blob: 4bce2710b5f1e71c67092bdb881a1159dcb2b9ca [file] [log] [blame]
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Subsection ordering:
General, Catalina, Coyote, Jasper, Cluster, WebSocket, Web applications,
Extras, Tribes, jdbc-pool, Other
Item Ordering:
Fixes having an issue number are sorted by their number, ascending.
There is no ordering by add/update/fix/scode/docs/design.
Other fixed issues are added to the end of the list, chronologically.
They eventually become mixed with the numbered issues (i.e., numbered
issues do not "pop up" wrt. others).
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M17 (markt)" rtext="in development">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>66104</bug>: Avoid error message by not trying to clean up old
files from the logging directory before the directory has been created.
Based on <pr>521</pr> by HanLi. (markt)
Update the Jakarta Common Annotations API to 2.1.1. This deprecates the
<code>ManagedBean</code> annotation which will be removed in a future
release. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Provide dedicated loggers
(<code></code> /
<code></code>) for TLS
handshake failures. (markt)
Enable the use of the FIPS provider for TLS enabled Connectors when
using Tomcat Native 1.2.34 onwards built with OpenSSL 3.0.x onwards.
Remove the <code>jmvRoute</code> system property used to configure a
default value for the <code>jmvRoute</code> attribute of an Engine.
Update experimental Panama modules with support for OpenSSL 3.0+.
OpenSSL 1.1 remains supported. (remm)
Correct a regression in the refactoring to support experimentation with
project Loom that broke HTTP/2 support if async IO was disabled. (markt)
Fix duplicate Poller registration with HTTP/2, NIO and async IO that
could cause HTTP/2 connections to unexpectedly fail. (markt)
Refactor Panama module to better take advantage of the Panama preview
API updates and fixes. Improves memory session usage and avoids some
allocations. Review from Maurizio Cimadamore. (remm)
Update the minimum recommended version of the Tomcat Native Library to
2.0.1. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Add support for specifying Java 19 (with the value <code>19</code>) as
the compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. If used
with an Eclipse JDT compiler version that does not support these values,
a warning will be logged and the default will used.
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Remove configuration settings related to the restriction on WebSocket
endpoint deployment that was removed in version 2.1 of the
specification. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Documentation. <bug>62245</bug>: Include <code>contextXsltFile</code>
when discussing options for configuring directory listings. (markt)
Examples. Fix CVE-2022-34305, a low severity XSS vulnerability in the
Form authentication example. (markt)
Documentation. Expand the description of the <code>useSendfile</code>
attribute for HTTP/2 and reference the possibility of file locking when
using this feature on Windows operating systems. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Update to bnd 6.3.1. (markt)
The minimum Ant version required to build Tomcat 10.1.x is now 1.10.2.
Add additional automation to the build process to reduce the number of
manual steps that release managers must perform. (schultz)
Implement support for reproducible builds. Reproducible builds are
independent of operating system but require the same Ant version and
same JDK (vendor and version) to be used as associated version
information is embedded in a number of build outputs such as JAR file
manifests. (markt)
Update the minimum supported version of Tomcat Native to 1.2.34 to allow
the removal of the deprecated Java API associated with features that
will be removed in Tomcat Native 2.0.x. (markt)
Remove and/or update references to the removed
<code>org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.res</code> package. The
<code>LocalStrings*.properties</code> files in that package were moved
to <code>org.apache.tomcat.util.threads</code> package for consistency
with the rest of the Tomcat code base. (markt)
<bug>66134</bug>: The NSIS based Tomcat installer for Windows now
correctly handles the combination of <code>TomcatAdminRoles</code>
defined in a configuration file and selecting the Manager and/or
Host Manager web applications in the installer's GUI. (markt)
Update the OWB module to Apache OpenWebBeans 2.0.27. (remm)
Update the CXF module to Apache CXF 3.5.3. (remm)
Update the Apache Tomcat migration tool for Jakarta EE library to 1.0.1.
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 2.0.1 to
pick up the Windows binaries built with with OpenSSL 3.0.5. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed tak7iji. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M16 (markt)" rtext="2022-06-09">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Update the memory leak protection code to support stopping application
created executor threads when running on Java 19 and later. (markt)
Improve the error message if a required <code>--add-opens</code> option
is missing. (markt)
Disable the memory leak correction code enabled by the Context attribute
<code>clearReferencesObjectStreamClassCaches</code> when running on a
JRE that includes a fix for the underlying memory leak. (markt)
<pr>515</pr>: Avoid deadlock on startup with some utility executor
configurations. Submitted by Han Li. (remm)
<bug>66068</bug>: Ensure that the changes made to a request by the
<code>RemoteIPValve</code> persist after the request is put into
asynchronous mode. (markt)
Include the major version in the recommended version used for Tomcat
Native with the <code>AprLifecycleListener</code>. (markt)
Remove the reporting of the unused APR feature flags. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Additional fix for <bug>65118</bug>. Fix a potential
<code>NullPointerException</code> when pruning closed HTTP/2 streams
from the connection. (markt)
Refactor synchronization blocks locking on <code>SocketWrapper</code> to
use <code>ReentrantLock</code> to support users wishing to experiment
with project Loom. (markt)
<bug>66076</bug>: When using TLS with non-blocking writes and the NIO
connector, ensure that flushing the buffers attempts to empty all of the
output buffers. (markt)
<bug>66084</bug>: Correctly calculate bytes written to a response. Pull
request <pr>516</pr> provided by aooohan HanLi. (markt)
Correct a regression in the support added for encrypted PKCS#1 formatted
private keys in the previous release that broke support for unencrypted
PKCS#1 formatted private keys. (jfclere/markt)
Remove support for NPN when using the Tomcat Native Connector as NPN was
never standardised and browser support for NPN was removed several years
ago. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Update XML schema used for generated web fragments to use the Servlet
6.0 web fragment schema. (markt)
Update the XML schema used by the web fragment defined for the Jasper EL
JAR to use the Servlet 6.0 web fragment schema. (markt)
Update <code>ImportHandler</code> optimisation for new classes
introduced in Java 19. (markt)
<subsection name="Web Socket">
Update the XML schema used by the web fragment defined for the WebSocket
JAR to use the Servlet 6.0 web fragment schema. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
<bug>66064</bug>: Update the building page in the documentation web
application to reflect changes in required Java version and source
repository. (markt)
Documentation. Make the description of the HTTP/1.1 configuration
attributes that control the maximum allowed HTTP header size more
specific. (markt)
<subsection name="Tribes">
Increase the default buffer size for replication messages from 43800 to
65536 bytes. This is expected to improve performance for large messages
when running on Linux based systems. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by Shirayuking and
tak7iji. (markt)
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by Dingzi2012. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M15 (markt)" rtext="2022-05-16">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>65853</bug>: Refactor the <code>CsrfPreventionFilter</code> to make
it easier for sub-classes to modify the nonce generation and storage.
