blob: e3359bd8d5a17b3e92275c4cf45a1b1a80e4f3c6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Merge the MIME type definitions contained in the
# file mime.types from the httpd project into Tomcat web.xml.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The script uses two mime type lists to describe
# the merging between httpd and Tomcat mime types.
# - %TOMCAT_ONLY: Additional extensions for Tomcat that do not exist in httpd
# - %TOMCAT_KEEP: Mime type differences for common extensions where we stick to
# the Tomcat definition
# The script checks consistency between Tomcat and httpd according
# to the lists TOMCAT_ONLY and TOMCAT_KEEP and generates a new web.xml:
# A) Additional extensions in Tomcat which are not part of TOMCAT_ONLY
# are logged. They will be removed in the generated new web.xml.
# If you want to keep them, add them to TOMCAT_ONLY and run the
# script again. If you want to remove them, commit the generated
# new web.xml.
# B) Mime type differences for the same extension between httpd
# and Tomcat that are not part of TOMCAT_KEEP are logged.
# They will be overwritten with the httpd definition in the generated
# new web.xml. If you want to keep their Tomcat definition, add them
# to TOMCAT_KEEP and run the script again. If you want to use the
# definitions from httpd, commit the generated new web.xml.
# C) Additional extensions in httpd are logged. The script outputs a
# merged web.xml, which already includes all those additional
# extensions. If you want to keep them, commit the generated
# new web.xml.
# D) If the extensions are not sorted alphabetically, a message is logged.
# The generated web.xml will always be sorted alphabetically.
# If you want to keep the alphabetical sort order, commit the generated
# new web.xml.
use strict;
use locale;
use POSIX qw(locale_h);
use Getopt::Std;
################### BEGIN VARIABLES WHICH MUST BE MAINTAINED #####################
# Script version, printed via getopts with "--version"
our $VERSION = '1.1';
# Locale used via LC_COLLATE when sorting extensions
my $LOCALE = 'en.UTF-8';
# Mime types that are part of the Tomcat
# configuration, but missing from httpd
my %TOMCAT_ONLY = qw(
abs audio/x-mpeg
aim application/x-aim
anx application/annodex
art image/x-jg
avx video/x-rad-screenplay
axa audio/annodex
axv video/annodex
body text/html
dib image/bmp
dv video/x-dv
gz application/x-gzip
htc text/x-component
jsf text/plain
jspf text/plain
m4b audio/mp4
m4r audio/mp4
mp1 audio/mpeg
mpa audio/mpeg
mac image/x-macpaint
mpega audio/x-mpeg
mpv2 video/mpeg2
pict image/pict
pnt image/x-macpaint
qti image/x-quicktime
qtif image/x-quicktime
shtml text/x-server-parsed-html
ulw audio/basic
wasm application/wasm
z application/x-compress
# Mime types, that are defined differently
# in Tomcat than in httpd
my %TOMCAT_KEEP = qw(
cdf application/x-cdf
class application/java
exe application/octet-stream
flac audio/flac
m4v video/mp4
mif application/x-mif
pct image/pict
pic image/pict
pls audio/x-scpls
################### END VARIABLES WHICH MUST BE MAINTAINED #####################
# Global data variables
# Mime type definitions from httpd
my %httpd;
# Mime type definitions from Tomcat
my %tomcat;
# Comments found when parsing mime type definitions
my %tomcat_comments;
# Is the whole mime type commented out?
my %tomcat_commented;
# List of extensions found in the original order
my @tomcat_extensions;
# Text in web.xml before and after the mime-type definitions
my $tomcat_pre; my $tomcat_post;
# Helper variables
my $i;
my $line;
my $mimetype;
my @extensions;
my $extension;
my $type;
my $comment;
my $commented;
my $msg;
my $previous;
my $current;
# File handles
my $mimetypes_fh;
my $webxml_fh;
my $output_fh;
# Usage/Help
my $fh = shift;
print $fh "Usage:: $0 -m MIMEFILE -i INPUTFILE -o OUTPUTFILE\n";
print $fh " MIMEFILE: path to mime.types from the httpd project\n";
print $fh " INPUTFILE: path to existing web.xml, which will be checked\n";
print $fh " OUTPUTFILE: path to the new (generated) web.xml. Any existing\n";
print $fh " file will be overwritten.\n";
# Parse arguments:
# -m: mime.types file (httpd) to use
# -i: input web.xml file to check
# -o: output web.xml file (gets generated and overwritten)
our ($opt_m, $opt_i, $opt_o);
# Check whether mandatory arguments are given
if ($opt_m eq '' || $opt_i eq '' || $opt_o eq '') {
exit 1;
# Switch locale for alphabetical ordering
setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $LOCALE);
# Check whether TOMCAT_ONLY and TOMCAT_KEEP are disjoint
for $extension (sort keys %TOMCAT_ONLY) {
if (exists($TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension})) {
push(@extensions, ($extension));
if (@extensions > 0) {
print STDERR "FATAL Lists TOMCAT_ONLY and TOMCAT_KEEP must be disjoint.\n";
print STDERR "FATAL Common entries are: " . join(', ', @extensions) . " - Aborting!\n";
exit 6;
# Read and parse httpd mime.types, build up hash extension->mime-type
open($mimetypes_fh, '<', $opt_m) or die "Could not open file '$opt_m' for read - Aborting!";
while (<$mimetypes_fh>) {
$line = $_;
$line =~ s/#.*//;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
if ($line ne '') {
($mimetype, @extensions) = split(/\s+/, $line);
if (@extensions > 0) {
for $extension (@extensions) {
$httpd{$extension} = $mimetype;
} else {
print STDERR "WARN mime.types line ignored: $_\n";
