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<h2>Configuring Tomcat for TLS</h2>
<p>Private key</p>
<p>Server certificate</p>
<p>Certificate chain</p>
<p>Configuration in server.xml
<h3>File formats</h3>
<p>.pem .crt .cer .key</p>
<p>Key, certificate or chain</p>
<h3>File formats</h3>
<p>Binary form of .pem</p>
<p>Key, certificate or chain</p>
<h3>File formats</h3>
<p>.p7b (PKCS7)</p>
<p>Certificate or chain</p>
<p>No keys</p>
<h3>File formats</h3>
<p>.p12 (PKCS12)</p>
<p>Key, certificate or chain</p>
<h3>File formats</h3>
<p>.jks .keystore</p>
<p>Java specific (deprecated)</p>
<p>Key, certificate or chain</p>
<h3>Which format?</h3>
<p>Tomcat 7.0.x or 8.0.x</p>
<p>BIO, NIO or NIO2</p>
<p>JSSE implementation, JSSE configuration</p>
<p>PKCS12 with Java 7+</p>
<aside class="notes">
OpenSSL doesn't seem to like creating PKCS12 files without keys. Keytool will do so happily.
<h3>Which format?</h3>
<p>Tomcat 7.0.x or 8.0.x</p>
<p>OpenSSL implementation, OpenSSL configuration</p>
<h3>Which format?</h3>
<p>Tomcat 8.5.x or 9.0.x</p>
<p>NIO or NIO2</p>
<p>JSSE or OpenSSL implementation</p>
<p>JSSE or OpenSSL configuration (can't mix)</p>
<p>Keystore, PKCS12 (JSSE config)</p>
<p>PEM (OpenSSL config)</p>
<aside class="notes">
Netty: NIO + OpenSSLs
<h3>Which format?</h3>
<p>Tomcat 8.5.x or 9.0.x</p>
<p>OpenSSL implementation, OpenSSL configuration</p>
<h3>Changes in 8.5.x onwards</h3>
<p>Was 1 connector, 1 host name, 1 certificate</p>
<p>Now each connector can have multiple host names</p>
<p>Each host name can have multiple certificates</p>
<p>Change in configuration style</p>
<p>Old style is supported but deprecated</p>
<h3>Generating keys and certificates</h3>
<p>OpenSSL for Linux - package manager</p>
<p>OpenSSL for Windows - Tomcat Native binary</p>
<p>Keytool - JRE/JDK</p>
<p>openssl.cnf - <a href="">Github</a></p>
<p><a href="">script</a></p>
<aside class="notes">
Go through the script
<p>Create APR/native key and certificate</p>
<p>Create keystore key and certificate</p>
<p>Show 8.5.x, NIO working with both in turn</p>