Based on suggestions by Marvin Fröhlich. (markt)
<bug>65991</bug>: Avoid NPE with <code>SSLAuthenticator</code> when
<code>boundOnInit</code> is used on a connector, during the check
for client certificate authentication availability. (remm)
<bug>66009</bug>: Use <code>getSubjectX500Principal().toString()</code>
rather than <code>getSubjectX500Principal().getName(...)</code> to
retrieve a certificate DN, to match the output of the deprecated
<code>getSubjectDN().getName()</code> that was used previously. (remm)
Revert the change in 10.1.0-M11 that added a mapping of
<code>Shift_JIS</code> for the <code>ja</code> locale to the default
mappings used by <code>ServletResponse.setLocale()</code> as it
caused regressions for applications using UTF-8. (markt)
Provide a property source that sources values from Kubernetes service
bindings. Pull request <pr>512</pr> provided by Sumit Kulhadia and
Gareth Evans. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<pr>501</pr>: Add new <code>maxHttpRequestHeaderSize</code> and
<code>maxHttpResponseHeaderSize</code> attributes which allow setting
the maximum HTTP header sizes independently. If not specified, the
value of the <code>maxHttpHeaderSize</code> connector attribute will
be used. Submitted by Zhongming Hua. (remm)
The root cause of the Linux kernel duplicate accept bug has been
identified along with the version of the kernel that includes the fix.
The error message displayed when this bug occurs has been updated to
reflect this new information and to advise users to update to a version
of the OS that uses kernel 5.10 or later. Thanks to Christopher Gual for
the research into this issue. (markt)
Remove the custom UTF-8 decoder that was introduced to work around
various UTF-8 decoding bugs in Java. These issues were fixed in early
Java 8 releases. Now the minimum Java version is 11, we can be sure that
Tomcat will not be running on a JRE where these issues are present.
<bug>66023</bug>: Improve the fix for <bug>65726</bug> and support HTTP
upgrade with a request body for a wider set of use cases. (markt)
<bug>66035</bug>: Add NULL check on the SSL session reference in the
Panama code before accessing the session id and creation time. (remm)
Add support for encrypted PKCS#1 formatted private keys when configuring
the internal, in memory key store. Based on <pr>511</pr>.
Remove the <code>prestartminSpareThreads</code> attribute of the
<code>StandardThreadExecutor</code> since all core threads are always
started by default making this attribute meaningless. Pull request
<pr>510</pr> provided by Aooohan. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
To align with the JSP 3.1 specification, make the
<code>jsp:plugin</code> action a NO-OP. No HTML will be generated as a
result the <code>jsp:plugin</code> action being included in a JSP. This
is be because the associated HTML elements are no longer supported by
any major browser. (markt)
<bug>66031</bug>: Fix NPE when using a custom JspFactory. Patch by
Jean-Louis Monteiro. (remm)
<subsection name="Webapps">
<bug>66008</bug>: In the documentation web application, clarify the
recommendation for the use the <code>trimSpaces</code> option for Jasper
in production environments. (markt)
Update the documentation web application to state that the
<code>EncryptInterceptor</code> does not provide sufficient protection
to run Tomcat clustering over an untrusted network. This is
CVE-2022-29885. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by shawn. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to German translations contributed by Thomas Hoffmann.
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by Shirayuking.
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
Update to Commons Daemon 1.3.1. This fixes a known regression in 1.3.0
when configuring the Windows service with custom scripts as described in
<bug>66055</bug>. (markt)
Update to JSign 4.1. (markt)
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.33 to
pick up Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.1.1o.(markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M14 (markt)" rtext="2022-04-01">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<bug>65736</bug>: Disable the <code>forceString</code> option for the
JNDI <code>BeanFactory</code> and replace it with an automatic search
for an alternative setter with the same name that accepts a
<code>String</code>. This is a security hardening measure. (markt)
Remove the <code>WebappClassLoaderBase.getResources()</code> method as
it is not used and if something accidently exposes the class loader
this method can be used to gain access to Tomcat internals. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M13 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Update the JASPIC 2.0 API to Jakarta Authentication 3.0 (JASPIC was
renamed for Jakarta EE 10) including the implementation of the new
methods on <code>AuthConfigFactory</code>. (markt)
Harden the CredentialHandler implementations by switching to a
constant-time implementation for credential comparisons. (schultz/markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Use a constant for the default TLS cipher suite. This will allow
skipping setting it in some cases (for example, it does not make
sense for OpenSSL TLS 1.3). (remm)
<pr>487</pr>: Improve logging of unknown settings frames. Pull request
by Thomas Hoffmann. (remm)
<bug>65975</bug>: Add a warning if a TLS virtual host is configured with
optional certificate authentication and the containing connector is also
configured to support HTTP/2 as HTTP/2 does not permit optional
certificate authentication. (markt)
<bug>65975</bug>: Add a warning if a TLS virtual host is configured for
TLS 1.3 with a JSSE implementation and a web application is configured
for <code>CLIENT-CERT</code> authentication. <code>CLIENT-CERT</code>
authentication requires post-handshake authentication (PHA) when used
with TLS 1.3 but the JSSE TLS 1.3 implementation does not support PHA.
Improve the recycling of Processor objects to make it more robust.
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>65959</bug>: Serialize Function as String[] rather Class[]. (remm)
<subsection name="Web applications">
<bug>65947</bug>: Correct the name of HTTP/1.1 configuration property
(<code>maxHttpHeaderSize</code>) that is inherited by the HTTP/2 upgrade
protocol. Thanks to Thomas Hoffmann. (markt)
<bug>65952</bug>: Align <code>--add-opens</code> configuration for jsvc
with the current Tomcat scripts. (markt)
Correct the AJP and HTTP/1.1 Connector configuration pages in the
documentation web application to show which attributes are applicable to
all Connectors and which are implementation specific. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Correct a spelling mistake in the German translations. Thanks to Thomas
Hoffmann. (markt)
<bug>65951</bug>: Use the <code>tomcat.output</code> property for OSGi
bundle manifest paths. (isapir)
Update to Commons Daemon 1.3.0. (markt)
Update to Checkstyle 10.0. (markt)
Update to SpotBugs 4.6.0. (markt)
Expand the <code>spotbugs</code> Ant task to also cover test code.