# Read and parse web.xml, build up hash extension->mime-type
# and store the file parts form before and after mime mappings.
open($webxml_fh, '<', $opt_i) or die "Could not open file '$opt_i' for read - Aborting!";
# Skip and record all lines before the first mime type definition.
# Because of comment handling we need to read one line ahead.
$line = '';
while (<$webxml_fh>) {
if ($_ !~ /<mime-mapping>/) {
$tomcat_pre .= $line;
} else {
$line = $_;
$commented = 0;
# If the previous line was start of a comment
# set marker, else add it to pre.
if ($line =~ /^\s*<!--[^>]*$/) {
$commented = 1;
} else {
$tomcat_pre .= $line;
# Now we parse blocks of the form:
# <mime-mapping>
# <extension>abs</extension>
# <mime-type>audio/x-mpeg</mime-type>
# </mime-mapping>
# Optional single comment lines directly after "<mime-mapping>"
# are allowed. The whole block is also allowed to be commented out.
while ($_ =~ /^\s*<mime-mapping>\s*$/) {
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
$comment = '';
if ($_ =~ /^\s*<!--([^>]*)-->\s*$/) {
$comment = $1;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
if ($_ =~ /^\s*<extension>([^<]*)<\/extension>\s*$/ ) {
$extension = $1;
$extension =~ s/^\s+//;
$extension =~ s/\s+$//;
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR Parse error in Tomcat mime-mapping line $.\n";
print STDERR "ERROR Expected <extension>...</extension>', got '$_' - Aborting!\n";
exit 2;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
if ($_ =~ /^\s*<mime-type>([^<]*)<\/mime-type>\s*$/ ) {
$type = $1;
$type =~ s/^\s+//;
$type =~ s/\s+$//;
if (exists($tomcat{$extension}) && $tomcat{$extension} ne $type) {
print STDERR "WARN MIME mapping redefinition detected!\n";
print STDERR "WARN Kept '$extension' -> '$tomcat{$extension}'\n";
print STDERR "WARN Ignored '$extension' -> '$type'\n";
} else {
$tomcat{$extension} = $type;
if ($comment ne '') {
$tomcat_comments{$extension} = $comment;
if ($commented) {
$tomcat_commented{$extension} = 1;
push(@tomcat_extensions, $extension);
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR Parse error in Tomcat mime-mapping line $.\n";
print STDERR "ERROR Expected <mime-type>...</mime-type>', got '$_' - Aborting!\n";
exit 3;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
if ($_ !~ /^\s*<\/mime-mapping>\s*$/) {
print STDERR "ERROR Parse error in Tomcat mime-mapping line $.\n";
print STDERR "ERROR Expected '</mime-mapping>', got '$_' - Aborting!\n";
exit 4;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
# Check for comment closure
if ($commented && $_ =~ /^[^<]*-->\s*$/) {
$commented = 0;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
# Check for comment opening
if ($_ =~ /^\s*<!--[^>]*$/) {
$commented = 1;
$line = $_;
$_ = <$webxml_fh>;
# Add back the last comment line already digested
if ($commented) {
$tomcat_post = $line;
# Read and record the remaining lines
$tomcat_post .= $_;
while (<$webxml_fh>) {
if ($_ =~ /<mime-mapping>/) {
print STDERR "ERROR mime-mapping blocks are not consecutive\n";
print STDERR "ERROR See line $. in $opt_i - Aborting!\n";
exit 5;
$tomcat_post .= $_;
# Look for extensions in TOMCAT_ONLY.
# Abort if it already exists in mime.types.
# Warn if they are no longer existing in web.xml.
for $extension (sort keys %TOMCAT_ONLY) {
if (exists($httpd{$extension})) {
if ($httpd{$extension} eq $TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}) {
print STDERR "FATAL Consistent definition for '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}' exists in mime.types.\n";
print STDERR "FATAL You must remove '$extension' from the TOMCAT_ONLY list - Aborting!\n";
exit 7;
} else {
print STDERR "FATAL Definition '$extension' -> '$httpd{$extension}' exists in mime.types but\n";
print STDERR "FATAL differs from '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}' in TOMCAT_ONLY.\n";
print STDERR "FATAL You must either remove '$extension' from the TOMCAT_ONLY list to keep the mime.types variant,\n";
print STDERR "FATAL or move it to TOMCAT_KEEP to overwrite the mime.types variant - Aborting!\n";
exit 8;
if (!exists($tomcat{$extension})) {
print STDERR "WARN Additional extension '$extension' allowed by TOMCAT_ONLY list, but not found in web.xml\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}' will be added again to generated web.xml.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Consider removing it from TOMCAT_ONLY if you do not want to add back this extension.\n";
