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&ldquo;Explain to an experienced sysadmin who knows nothing about Tomcat or Java (but a lot
about system utilities etc) how to set up a coherent and easy-to-manage logging system for
Tomcat (and applications therein), including (safe) log rotation, archiving, cleanup
André Warnier
<h3>Types of logs</h3>
<p>Access logs</p>
<p>Tomcat logs</p>
<p>Application logs</p>
<h3>Logging Frameworks</h3>
<p>There are lots</p>
<p>There are even frameworks for the frameworks</p>
<aside class="notes">
log4j, log4j2, logBack, SLF4J<br/>
Commons Logging
<p>JRE came a little late to the party</p>
<p>Similar to log4j</p>
<aside class="notes">
There are all fairly similar
<p>Loggers are in a hierarchy</p>
<p>Typically follows Java package hierarchy</p>
<p>Logger names typically match class names</p>
<p>Don't have to</p>
<p>Set levels at any point in the hierarchy</p>
<p>Add handlers at any point in the hierarchy</p>
<p>Option to pass log message up hierarchy</p>
<p>Is not class loader aware</p>
<p>Configuration file only allows one instance of a Handler type</p>
<aside class="notes">
Class unique ID is name + class loader. Multiple web apps could have same class with same
logger. Need to be able to separate log messages.
<p>Java Util Logging Implementation</p>
<p>Commons logging hard-coded to use java.util.logging</p>
<p>Class loader aware</p>
<p>Allows multiple handlers of same type</p>
<h3>Tomcat logging</h3>
<p>A closer look at Tomcat's default <code></code></p>
<aside class="notes">
Note the separate Container hierarchy under ContainerBase
<h3>Production changes</h3>
<p>Remove the ConsoleHandler</p>
<p>Nothing should output to STDOUT or STDERR during normal operations</p>
<p>catalina.YYYY-MM-DD.log should be mostly empty</p>
<p>Deployment and undeployment may trigger some logging</p>
<h3>Application logging</h3>
<p>Servlet API provides very basic logging</p>
<p><code>log(String, Throwable)</code></p>
<p>Not sufficiently flexible for most use cases</p>
<h3>Application logging</h3>
<p>Could use anything</p>
<p>Direct to stdout</p>
<p>Servlet API</p>
<p>Logging framework routed to files</p>
<p>Logging framework routed to <code>stdout</code></p>
<p>Configure to files outside of docBase</p>
<p>Configure to redirect to <code>java.util.logging</code> then configure via JULI</p>
<aside class="notes">
Could configure to STDOUT then capture but seems overly complex
<h3>Servlet API</h3>
<p>Passed to Container's logger</p>
<p><code>log(String)</code> at <code>INFO</code></p>
<p><code>log(String, Throwable)</code> at <code>ERROR</code></p>
<p>Configure via JULI</p>
<aside class="notes">
Could configure to STDOUT then capture but seems overly complex
<p>Or <code>stderr</code></p>
<p>Time for a training course</p>
<p><code>swallowOutput</code> on <code>Context</code></p>
<p>All output for one request gets redirected to a single <code>INFO</code> log messages</p>
<p>rotation: <code>rotatable</code> (daily rotation)</p>
<p>archiving: no support</p>
<p>clean-up: <code>maxDays</code></p>
<aside class="notes">
archive via cron? probably combine with clean-up
<h3>Access logs</h3>
<p>Logs every request</p>
<p>Separate from logging framework</p>
<p>Optimised for performance</p>
<aside class="notes">
We considered using JULI. When we tested it, the performance impact was too great.
<h3>Access logs</h3>
<p>rotation: <code>rotatable</code>, <code>fileDateFormat</code>, <code>renameOnRotate</code></p>
<p>archiving: no support</p>
<p>clean-up: <code>maxDays</code></p>
<aside class="notes">
maxDays is a recent addition prompted by this class<br/>
rotation not limited to daily
<p>JSP that outputs to <code>stdout</code></p>