clean up taglibs site
add links to Tomcat for bug reporting and security
link to ASF for license
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 714abb7..0c7fca8 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-    <version>1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+    <version>2-SNAPSHOT</version>
@@ -32,10 +32,6 @@
   <name>Apache Taglibs Site</name>
   <packaging>pom</packaging>  <!-- site? -->
-  <url></url>
-  <inceptionYear>2000</inceptionYear>
@@ -46,7 +42,7 @@
       <name>Apache Website</name>
-      <url>scpexe://</url>
+      <url>scpexe://</url>
diff --git a/src/site/resources/images/jakarta-logo.gif b/src/site/resources/images/jakarta-logo.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 82baef3..0000000
--- a/src/site/resources/images/jakarta-logo.gif
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/site/site.xml b/src/site/site.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..841de4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/site.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<project name="Apache Taglibs">
+  <bannerLeft>
+    <name>Tomcat</name>
+    <src></src>
+    <href></href>
+  </bannerLeft>
+  <bannerRight>
+    <name>Apache Taglibs</name>
+    <src></src>
+    <href></href>
+  </bannerRight>
+  <publishDate format="dd MMMM yyyy" position="left" />
+  <body>
+    <links>
+      <item name="ApacheCon"             href=""/>
+      <item name="Apache"                href=""/>
+      <item name="Tomcat"                href="" />
+    </links>
+    <menu name="Apache Taglibs">
+      <item name="Home"                  href="index.html" />
+      <item name="Using"                 href="site/using.html" />
+      <item name="Tutorial"              href="site/tutorial.html" />
+      <item name="News Archives"         href="site/news.html" />
+    </menu>
+    <menu name="Our Taglibs">
+      <item name="RDC"                   href="rdc/" />
+      <item name="Standard"              href="standard/" />
+    </menu>
+    <menu name="Get Involved">
+      <item name="Security Issues"       href="" />
+      <item name="Mailing Lists"         href="mail-lists.html" />
+      <item name="Bugs"                  href="" />
+      <item name="CI"                    href="integration.html" />
+      <item name="Wiki"                  href="" />
+    </menu>
+    <menu name="ASF">
+      <item name="License"               href="" />
+      <item name="Sponsorship"           href="" />
+      <item name="Thanks"                href="" />
+    </menu>
+  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/index.xml b/src/site/xdoc/index.xml
index 8edfdc0..57ff433 100644
--- a/src/site/xdoc/index.xml
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/index.xml
@@ -42,46 +42,16 @@
-    <!--
-    <section name="JSP Specifications">
-     <p>The final version of the <a href="">JSP 2.1 specification</a> was released on the 11th of May 2006. </p>
-     <p>The final version of the <a href="">JSP 1.2 specification</a> was released on the 25th of September 2001. </p>
-    </section>
-    -->
     <section name="News">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#023264"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1"><strong>News</strong></font></td></tr><tr><td>
-    <table cellpadding="2">
+    <table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
-      <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2009/06/07</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">
-    [ALL]
-  </font><font size="-1">
+      <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2009/06/07</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">[ALL]</font><font size="-1">
         The Standard and RDC Taglibs have moved over to Tomcat. All other taglibs back at Jakarta have been deprecated 
         and a new Extended Taglib created. 
-      <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2009/06/07</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">
-    [ALL]
-  </font><font size="-1">
-        DateTime, Random and I18N taglibs have been deprecated. JSTL replaced the majority of their features. 
-      </font></td></tr>
-      <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2009/01/06</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">
-    [ALL]
-  </font><font size="-1">
-        The majority of taglibs are being migrated to Maven2 and a new site has been created. 
-      </font></td></tr>
-      <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2008/12/21</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">
-    [<a href="standard/">Standard</a>]
-  </font><font size="-1">
-        A <a href="">patch</a> from Robert Goff has moved the 
-        trunk of the Jakarta Standard Taglib up to JSTL 1.2 level. A release is in the works. 
