContext.readOnly=Context is read only
namingContext.invalidName=Name is not valid
namingContext.alreadyBound=Name {0} is already bound in this Context
namingContext.noAbsoluteName=Can't generate an absolute name for this namespace