# Look for extensions in TOMCAT_KEEP.
# Abort if they do not exist in mime.types or have the same definition there..
# Warn if they are no longer existing in web.xml.
for $extension (sort keys %TOMCAT_KEEP) {
if (exists($httpd{$extension})) {
if ($httpd{$extension} eq $TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}) {
print STDERR "FATAL Consistent definition for '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}' exists in mime.types.\n";
print STDERR "FATAL You must remove '$extension' from the TOMCAT_KEEP list - Aborting!\n";
exit 9;
} else {
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}' does not exist in mime.types,\n";
print STDERR "FATAL so you must move it from TOMCAT_KEEP to TOMCAT_ONLY - Aborting!\n";
exit 10;
if (!exists($tomcat{$extension})) {
print STDERR "WARN Additional extension '$extension' allowed by TOMCAT_KEEP list, but not found in web.xml\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}' will be added again to generated web.xml.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Consider removing it from TOMCAT_KEEP if you do not want to add back this extension.\n";
# Look for extensions existing for Tomcat but not for httpd.
# Log them if they are not in TOMCAT_ONLY
for $extension (@tomcat_extensions) {
if (!exists($httpd{$extension})) {
if (!exists($TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension})) {
print STDERR "WARN Extension '$extension' found in web.xml but not in mime.types is missing from TOMCAT_ONLY list.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$tomcat{$extension}' will be removed from generated web.xml.\n";
} elsif ($tomcat{$extension} ne $TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}) {
print STDERR "WARN Additional extension '$extension' allowed by TOMCAT_ONLY list, but has new definition.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$tomcat{$extension}' will be replaced" .
" by '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_ONLY{$extension}' in generated web.xml.\n";
# Look for extensions with inconsistent mime types for Tomcat and httpd.
# Log them if they are not in TOMCAT_KEEP
for $extension (@tomcat_extensions) {
if (exists($httpd{$extension}) && $tomcat{$extension} ne $httpd{$extension}) {
if (!exists($TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension})) {
print STDERR "WARN Mapping '$extension' inconsistency is missing from TOMCAT_KEEP list.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$tomcat{$extension}' will be replaced" .
" by '$extension' -> '$httpd{$extension}' in generated web.xml.\n";
} elsif ($tomcat{$extension} ne $TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}) {
print STDERR "WARN Extension '$extension' inconsistency allowed by TOMCAT_KEEP list, but has new definition.\n";
print STDERR "WARN Definition '$extension' -> '$tomcat{$extension}' will be replaced" .
" by '$extension' -> '$TOMCAT_KEEP{$extension}' in generated web.xml.\n";
# Log if extensions in web.xml are not sorted alphabetically.
$msg = '';
$previous = '';
for $current (@tomcat_extensions) {
if ($previous ge $current) {
$msg .= "WARN Extension '$previous' defined before '$current'\n";
$previous = $current;
if ($msg ne '') {
print STDERR "WARN MIME type definitions in web.xml were not sorted alphabetically by extension\n";
print STDERR $msg;
print STDERR "WARN This will be fixed in the new generated web.xml file '$opt_o'.\n";
# Log all extensions defined for httpd but not for Tomcat
for $extension (sort keys %httpd) {
if (!exists($tomcat{$extension})) {
print STDERR "INFO Extension '$extension' found for httpd, but not for Tomcat.\n";
print STDERR "INFO Definition '$extension' -> '$httpd{$extension}' will be added" .
" to the generated web.xml.\n";
# Generate new web.xml:
# - Use definitions from httpd
# - output tomcat_pre, sorted mime-mappings, tomcat_post.
while (($extension, $mimetype) = each %TOMCAT_ONLY) {
$httpd{$extension} = $mimetype;
while (($extension, $mimetype) = each %TOMCAT_KEEP) {
$httpd{$extension} = $mimetype;
open ($output_fh, '>', $opt_o) or die "Could not open file '$opt_o' for write - Aborting!";
print $output_fh $tomcat_pre;
for $extension (sort keys %httpd) {
if (exists($tomcat_commented{$extension})) {
print $output_fh " <!--\n";
print $output_fh " <mime-mapping>\n";
if (exists($tomcat_comments{$extension})) {
print $output_fh " <!--$tomcat_comments{$extension}-->\n";
print $output_fh " <extension>$extension</extension>\n";
print $output_fh " <mime-type>$httpd{$extension}</mime-type>\n";
print $output_fh " </mime-mapping>\n";
if (exists($tomcat_commented{$extension})) {
print $output_fh " -->\n";
print $output_fh $tomcat_post;
print "New file '$opt_o' has been written.\n";