-      </font></td></tr>
-  </td></tr></table>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/issue-tracking.xml b/src/site/xdoc/issue-tracking.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eceda07..0000000
--- a/src/site/xdoc/issue-tracking.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<document url="./bugs.xml">
-  <properties>
-    <title>Reporting Bugs and Feature Requests</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-  <section name="Using the issue tracker" href="Bugs">
-  <p>To report a bug, or request a feature enhancement, go to:
-  <a href="">
-</a>.  When filling out a bug report
-  or feature request, please follow these simple rules:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li>Select Taglibs from the product list</li>
-    <li>Include the tag library where the problem exists</li>
-    <li>Details of your operating environment</li>
-    <li>Explanation of the problem</li>
-    <li>A way to reproduce the problem if possible</li>
-    <li>Any other information that may be pertinent</li>
-  </ul>
-  <p>If you have developed a patch for the bug please attach it to
-    the bug report.
-    See <a href="">
-</a> for information
-    on how to create a patch.</p>
-  </section>
-  <section name="Using the mailing list" href="Mail">
-   <p>You are always welcome to bring your problem or new idea to the <a href="mail-lists.html">mailing lists</a>. </p>
-  </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/site/guidelines.xml b/src/site/xdoc/site/guidelines.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7092de8..0000000
--- a/src/site/xdoc/site/guidelines.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<document url="./guidelines.xml">
-  <properties>
-    <author>Shawn Bayern</author>
-    <title>Taglib Developer Guidelines</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-  <section name="Taglib Developer Guidelines" href="Guidelines">
-    <p>This guide attempts to give Tag Library authors a summary
-      of guidelines and issues to be careful of when developing custom JSP tags.
-    </p>
-  <section name="Guidelines for tag lifecycle management" href="Lifecycle">    
-    <ol>
-      <li>
-        Properties are expected to remain consistent.  This means that:
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            user code should avoid calling a a setter method of a tag handler
-            for properties that correspond to tag attributes.  That is, if
-            a tag has a "value" attribute, user code should avoid calling
-            setValue() for that tag's handler.
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            the tag handler's code itself should not modify properties that are
-            set by a setXXX() method
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            tag handlers should not perform invocation-specific logic in a
-            setXXX() method.  That is, the setting of a property should
-            have no side effects.
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        Private, invocation-specific state must be managed manually.  
-        Implications include that:
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            release() is not necessarily called between invocations, which
-            means that tag logic should not count on private invocation-
-            specific state being reset by release()
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            doEndTag() is not necessarily called at the end of every invocation
-            (in cases of abnormal termination -- e.g., an exception thrown inside
-            a tag's body or by one of its methods)
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            private invocation-specific state is thus best initialized in
-            doStartTag()
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            doFinally() *is* always called for tag handlers that implement
-            TryCatchFinally, so this method should be used if any invocation-
-            specific resources need to be released
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            release() *is* always called at least once for a tag handler before
-            it is garbage-collected, so this method can and should be used to
-            release any long-term resources
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        Since tags may be re-used, user code should not refer to a tag handler
-        beyond its natural scope.  This implies:
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            a tag handler must not expose itself as a scripting variable if
-            that variable has AT_BEGIN or AT_END scope (although NESTED scope
-            would not be problematic in this case).
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            a tag handler should not set a reference to itself in the
-            PageContext associated with the page for which it is invoked,
-            unless expected use of such a reference would occur only during
-            the invocation of the tag handler.
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </li>
-    </ol>
-  </section>
-  <section name="Examples" href="Examples">    
-    <ol>
-      <li>
-        Suppose you have a tag that accepts some sort of expression that you
-        need to resolve, e.g.:
-        <pre>&lt;show value="$my-expression$"/&gt;</pre>
-        <p>  
-          "$my-expression$" should be stored by setValue() and evaluated (i.e.,
-          resolved) in doStartTag().  For the behavior that's almost always
-          desired, it should NOT be evaluated in setValue().  (Validation, such
-          as syntax checking, is acceptable in the setter method.)
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Similarly, Iterators and Enumerations should not be extracted in a
-          setXXX() method.  setXXX() methods are meant to be "idempotent";
-          write them so that they can be called multiple times with no
-          side effects (and, conversely, only once instead of multiple times
-          if the argument passed is the same).
