blob: 92fdfb7bce650a6460a156a32f83a3d2090334c6 [file] [log] [blame]
Displays the content of the file specified in request
parameter "filename".
<%-- Warning! Can be used to retrieve the source code for
any file in the 'standard-examples' application.
It is not advisable to insert any sensitive code
(even as an experiment) into this application --%>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="ex" uri="/jstl-examples-taglib" %>
Let's get back the URL as a String so we can use it to
demonstrate "c:import"
<% pageContext.setAttribute("filepath",
getResource(request.getParameter("filename")).toExternalForm()); %>
<% pageContext.setAttribute("filename", request.getParameter("filename")); %>
<title>JSTL: Source code for <c:out value="${filename}"/></title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<h3>Source code for:&nbsp; ${filename}</h3>
<c:import varReader="reader" url="${filepath}">
<ex:escapeHtml reader="${reader}"/>