blob: e329d7864bbfd1f50e60bc69d0ab0b8ba94a3ba4 [file] [log] [blame]
Simple webapp that loads the Jmx remote connector.
You need to add mx4j-remote.jar to your common loader or use JDK1.5. Any other JMX implementation
that supports javax.remote should work as well.
The directory structure is a bit different from manager and the other webapps in catalina. I'm
using eclipse, set up to use separate output dirs and autocompile. The output dir is set to WEB-INF/classes,
and I have a symlink to the jmxremote dir in the sources - so basically there is no need to run ant/manually compile,
just save the file and reload the app.
MISSING: user/password, SSL, custom RMI server address - can be easily added using servlet params ( and should be
added if this ever gets included in the distro )