-        </p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        Private state that's kept for each invocation should typically be
-        reset in doStartTag(), not in release().  If you have an iteration
-        index controlling the behavior of a loop, doStartTag() is the
-        appropriate method from which to initialize it.
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        If a tag needs to open a new database connection (or file, or other
-        external resource) for every invocation, the tag handler should
-        implement TryCatchFinally and close the database connection (or
-        other resource) in doFinally().  doEndTag() might not be called,
-        and release() might not be called until long after you expect it to be.
-      </li>
-    </ol>
-  </section>
-  </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/site/legacybuilding.xml b/src/site/xdoc/site/legacybuilding.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f90ac2..0000000
--- a/src/site/xdoc/site/legacybuilding.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<document url="./sourcedist.xml">
-  <properties>
-    <author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
-    <title>Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Source Distribution</title>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-<section name="Prerequisites" href="Prerequisites">
-<p>To successfully build the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS custom tag libraries and
-Custom Tag Library Extensions (CTLX), you must download and install the
-following software components (where $JAKARTA_HOME refers to a directory
-into which you download and install the various Jakarta software components):
-<li>Download and install a version 1.1 or later
-    <a href="">Java Development Kit</a>
-    implementation for your operating system platform (some libraries
-    may require Java2).  Set a <code>JAVA_HOME</code> environment
-    variable to point at the directory where your JDK is installed,
-    and add the <code>$JAVA_HOME/bin</code> directory to your PATH.</li>
-<li>Download and install the latest release of the
-    <a href="">Jakarta Ant Project</a>
-    distribution into a directory named <code>$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant</code>.
-    If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to
-    build the executable version as follows:
-        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant
-	./                      &lt;-- Unix
-	bootstrap                           &lt;-- Windows
-    This should cause the creation of an <code>ant.jar</code> file in
-    the <code>$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant/dist/lib</code> subdirectory.
-    Set the <code>ANT_HOME</code> environment variable to point at
-    your Ant distribution directory
-    <code>$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant/dist</code>
-    and add the <code>$ANT_HOME/bin</code> directory to your PATH.</li>
-<li>Download and install the
-    <a href="">Java API for XML Parsing</a>
-    implementation, or another JAXP-compatible parser such as
-    <a href="">Apache XML Xerces</a>,
-    and install the required libraries in your CLASSPATH environment variable.</li>
-<li>Download and install the latest release of the
-    <a href="">Apache XML Xalan</a>
-    XSLT Transformation Processor, and install the required
-    libraries in your CLASSPATH environment variable.</li>
-<li>Download and install the Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 API into a directory
-    named <code>$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi</code>.  The Servlet 2.2
-    and JSP 1.1 jar can be obtained from 
-    <a href=""></a>.
-    If you have downloaded the source distribution, you will need to build the
-    executable version as follows:
-        cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi
-	./ dist                     &lt;-- Unix
-	build dist                          &lt;-- Windows
-    This should cause the creation of a <code>servlet.jar</code> file
-    in the <code>lib</code> subdirectory.</li>
-<li>To execute the custom tag libraries, you will need a servlet container
-    compatible with the Servlet API Specification, version 2.2 or later,
-    and supports the JavaServer Pages (JSP) Specification, version 1.1
-    or later.  Many such servlet containers are available -- the Jakarta
-    project hosts the <a href="">Tomcat</a>
-    servlet container (which meets these requirements) at the
-    <a href="">Jakarta</a> web site.</li>
-<section name="Download and Installation" href="Download">
-<p>Source downloads of the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS distribution, as with all other
-Jakarta projects, are available from the Jakarta web site at
-<a href=""></a>.</p>
-<p>Download and unpack the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS distribution (from the link above)
-into a subdirectory named <code>jakarta-taglibs</code> under the
-<code>$JAKARTA_HOME</code> directory described above.  For example, you
-might end up with the following directory structure:
-    jakarta-ant/                &lt;-- Contains source distribution of Ant
-        dist/                   &lt;-- Contains binary distribution of Ant
-            lib/                &lt;-- Binary libraries directory
-	        ant.jar         &lt;-- Ant executable classes
-    jakarta-servletapi/		&lt;-- Contains binary distribution of Servletapi
-        lib/                    &lt;-- Binary libraries directory
-	    servlet.jar         &lt;-- Servlet API classes
-    jakarta-taglibs/            &lt;-- Contains source distribution of the
-                                    JAKARTA-TAGLIBS libraries
-        ... see below for details ...