Update to bnd 6.2.0. (markt)
Remove OSGi annotations dependency as it is no longer required with bnd
6.2.0. (markt)
Update to the Eclipse JDT compiler 4.23. (markt)
Refactor the resource files for the Apache Tomcat installer for Windows
so that all the resource files are located in a single directory in the
source tree. (markt)
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.32 to
pick up Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.1.1n.(markt)
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by 15625988003. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by tak7iji. (markt)
Expand coverage of translations for <code>jakarta.el</code> package.
Based on <pr>488</pr> from Volodymyr Siedlecki. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M12 (markt)" rtext="2022-03-14">
<subsection name="Catalina">
<pr>477</pr>: Update the default list of JARs to skip to include the
Apache Log4j JAR for Jakarta EE platforms. Pull request by Michael
Seele. (markt)
<bug>65921</bug>: The <code>type</code> substitution flag for the
rewrite valve should set the content type for the response, not the
request. (markt)
<pr>479</pr>: Enable the rewrite valve to redirect requests when the
original request cannot be mapped to a context. This typically happens
when no ROOT context is defined. Pull request by elkman. (markt)
<bug>65940</bug>: Fix <code>NullPointerException</code> if an exception
occurs during the destruction of a Servlet. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Fix regression introduced with <bug>65757</bug> bugfix which better
identified non request threads but which introduced a similar problem
when user code was doing sequential operations in a single thread.
Test case code submitted by Istvan Szekely. (remm)
Fix potential thread-safety issue that could cause HTTP/1.1 request
processing to wait, and potentially timeout, waiting for additional
data when the full request has been received. (markt)
Throw <code>IOException</code> rather than
<code>IllegalStateException</code> when the application attempts to
write to an HTTP/2 stream after the client has closed the stream.
<subsection name="Jasper">
When resolving methods in EL expressions that use beans and/or static
fields, ensure that any custom type conversion is considered when
identifying the method to call. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Correct the name of the <code>value</code> attribute in the new
documentation of <code>OpenSSLConfCmd</code> elements. (rjung)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Fix typo in JPMS substitution configuration for WebSocket client module.
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M11 (markt)" rtext="2022-02-28">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Add <code>ha-api-*.jar</code> and <code>jaxws-rt-*.jar</code> to the
list of JARs to skip when scanning for TLDs, web fragments and
annotations. (michaelo)
Expand the default mappings used by
<code>ServletResponse.setLocale()</code> to include a mapping from the
<code>ja</code> locale to the <code>Shift_JIS</code> encoding. (markt)
<bug>65806</bug>: Improve the handling of session ID generation when the
default algorithm for <code>SecureRandom</code> (<code>SHA1PRNG</code>)
is not supported by the configured providers as will be the case for a
FIPS compliant configuration. (markt)
<pr>463</pr>: Add support for additional user attributes to
<code>TomcatPrincipal</code> and <code>GenericPrincipal</code>.
Patch provided by Carsten Klein. (michaelo)
<pr>464</pr>: Fall back to the class loader used to load JULI when the
thread context class loader is not set. In a normal Tomcat
configuration, this will be the system class loader. Based on a pull
request by jackshirazi. (markt)
<pr>469</pr>: Include the Jakarata Annotations API in the classes that
Tomcat will not load from web applications. Pull request provided by
ppkarwasz. (markt)
Fix a potential <code>StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</code> exception
when generating a WebDAV multi-status response after an error during a
copy or delete. Report the paths relative to the server root for any
resources with an error. (markt)
Improve the format of WebDAV XML responses to make them easier for
humans to read. The change ensures that there is always a line break
before starting a new element. (markt)
Improve validation of the <code>Destination</code> header for WebDAV
<code>MOVE</code> and <code>COPY</code> requests. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>65454</bug> that meant that
<code>minSpareThreads</code> and <code>maxThreads</code> settings were
ignored when the Connector used an internal executor. (markt)
<bug>65776</bug>: Improve the detection of the Linux duplicate accept
bug and reduce (hopefully avoid) instances of false positives. (markt)
<bug>65848</bug>: Revert the change that attempted to align the
behaviour of client certificate authentication with NIO or NIO2 with
OpenSSL for TLS between MacOS and Linux/Windows as the root cause was
traced to configuration differences. (markt)
<pr>467</pr>: When system time moves backwards (e.g. after clock
correction), ensure that the cached formatted current date used for
HTTP headers tracks this change. Pull request provided by zhenguoli.
<subsection name="Jasper">
<pr>474</pr>: Prevent a tag file from corrupting the ELContext of the
calling page. Pull request provided by Dmitri Blinov. (markt)
Minor optimisation of serialization for <code>FunctionMapperImpl</code>
in response to pull request <pr>476</pr>. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Remove the applet example from the example web application as applets
are no longer supported in any major browser. (markt)
Refactor a small number of pages in the examples web application to
avoid an issue with reproducible builds due to differences in file
ordering across different operating systems with Ant's zip task. (markt)
Better documentation for the <code>protocol</code> attribute of the
<code>JNDIRealm</code>. (markt)
Clarify the settings described in the documentation web application to
configure a cluster using static membership. (markt)
Add information on the <code>OpenSSLConf</code> and
<code>OpenSSLConfCmd</code> elements to the HTTP SSL configuration page
in the documentation web applications. (markt)
<subsection name="jdbc-pool">
Use LF line endings for text files in JARs to support reproducible
builds across different operating systems. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Use LF line endings for text files in JARs to support reproducible
builds across different operating systems. (markt)
Fix dependencies for individual test targets in Ant build file. Based on
<pr>468</pr> provided by Totoo chenyonghui. (markt)
Update the OWB module to Apache OpenWebBeans 2.0.26. (remm)
Revert the cherry-pick of JavaDoc fix from DBCP applied in 10.1.0.M9
that broke the <code>DataSourceMXBean</code> by using a type that isn't
supported by MXBeans. (markt)
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by cloudgyb, totoo and
Chenyonghui1028. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to German translations contributed by Andreas Abraham.
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by tak7iji and
Shirayuking. (markt)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
Improvements to Spanish translations contributed by ceciliabarudi.
