blob: 00263c110e991302aa261b0f3ccd91cb43baff98 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Standard Tag Library 1.2.5 -- SOURCE DISTRIBUTION
Thanks for downloading the source code for the Apache Software Foundation's
implementation of the JavaServer Pages(tm)(JSP) Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
specification. This code is licensed to you by the Apache Software
Foundation and its contributors under the terms of the Apache License V2.0;
please see the included NOTICE and LICENSE files for details.
For the 1.2 release, the project migrated to the Apache Maven build system.
Download and install version 3.0 or higher from
The build requires a Java Development Kit Version 5 or higher.
From the 'standard' directory, the entire project can be built with the
normal Maven goals:
$ mvn install <-- builds all targets and installs in local repository
$ mvn clean <-- removes all build artifacts
A typical build will use the 'install' goal that compiles all classes, runs
all the unit tests, creates the target bundles, and installs them in the
local Maven repository.
All library dependencies will be downloaded from the central Maven
repositories. You should be online when building.
Information about the project can be found in the 'pom.xml' project
For information about performing a release at Apache, please refer to
"Publishing Maven Artifacts" at
To rebuild the released artifacts locally from this source distribution
or from a SVN tag, run:
$ mvn -Papache-release install
There are three primary sub-modules:
spec <-- contains Apache's implementation of the API classes
impl <-- contains the implementation of tags from the 1.1
jstlel <-- contains the implementation of tags from the 1.0
namespace* and uses the
original JSTL 1.0 version of EL
In addition, the following modules provide supporting functionality
build-tools <-- build support such as checkstyle rules
compat <-- contains the implementation of tags from the 1.0
namespace but uses the JSP container's implementation
of EL (which will be 2.1 or later).