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<h3>Where to look</h3>
<p>Tomcat's typical per request overhead is ~50µs</p>
<p>It probably isn't Tomcat</p>
<p>It probably is your application</p>
<p>Use a profiler</p>
<h3>Memory Usage</h3>
<p>Java Object Heap</p>
<p>PermGen / Metaspace</p>
<p>Native memory</p>
<aside class="notes">
If you get and OOME, check the message carefully.
<h3>Java Object Heap</h3>
<p>Stores the object you create</p>
<p>Control size with Xms and Xmx</p>
<p>Garbage collection clean up unused objects</p>
<h3>Class storage</h3>
<p>PermGen: Java 7 and earlier</p>
<p>Stores classes</p>
<p>Control size with XX:PermSize and XX:MaxPermSize</p>
<p>Always has a limit</p>
<p>OOME when it is full</p>
<h3>Class storage</h3>
<p>Metaspace: Java 8 and later</p>
<p>Stores classes</p>
<p>Control size with XX:MaxMetaspaceSize</p>
<p>Unlimited by default</p>
<p>Uses as much memory as the OS will give it</p>
<h3>Native memory</h3>
<p>Code generation</p>
<p>Socket buffers</p>
<p>File descriptors</p>
<p>Thread stacks</p>
<p>Direct memory space</p>
<p>JNI code</p>
<p>JNI allocated memory</p>
<p>Garbage collection</p>
<aside class="notes">
If the Java process heap expands into swap, performance will suffer
<h3>Garbage Collection</h3>
<p>Generally, JVM defaults are fine</p>
<p>Tuning GC should normally be one of the last things you do</p>
<h3>Garbage Collection</h3>
<p>Start from GC roots and identify all live objects</p>
<p>Remove everything else</p>
<p>Compact the live objects</p>
<p>GC time is proportional to live object size
<h3>GC tuning</h3>
<p>Java object heap size</p>
<p>Pause time</p>
<p>Optimise for any 2 at the expense of the third</p>
<p>Set max Java object heap size to 3x to 5x steady state requirement</p>
<h3>Thread dumps</h3>
<p>Displays the state of all threads in a virtual machine</p>
<p>Provides plenty of information about activity and any dead locks</p>
<p>Provides a trace where each thread started to where its current point
in execution</p>
<h3>Thread dumps</h3>
<p>Always take at least 3, ~5s apart</p>
<p>Using diff between them can be enlightening</p>
<p>Unix: <code>kill -3 &lt;pid&gt;</code></p>
<p>Windows: <code>Ctrl + Break</code></p>
<p>Windows: Service Runner control panel</p>
<h3>CPU usage</h3>
<p><code>nid</code> is the OS thread ID</p>
<p>List threads using more than 0.0% CPU</p>
<p><code>ps -eL -o pid,%cpu,lwp | grep -i `ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep java | awk '{print $2}'` | grep -v ' 0.0'</code></p>
<p>Agree performance targets</p>
<p>Measure (use a profiler)</p>
<p>Identify bottleneck</p>
<p>Fix root cause</p>
<p>Repeat until target is reached</p>
<aside class="notes">
Identifying the correct root cause is the hard bit.
<p>JSP causing CPU usage</p>