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M10 (markt)" rtext="2022-01-20">
<subsection name="Coyote">
Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>65785</bug> that broke HTTP/2
server push. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M9 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Add missing check in <code>SessionCookieConfig.setAttribute()</code> to
ensure that the method fails if called after the web application has
started. (markt)
Add additional locking to <code>DataSourceUserDatabase</code> to provide
improved protection for concurrent modifications. (markt)
Add recycling check in the input and output stream isReady to try to
give a more informative ISE when the facade has been recycled. (remm)
Make the calculation of the session storage location more robust when
using file based persistent storage. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>65726</bug>: Implement support for HTTP/1.1 upgrade when the
request includes a body. The maximum permitted size of the body is
controlled by <code>maxSavePostSize</code>. (markt)
Restore pre-starting of <code>minSpareThreads</code> lost in the fix for
<bug>65454</bug>. (markt)
Revert the previous fix for <bug>65714</bug> and implement a more
comprehensive fix. (markt)
Allow freeing up context on JVM shutdown in the OpenSSL Panama module
by properly using a shared scope. (remm)
<bug>65757</bug>: Missing initial IO listener notification on Servlet
container dispatch to another container thread. (remm)
Expand the fix for <bug>65757</bug> so that rather than just checking if
processing is happening on a container thread, the check is now if
processing is happening on the container thread currently allocated to
this request/response. (markt)
Improve the fix for RST frame ordering added in 10.1.0-M8 to avoid a
potential deadlock on some systems in non-default configurations.
<bug>65767</bug>: Add support for certificates that use keys encrypted
using PBES2. Based on a pull request provided by xiezhaokun. (markt)
Refactor testing whether a String is a valid HTTP token. (markt)
<bug>65785</bug>: Perform additional validation of HTTP headers when
using HTTP/2. (markt)
When a Connector or Endpoint is paused, ensure that only new connections
and new requests on existing connections are stopped while allowing in
progress requests to run to completion. (markt)
Explicitly release ByteBuffer instances associated with pooled channels
when stopping the NioEndpoint and Nio2Endpoint. (markt)
Narrow the scope of the logging of invalid cookie headers to just the
invalid cookie rather than the whole cookie header. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>65724</bug>: Fix missing messages for some
<code>PropertyNotWritableException</code>s caused by a typo in the name
used for a resource string. (markt)
Add support for specifying Java 18 (with the value <code>18</code>) as
the compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. If used
with an Eclipse JDT compiler version that does not support these values,
a warning will be logged and the default will used.
To align with the JSP 3.1 specification that requires Java 11 as a
minimum, make the default JSP source version and target version Java 11.
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Remove the <code>ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS</code> system property. As
per RFC 6455, all extensions are optional. If an endpoint declares an
extension that isn't supported there is no need to trigger an error. The
extension can just be excluded from the result of the negotiation.
Remove the <code>DISABLE_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS</code>. It was added to
enable Tomcat to pass the WebSocket TCK but after updates to the TCK, it
is no longer required. (markt)
Add support for POJO WebSocket endpoints to the programmatic upgrade
that allows applications to opt to upgrade an HTTP connection to
WebSocket. (markt)
Add support for the WebSocket 2.1 client-side API for configuring TLS
connection for wss client connections. (markt)
<bug>65763</bug>: Improve handling of WebSocket connection close if a
message write times out before the message is fully written. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Update the OWB module to Apache OpenWebBeans 2.0.25. (remm)
Update the CXF module to Apache CXF 3.5.0. (remm)
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by zhnnn. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by Shirayuking, yoshy
and tak7iji. (markt)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
Improvements to Spanish translations contributed by Israel. (markt)
Update SpotBugs to 4.5.2. (markt)
Update to the Eclipse JDT compiler 4.22. (markt)
Update the NSIS installer to 3.08. (markt)
Update UnboundID to 6.0.3. (markt)
Update CheckStyle to 9.2.1. (markt)
Update BND to 6.1.0. (markt)
Update OSGI annotations to 1.1.1. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M8 (markt)" rtext="2021-12-08">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Log warning if a listener is not nested inside a Server element
although it must have been. (michaelo)
Where the getter can be called safely, remove the checks for
<code>ServletContext</code> getters called from a
<code>contextInitialized()</code> method of a
<code>ServletContextListener</code> that was not defined in a
<code>web.xml</code> file, a <code>web-fragment.xml</code> file nor
annotated with <code>WebListener</code>. (markt)
Make SPNEGO authentication more robust for the case where the provided
credential has expired. (markt)
Limit cookie support to RFC 6265 to align with recent updates to the
Servlet specification. (markt)
<bug>65684</bug>: Fix a potential <code>NullPointerException</code> when
using JULI. (markt)
Document conditions under which the <code>AprLifecycleListener</code>
can be used to avoid JVM crashes. (michaelo)
Refactor the <code>AsyncFileHandler</code> to reduce the possibility of
log messages being lost on shutdown. (markt)
Refactor the <code>AsyncFileHandler</code> to remove the need for the
<code>org.apache.juli.AsyncLoggerPollInterval</code>. If set, this
property now has no effect. (markt)
Add debug logging to the <code>RestCsrfPreventionFilter</code>. Based on
pull request <pr>452</pr> by Polina Georgieva. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Use implicit scopes in the OpenSSL Panama module to tie the cleanup of
OpenSSL memory to the Java GC. (remm)
Provide protection against a known <a
bug</a> that causes the acceptor to report an incoming connection more
than once. (markt)
Avoid unnecessary duplicate read registrations for blocking I/O with the
NIO connector. (markt)
<bug>65677</bug>: Improve exception handling for errors during HTTP/1.1
reads with NIO2. (markt)
When an error occurs that triggers a stream reset, ensure that the first
<code>RST</code> frame sent to the client is the one associated with the
error that triggered the reset. (markt)
<bug>65714</bug>: Fix exceptions when the security manager is enabled
and the first request received after starting is an HTTP request to a
TLS enabled NIO2 connector. (markt)
Ensure that using NIO or NIO2 with OpenSSL for TLS behaves the same way
on MacOS as it does on Linux and Windows when no trusted certificate
authorities are configured and reject all client certificates. (markt)
Avoid a potential deadlock during the concurrent processing of incoming
HTTP/2 frames for a stream and that stream being reset. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Update the WebSocket API packaging to remove the copy of the client API
from the server API and replace it with a dependency on the client API.
This aligns Tomcat with changes in the WebSocket 2.1 specification.
