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<p>Adding a web application to Tomcat</p>
<p>A web application maps request URLs to zero to many Filters and exactly one Servlet</p>
<p>Plus a supporting cast of static content, security configuration, resources, session management
and more</p>
<p>Web application (Servlet spec) == Context (Tomcat)</p>
<h3>Web application structure</h3>
<p>Directory or Web ARchive (WAR)</p>
<p>WAR has same format as JAR (and zip)</p>
<h3>Web application structure</h3>
<p>/ contains static content (and JSPs)</p>
<p>/WEB-INF/ may contain web.xml file</p>
<p>/META-INF/ may contain context.xml file</p>
<p>/WEB-INF/classes Java class files</p>
<p>/WEB-INF/lib JAR files</p>
<p>Java class</p>
<p>Accepts an HTTP request</p>
<p>Generates an HTTP response</p>
<p>Default Servlet: static files</p>
<p>JSP Servlet (Jasper): JSP files</p>
<h3>Mapping rules</h3>
<p>Web applications are deployed to a context path</p>
<p>First mapping rule is map to longest matching context path</p>
<h3>Context Paths</h3>
<p>The context path is always derived from the WAR, DIR or context.xml</p>
<p>Any Servlet 4 defined preference in web.xml is ignored</p>
<h3>Context Paths</h3>
<th>Context Path</th>
<th>Context Name</th>
<th>Base File Name</th>
<th>Example File Names (.xml, .war &amp; directory)</th>
<td>foo.xml, foo.war, foo</td>
<td>foo#bar.xml, foo#bar.war, foo#bar</td>
<td><i>Empty String</i></td>
<td><i>Empty String</i></td>
<td>ROOT.xml, ROOT.war, ROOT</td>
<h3>Automatic deployment</h3>
<p>Default Host appBase is $CATALINA_BASE/webapps</p>
<p>Directories and WARs placed here are deployed at start-up by default</p>
<p>WAR or directory for a Context is called the docBase</p>
<p>deployOnStartUp, autoDeploy, unpackWARs</p>
<h3>Deployment Descriptors</h3>
<p>context.xml files</p>
<p>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/engine-name/host-name/ is known as xmlBase</p>
<h3>Deployment Descriptors</h3>
<p>copyXML - copy to $CATALINA_BASE</p>
<p>deployXML - ignore /META-INF/context.xml</p>
<p>Note: defaults changed in Tomcat 7</p>
<p>Can point to a docBase outside the appBase</p>
<h3>Automatic deployment</h3>
<p>1st Deployment descriptors in xmlBase</p>
<p>2nd WARs in appBase</p>
<p>3rd Directories in appBase</p>
<h3>Automatic deployment</h3>
<p>Detecting changes</p>
<p>Tomcat will pick up the change</p>
<p>Aims to do the minimum necessary for the change to take effect</p>
<p>The <a href="">details</a>
are documented</p>
<h3>Automatic deployment</h3>
<p>You can define Contexts in server.xml</p>
<p>Changes require a Tomcat restart</p>
<h3>Changes while shutdown</h3>
<p>Most will take effect on start-up</p>
<p>Updated WAR with unpacked DIR used to be ignored</p>
<p>/META-INF/war-tracker as of 8.0.21</p>
<h3>Parallel deployment</h3>
<p>Different versions of web application at the same time</p>
<p>Sessions using old version continue to do so</p>
<p>New sessions use latest version</p>
<h3>Parallel deployment</h3>
<p>Version is a string, not a number</p>
<p>Automatic deployment</p>
<p>Parallel deployment</p>
<p>Create a web application and deploy it</p>
<p>Demonstrate parallel deployment</p>