blob: 3325ea83b0e9f306f6ba2ad72ad092a15212c79d [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<title>JSTL: Formatting/I18N Support -- Number, Currency, and Percent
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h3>Formatting numbers, currencies, and percentages using browser-based
<c:catch var="ex">
<li> Format &quot;123456789&quot; as number:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber value="123456789"/>
<li> Format &quot;123456789&quot; as percent:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber type="percent">123456789</fmt:formatNumber>
<li> Format &quot;12345.67&quot; as currency:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber value="12345.67" type="currency"/>
<li> Format &quot;12345.67&quot; as currency, with
grouping turned off, the maximum number of digits in the integer portion
limited to 4, and no fraction portion:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber value="12345.67" type="currency"
groupingUsed="false" maxIntegerDigits="4"
<li> Format &quot;12345.67&quot; as currency:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber value="12345.67" type="currency"/><br>
then parse its integer portion only and output the result:<br>
<fmt:formatNumber value="12345.67" type="currency" var="cur"/>
<fmt:parseNumber value="${cur}" type="currency" integerOnly="true"/>
<c:if test="${not empty ex}">
<font color="#FF0000">
<br> The following error has occurred:<br><br>
<c:out value="${ex}" escapeXml='false'/> <br>
<c:if test="${ == 'java.text.ParseException' && pageContext.response.locale == 'de_DE'}">
<br> This is due to a known bug in java.text.NumberFormat (Bugtraq bugid: 4709840).