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M7 (markt)" rtext="2021-11-15">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Refactor <code>HttpServlet</code> so the default <code>doHead()</code>
implementation now calls <code>doGet()</code> and relies on the
container to ensure that the response body is not sent. The previous
behaviour (wrapping the response) may be enabled per Servlet by setting
the <code>jakarta.servlet.http.legacyDoHead</code> Servlet
initialisation parameter to <code>true</code>. This aligns Tomcat with
recent changes updates for Servlet 6.0 in the Jakarta Servlet
specification project. (markt)
Add support for setting generic attributes for session cookies. This
aligns Apache Tomcat with recent changes in the Jakarta Servlet
specification project. (markt)
Do not add a trailing <code>/</code> to a request URI during
canonicalization. (markt)
Invalid byte sequences (typically in %nn form) in a request URi that are
not valid for the given URI encoding now trigger a 400 response. (markt)
Ensure that a request URI starts with a <code>/</code>. (markt)
Add a new Connector option, <code>rejectSuspiciousURIs</code> that will
causes 'suspicious' (see the Servlet 6.0 specification) URIs to be
rejected with a 400 response. (markt)
Improve robustness of JNDIRealm for exceptions occurring when getting
the connection. Also add missing close when running into issues
getting the passord of a user. (remm)
Add Javadoc comment which listeners must be nested whithin
<code>Server</code> elements only. (michaelo)
Add support for custom caching strategies for web application resources.
This initial implementation allows control over whether or not a
resource is cached. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Improve performance of Connector shutdown - primarily to reduce the time
it takes to run the test suite. (markt)
<pr>457</pr>: Add a <code>toString()</code> method to
<code>MimeHeader</code> to aid debugging. (dblevins)
Add experimental OpenSSL support through the Panama API incubating in
Java 17, with support for OpenSSL 1.1+. This no longer requires
tomcat-native or APR. Please refer to the <code>openssl-java17</code>
module for more details. (remm)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Regenerate the EL parser using JavaCC 7.0.10. (markt)
Fix a bug that prevented the EL parser correctly parsing a literal Map
that used variables rather than literals for both keys and values.
Ensure that the <code>getType()</code> method of any
<code>ELResolver</code> implementation returns <code>null</code> if
either the <code>ELResolver</code> or the resolved property is read-only
to align Tomcat with recent updates in the Jakarta EL specification
project. (markt)
Implement an alternative solution to support the JSP page directive
attribute <code>isThreadSafe</code> now that the
<code>SingleThreadModel</code> interface has been removed from the
Servlet API. The new approach synchronizes the <code>service()</code>
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Add a new method<code>
</code>to align with recent updates in the WebSocket specification
project. (markt)
Add a new method <code>ServerContainer.upgradeHttpToWebSocket()</code>
to align with recent updates in the WebSocket specification project.
<subsection name="Tribes">
<pr>454</pr>: Differentiate warning messages in
<code>KubernetesMembershipProvider</code> so that the missing attribute
is clear to the user. PR provided by Hal Deadman. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Switch from Cobertura to JaCoCo for code coverage as Cobertura does not
support code coverage for code compiled for Java 11 onwards. It also
removes the need to use a single thread to run the tests. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M6 (markt)" rtext="2021-10-01">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Provide the DataSource in the constructor of
<code>DataSourceUserDatabase</code>, since it is always global. (remm)
Fix delete then create object manipulations with
<code>DataSourceUserDatabase</code>. (remm)
Remove all deprecated code from the Servlet API to align Tomcat with
recent changes in the Jakarta Servlet specification project. (markt)
Add the currently available Jakarta EE 10 schemas from the Jakarta EE
schema project. (markt)
Implement the new connection ID and request ID API for Servlet 6.0.
<bug>65553</bug>: Implement a work-around for a
<a href="">JRE bug</a>
that can trigger a memory leak when using the JNDI realm. (markt)
<bug>65586</bug>: Fix the bloom filter used to improve performance of
archive file look ups in the web resources implementation so it works
correctly for directory lookups whether or not the provided directory
name includes the trailing <code>/</code>. (markt)
<pr>451</pr>: Improve the usefulness of the thread name cache used in
JULI. Pull request provided by t-gergely. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>65563</bug>: Correct parsing of HTTP <code>Content-Range</code>
headers. Tomcat was incorrectly requiring an <code>=</code> character
after <code>bytes</code>. Fix based on pull request <pr>449</pr> by
Thierry Guérin. (markt)
Correct a potential <code>StackOverflowException</code> with HTTP/2 and
sendfile. (markt)
Further improvements in the management of the connection flow control
window. This addresses various bugs that caused streams to incorrectly
report that they had timed out waiting for an allocation from the
connection flow control window. (markt)
<bug>65577</bug>: Fix a <code>AccessControlException</code> reporting
when running an NIO2 connector with TLS enabled. (markt)
Reclassify TLS ciphers that use AESCCM8 as medium security rather than
high security to align with recent changes in OpenSSL. (markt)
Fix an issue that caused some Servlet non-blocking API reads of the HTTP
request body to incorrectly use blocking IO. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Deprecate <code>ELResolver.getFeatureDescriptors</code> to align Tomcat
with recent updates in the Jakarta EL specification project. (markt)
Add support for default methods to <code>BeanRELResolver</code> to align
Tomcat with recent updates in the Jakarta EL specification project.
Add support for <code>MethodReference</code> and the associated getter
on <code>MethodExpression</code> to align Tomcat with recent updates in
the Jakarta EL specification project. (markt)
Refactor <code>ScopedAttributeELResolver</code> to separate out the
functionality that is unrelated to scoped attributes into two new
resolvers: <code>ImportELResolver</code> and
<code>NotFoundELResolver</code>. This aligns Tomcat with recent updates
to the Jakarta Server Pages specification. (markt)
Fix the implementation of <code>MethodExpression.getMethodInfo()</code>
so that it returns the expected value rather than failing when the
method expression is defined with the parameter values in the expression
rather than the types being passed explicitly to
<code>ExpressionFactory.createMethodExpression()</code>. (markt)
Add support for a new page/tag directive <code>errorOnELNotFound</code>
that can be used to trigger an identifier if an EL expression in a
page/tag contains an identifier that cannot be resolved. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
The internal upgrade handler should close the associated
<code>WebConnection</code> on destroy. (remm)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Update the web applications that are included with Apache Tomcat to use
the Jakarta EE 10 schema for web.xml. (markt)
Clarify the JASPIC configuration options in the documentation web
application. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
<bug>65585</bug>: Update obsolete comments at the start of the
<code></code> file. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M5 (markt)" rtext="2021-09-10">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Enable Tomcat to start if an (old) XML parser is configured that does
not support <code>allow-java-encodings</code>. A warning will be logged
if such an XML parser is detected. (markt)
Change the behaviour of custom error pages. If an error occurs after the
response is committed, once the custom error page content has been added
to the response the connection is now closed immediately rather than
closed cleanly. i.e. the last chunk that marks the end of the response
body is no longer sent. This acts as an additional signal to the client
that the request experienced an error. (markt)
<bug>65479</bug>: When handling requests using JASPIC authentication,
ensure that <code>PasswordValidationCallback.getResult()</code> returns
the result of the password validation rather than always returning
<code>false</code>. Fixed via pull request <pr>438</pr> provided by
Robert Rodewald. (markt)
Improve the reusability of the <code>UserDatabase</code> by adding
intermediate concrete implementation classes and allowing to do
partial database updates on <code>save</code>. (remm)
Refactor the authenticators to delegate the check for preemptive
authentication to the individual authenticators where an authentication
scheme specific check can be performed. Based on pull request
<pr>444</pr> by Robert Rodewald. (markt)
Add a <code>UserDatabase</code> implementation as a superset of the
<code>DataSourceRealm</code> functionality. (remm)
Make sure the dynamic Principal returned by
<code>UserDatabaseRealm</code> stays up to date with the database
contents, and add an option to have it be static, similar to the other
realms. (remm)
Add <code>derby-*.jar</code> to the list of JARs to skip when scanning
for TLDs, web fragments and annotations. (markt)
<pr>447</pr>. Correct JPMS metadata for catalina.jar. Pull request
provided by Hui Wang. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
Correct a logic error that meant setting
<code>certificateKeystoreFile</code> to <code>NONE</code> did not have
the expected effect. <code>NONE</code> was incorrectly treated as a file
path. Patch provided by Mikael Sterner. (markt)
Remove the deprecated APR/Native connector which includes the HTTP APR
and the AJP APR connector. Also remove the Java interfaces to the
APR/Native library that are not used by the OpenSSL integration for the
NIO and NIO2 connectors. (markt)
Refactor the JSSE/OpenSSL integration to avoid the use of
<code>finalize()</code>. (markt)
<bug>65505</bug>: When an HTTP header value is removed, ensure that the
order of the remaining header values is unchanged. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>65506</bug>: Fix write timeout check that was using the read
timeout value. Patch submitted by Gustavo Mahlow. (remm)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Remove unnecessary Context settings from the examples web application.
Document default value for <code>unpackWARs</code> and related clean-up.
Pull request <pr>439</pr> provided by Robert Rodewald. (markt)
Clarify the documentation of the <code>compressionMinSize</code> and
<code>compressibleMimeType</code> HTTP <code>Connector</code>
attributes. Pull request <pr>442</pr> provided by crisgeek. (markt)
<subsection name="Tribes">
Refactor the <code>ParallelNioSender</code> to avoid the use of
<code>finalize()</code>. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Fix failing build when building on non-English locales. Pull request
<pr>441</pr> provided by Dachuan J. (markt)
Update to JSign version 4.0 to enable code signing without the need for
the installation of additional client tools. (markt)
Add Apache Derby to the testsuite dependencies, for JDBC
and DataSource testing. (remm)
Update the internal fork of Apache Commons BCEL to 40d5eb4 (2021-09-01,
6.6.0-SNAPSHOT). Code clean-up only. (markt)
Update the internal fork of Apache Commons Codec to fd44e6b (2021-09-01,
1.16-SNAPSHOT). Minor refactoring. (markt)
<bug>65661</bug>: Update the internal fork of Apache Commons FileUpload
to 33d2d79 (2021-09-01, 2.0-SNAPSHOT). Refactoring and code clean-up. As
a result of Commons File Upload now using
<code>java.nio.file.Files</code>, applications using multi-part uploads
need to ensure that the JVM is configured with sufficient direct memory
to store all in progress multi-part uploads. (markt)
Update the internal fork of Apache Commons Pool to 2.11.1 (2021-08-17).
Improvements, code clean-up and refactoring. (markt)
Update the internal fork of Apache Commons DBCP to 2.9.0 (2021-08-03).
Improvements, code clean-up and refactoring. (markt)
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.31 to
pick up Windows binaries built with OpenSSL 1.1.1l.(markt)
Switch to the CDN as the primary download location for ASF dependencies.
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by syseal, wolibo,
ZhangJieWen and DigitalFatCat. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by tak7iji. (markt)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M4 (markt)" rtext="2021-08-06">
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Correct a regression in the Java 8 to Java 11 changes made in 10.1.0-M3
that caused all WebSocket end points to fail to register. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M3 (markt)" rtext="not released">
<subsection name="General">
Update the minimum required Java version to Java 11. (markt)
<subsection name="Catalina">
Incremented the supported Jakarta Servlet version to 6.0 to align with
the current development branch of the Jakarta Servlet specification.
Plans have changed and the next iteration of the Servlet specification
will be 6.0 rather than 5.1. (markt)
<bug>65411</bug>: Always close the connection when an uncaught
<code>NamingException</code> occurs to avoid connection locking.
Submitted by Ole Ostergaard. (remm)
<bug>65433</bug>: Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>65397</bug>
where a <code>StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</code> could be triggered
if the canonical path of the target of a symlink was shorter than the
canonical path of the directory in which the symlink had been created.
Patch provided by Cedomir Igaly. (markt)
<bug>65443</bug>: Refactor the <code>CorsFilter</code> to make it easier
to extend. (markt)
To avoid unnecessary cache revalidation, do not add an HTTP
<code>Expires</code> header when setting adding an HTTP header of
<code>CacheControl: private</code>. (markt)
Refactor JULI's custom <code>LogManager</code>, the
web application class loader implementation, the web resources
implementation, the <code>JreLeakPreventionListener</code>
implementation and the <code>StandardJarScanner</code> implementation to
remove Java 8 specific code now that the minimum Java version has been
increased to 11. (markt)
Remove all references to the endorsed standards override feature and the
specifying of optional packages (extensions) in the manifest as these
are not supported in Java 11. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
When writing an HTTP/2 response via sendfile (only enabled when
<code>useAsyncIO</code> is true) the connection flow control window was
sometimes ignored leading to various error conditions. sendfile now
checks both the stream and connection flow control windows before
writing. (markt)
Add debug logging for writing an HTTP/2 response via sendfile. (markt)
Correct bugs in the HTTP/2 connection flow control management that meant
it was possible for a connection to stall waiting for a connection flow
control window update that had already arrived. Any streams on that
connection that were trying to write when this happened would time out.
<bug>65448</bug>: When using TLS with NIO, it was possible for a
blocking response write to hang just before the final TLS packet
associated with the response until the connection timed out at which
point the final packet would be sent and the connection closed. (markt)
<bug>65454</bug>: Fix a race condition that could result in a delay to
a new request. The new request could be queued to wait for an existing
request to finish processing rather than the thread pool creating a new
thread to process the new request. (markt)
<bug>65460</bug>: Correct a regression introduced in the previous
release in the change to reduce the number of small HTTP/2 window
updates sent for streams. A logic error meant that small window updates
for the connection were dropped. This meant that the connection flow
window slowly reduced over time until nothing could be sent. (markt)
Remove NIO workarounds and code that is no longer needed with Java 11.
Refactor the endpoints to remove Java 8 specific code now that the
minimum Java version has been increased to 11. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Add additional generics to the EL API to align with the latest changes
in the EL specification project. (markt)
Enable EL lambda expressions to be coerced to functional interfaces.
This is an implementation of a proposed extension to the Jakarta
Expression Language specification. (markt)
Refactor the EL API and implementation to remove Java 8 specific code
now that the minimum Java version has been increased to 11. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Refactor the WebSocket implementation to remove Java 8 specific code now
that the minimum Java version has been increased to 11. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
<bug>65404</bug>: Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>63362</bug>
that caused the server status page in the Manager web application to be
truncated if HTTP upgrade was used such as when starting a WebSocket
connection. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Improvements to Chinese translations contributed by ZhangJieWen and
chengzheyan. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Japanese translations contributed by tak7iji. (markt)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
Use of GraalVM native images no longer automatically disables JMX
support. JMX support may still be disabled by calling
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M2 (markt)" rtext="2021-07-02">
<subsection name="Catalina">
Refactor the <code>RemoteIpValve</code> to use the common utility method
for list to comma separated string conversion. (markt)
Refactor <code>JNDIRealm$JNDIConnection</code> so its fields are
accessible to sub-classes of <code>JNDIRealm</code>. (markt)
Fix serialization warnings in <code>UserDatabasePrincipal</code>
reported by SpotBugs. (markt)
<bug>65397</bug>: Calls to
<code>ServletContext.getResourcePaths()</code> no longer include
symbolic links in the results unless <code>allowLinking</code> has been
set to <code>true</code>. If a resource is skipped because of this
change, a warning will be logged as this typically indicates a
configuration issue. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>65368</bug>: Improve handling of clean closes of inbound TLS
connections. Treat them the same way as clean closes of non-TLS
connections rather than as unknown errors. (markt)
Modify the HTTP/2 connector not to sent small updates for stream flow
control windows to the user agent as, depending on how the user agent is
written, this may trigger small writes from the user agent that in turn
trigger the overhead protection. Small updates for stream flow control
windows are now combined with subsequent flow control window updates for
that stream to ensure that all stream flow control window updates sent
from Tomcat are larger than <code>overheadWindowUpdateThreshold</code>.
Add additional debug logging to track the current state of the HTTP/2
overhead count that Tomcat uses to detect and close potentially
malicious connections. (markt)
Many HTTP/2 requests from browsers will trigger one overhead frame and
one non-overhead frame. Change the overhead calculation so that a
non-overhead frame reduces the current overhead count by 2 rather than
1. This means that, over time, the overhead count for a well-behaved
connection will trend downwards. (markt)
Change the initial HTTP/2 overhead count from <code>-10</code> to
<code>-10 * overheadCountFactor</code>. This means that, regardless of
the value chosen for <code>overheadCountFactor</code>, when a connection
opens 10 overhead frames in a row will be required to trigger the
overhead protection. (markt)
Increase the default <code>overheadCountFactor</code> from
<code>1</code> to <code>10</code> and change the reduction in overhead
count for a non-overhead frame from <code>-2</code> to <code>-20</code>.
This allows for a larger range (0-20) to be used for
<code>overheadCountFactor</code> providing for finer-grained control.
Modify the parsing of HTTP header values that use the
<code>1#token</code> to ignore empty elements as per RFC 7230 section 7
instead of treating the presence of empty elements as an error. (markt)
Expand the unit tests for <code>HttpServlet.doHead()</code> and correct
the flushing of the response buffer. The buffer used to behave as if it
was one byte smaller than the configured size. The buffer was flushed
(and the response committed if required) when the buffer was full. The
buffer is now flushed (and the response committed if required) if the
buffer is full and there is more data to write. (markt)
Fix an issue where concurrent HTTP/2 writes (or concurrent reads) to the
same connection could hang and eventually timeout when async IO was
enabled (it is enabled by default). (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
<bug>65387</bug>: Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>65124</bug>
and restore the local definition of <code>out</code> for tags that
implement <code>TryCatchFinally</code>. (markt)
<bug>65390</bug>: Correct a regression in the fix for <bug>65124</bug>
and restore code that was removed in error leading to JSP compilation
failures in some circumstances. (markt)
Update to the Eclipse JDT compiler 4.20. (markt)
Add support for specifying Java 17 (with the value <code>17</code>) as
the compiler source and/or compiler target for JSP compilation. If used
with an Eclipse JDT compiler version that does not support these values,
a warning will be logged and the latest supported version will used.
<bug>65377</bug>: Update the Java code generation for JSPs not to use
the boxed primitive constructors as they have been deprecated in Java 9
and marked for future removal in Java 16. <code>valueOf()</code> is now
used instead. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
Refactor the <code>DigestAuthenticator</code> to reuse a shared
<code>SecureRandom</code> instance rather than create a new one to
generate the <code>cnonce</code> if required. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
<bug>65385</bug>: Correct the link in the documentation web application
the Maven Central repository. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Use JSign to integrate the build script with the code signing service to
enable release builds to be created on Linux as well as Windows. (markt)
Update the OWB module to Apache OpenWebBeans 2.0.23. (remm)
Update the CXF module to Apache CXF 3.4.4. (remm)
<bug>65369</bug> / <pr>422</pr>: Add the additional
<code>--add-opens=...</code> options required for running Tomcat on Java
16 onwards to the <code>service.bat</code> script to align it with the
other start-up scripts. PR provided by MCMicS. (markt)
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
Update JUnit to version 4.13.2. (markt)
Update EasyMock to 4.3. (markt)
Update Objenesis to 3.2. (markt)
Update UnboundID to 6.0.0. (markt)
Update CheckStyle to 8.43. (markt)
Update SpotBugs to 4.2.3. (markt)
Update OSGi annotations to 1.1.0. (markt)
<section name="Tomcat 10.1.0-M1 (markt)" rtext="2021-06-15">
<subsection name="General">
This release contains all of the changes up to and including those in
Apache Tomcat 10.0.6 plus the additional changes listed below. (markt)
Remove code previously marked for removal in Tomcat 10.1.x. (markt)
<subsection name="Catalina">
Incremented the supported Jakarta Servlet version to 5.1 to align with
the current development branch of the Jakarta Servlet specification.
<bug>65301</bug>: <code>RemoteIpValve</code> will now avoid getting
the local host name when it is not needed. (remm)
<bug>65308</bug>: NPE in JNDIRealm when no <code>userRoleAttribute</code>
is given. (fschumacher)
<pr>412</pr>: Add commented out, sample users for the Tomcat Manager app
to the default <code>tomcat-users.xml</code> file. Based on a PR by
Arnaud Dagnelies. (markt)
<pr>418</pr>: Add a new option, <code>pass-through</code>, to the
default servlet's <code>useBomIfPresent</code> initialization parameter
that causes the default servlet to leave any BOM in place when
processing a static file and not to use the BOM to determine the
encoding of the file. Based on a pull request by Jean-Louis Monteiro.
<pr>419</pr>: When processing POST requests of type
<code>multipart/form-data</code> for parts without a filename that are
added to the parameter map in String form, check the size of the part
before attempting conversion to String. Pull request provided by
tianshuang. (markt)
Implement the new <code>Cookie</code> methods
<code>setAttribute()</code>, <code>getAttribute()</code> and
<code>getAttributes()</code> introduced in Servlet 6.0. (markt)
AprLifecycleListener does not show dev version suffix for libtcnative
and libapr. (michaelo)
Refactor principal handling in <code>UserDatabaseRealm</code> using
an inner class that extends <code>GenericPrincipal</code>. (remm)
Enable the default <code>doHead()</code> implementation in
<code>HttpServlet</code> to correctly handle responses where the content
length needs to be represented as a long since it is larger than the
maximum value that can be represented by an int. (markt)
Avoid synchronization on roles verification for the memory
<code>UserDatabase</code>. (remm)
Fix the default <code>doHead()</code> implementation in
<code>HttpServlet</code> to correctly handle responses where the Servlet
calls <code>ServletResponse.reset()</code> and/or
<code>ServletResponse.resetBuffer()</code>. (markt)
Fix the default <code>doHead()</code> implementation in
<code>HttpServlet</code> to correctly handle responses generated using
the Servlet non-blocking API. (markt)
<subsection name="Coyote">
<bug>65303</bug>: Fix a possible <code>NullPointerException</code> if
an error occurs on an HTTP/1.1 connection being upgraded to HTTP/2 or on
a pushed HTTP/2 stream. (markt)
Simplify AprEndpoint socket bind for all platforms. (michaelo)
<bug>65340</bug>: Add missing check for a negative return value for
<code>Hpack.decodeInteger</code> in the <code>HpackDecoder</code>,
which could cause a <code>NegativeArraySizeException</code> exception.
Submitted by Thomas, and verified the fix is present in the donated
hpack code in a further update. (remm)
Add debug logging for HTTP/2 HPACK header decoding. (markt)
Correct parsing of HTTP headers consisting of a list of tokens so that a
header with an empty token is treated consistently regardless of whether
the empty token is at the start, middle or end of the list of tokens.
Remove support for the <code>identity</code> transfer encoding. The
inclusion of this encoding in RFC 2616 was an error that was corrected
in 2001. Requests using this transfer encoding will now receive a 501
response. (markt)
Process transfer encoding headers from both HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1
clients. (markt)
Ensure that if the transfer encoding header contains the
<code>chunked</code>, that the <code>chunked</code> encoding is the
final encoding listed. (markt)
<subsection name="Jasper">
Incremented the supported Jakarta Expression Language version to 5.0 to
align with the current development branch of the Jakarta Expression
Language specification. (markt)
Review code used to generate Java source from JSPs and tags and remove
code found to be unnecessary. (markt)
Refactor use of internal <code>ChildInfo</code> class to use compile
time type checking rather than run time type checking. (markt)
<bug>65124</bug>: Partial fix. When generating Java source code to call
a tag handler, only define the local variable <code>JspWriter out</code>
when it is going to be used. (markt)
Add generics to the EL 5.0 API to align with the current EL 5.0
development branch. (markt)
Update the <code>web-fragment.xml</code> included in
<code>jasper.jar</code> and <code>jasper-el.jar</code> to use the
Servlet 5.0 schema. (markt)
Update JspC to generate <code>web.xml</code> and
<code>web-fragment.xml</code> files using Servlet 5.0 schemas. (markt)
Remove the deprecated method
<code>MethodExpression.isParmetersProvided()</code> from the EL API to
align with the current EL 5.0 development branch. (markt)
<bug>65358</bug>: Improve expression language method matching for
methods with varargs. Where multiple methods may match the provided
parameters, the method that requires the fewest varargs is preferred.
<bug>65332</bug>: Add a commented out section in
<code>catalina.policy</code> that provides the necessary permissions to
compile JSPs with javac when running on Java 9 onwards with a security
manager. It is commented out as it will cause errors if used with
earlier Java versions. (markt)
<subsection name="WebSocket">
<bug>65317</bug>: When using <code>permessage-deflate</code>, the
WebSocket connection was incorrectly closed if the uncompressed payload
size was an exact multiple of 8192. Based on a patch provided by Saksham
Verma. (markt)
Update the <code>web-fragment.xml</code> included in
<code>tomcat-websocket.jar</code> to use the Servlet 5.0 schema. (markt)
<bug>65342</bug>: Correct a regression introduced with the fix for
<bug>65262</bug> that meant Tomcat's WebSocket implementation would only
work with Tomcat's implementation of the Jakarta WebSocket API. (markt)
<subsection name="Web applications">
Improve the description of the <code>maxConnections</code> and
<code>acceptCount</code> attributes in the Connector section of the
documentation web application. (markt)
<subsection name="Other">
Improvements to French translations. (remm)
Improvements to Korean translations. (woonsan)
<bug>65362</bug>: Correct a regression in the previous release. The
change to create OSGi <code>Require-Capability</code> sections in
manifests for Jakarta API JARs manually rather than with bnd annotations
did not add the necessary manual entries to the embedded JARs. (markt)
Update the packaged version of the Tomcat Native Library to 1.2.30. Also
update the minimum recommended version to 1.2.30. (markt)