-    jakarta-tomcat/             &lt;-- Contains Tomcat (if you are using it)
-<section name="Directory Structures" href="Directories">
-<p>The distribution archive will contain the following file and directory
-<li><b>.cvsignore</b> - A CVS configuration file configuring what files
-    and directories to ignore when using CVS.</li>
-<li><b>LICENSE</b> - A copy of the Apache Software Foundation
-    license under which all Jakarta project software is distributed.</li>
-<li><b>README</b> - A brief README file that contains pointers
-    to the documentation that is available.</li>
-<li><b>HOWTO-RELEASE</b> - Documentation about the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS release
-    process.</li>
-<li><b></b> - An example Ant properties file used
-    to set properties for the location of jar files for API's needed to
-    build jakarta-taglibs.</li>
-<li><b>build.xml</b> - An XML file for Ant that describes the build process
-    for building all of the included custom tag libraries.  See the Ant
-    documentation for more information about the contents of this file.</li>
-<li><b>common.xml</b> - An XML file for Ant that implements common build
-    processes used for building individual tag libraries.</li>
-<li><b></b> - A properties file for Ant used by common.xml.</li>
-<li><b>doc/</b> - A directory containing static documentation about the
-    JAKARTA-TAGLIBS subproject, including this file.  The following
-    documents are included:
-    <ul>
-    <li><a href="binarydist.html">Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Binary
-        Distribution</a></li>
-    <li><a href="sourcedist.html">Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Source
-        Distribution</a> (this document)</li>
-    <li><a href="addtaglib.html">Adding a Custom Tag Library or Extension to
-        JAKARTA-TAGLIBS</a></li>
-    <li><a href="guidelines.html">Taglib Developer Guidelines</a></li>
-    </ul>
-<li><b>src/</b> - A directory containing source files for dynamically building
-    jakarta-taglibs tag libraries and documentation.  The following files and
-    directories are included:
-    <ul>
-    <li><b>doc/</b> - A directory containing source files for dynamically
-        building the web site
-        <ul>
-        <li><b>index.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>addtaglib.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>binarydist.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>guidelines.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>sourcedist.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>tutorial.xml</b> - Content used to build
-            http:/</li>
-        <li><b>project.xml</b> - Content used to build left navigation menu
-            for  http:/ documentation</li>
-        <li><b>taglibs_docs.dtd</b> - DTD for use with index.xml and taglib intro.xml</li>
-        <li><b>images/jakarta-logo.gif</b> - The Jakarta logo</li>
-        <li><b>images/taglibs.gif</b> - The JAKARTA-TAGLIBS logo</li>
-        <li><b>stylesheets/taglibs.xsl</b> - Transform content xml into
-            http:/ documentation</li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><b>taglib/</b> - A directory containing common source files used to
-        dynamically build individual tag library documentation and Tag Library
-        Descriptor (TLD) file.
-        <ul>
-        <li><b>changes-doc.xsl</b> - XSL stylesheet used to build taglib documentation changes.html</li>
-        <li><b>examples.xsl</b> - XSL stylesheet used to build example war file jsp source html</li>
-        <li><b>taglib-doc.xsl</b> - XSL stylesheet used to build taglib documentation</li>
-        <li><b>tld11.xsl</b> - XSL stylesheet used to build taglib TLD file</li>
-        </ul> 
-    </li>
-    <li><b>taglib-template/</b> - Directory containing a template of directories and files
-        for a taglib which can be used when creating a new taglib
-        <ul>
-        <li><b>build.xml</b> - Template for an example build file</li>
-        <li><b>doc</b> - Source directory used to generate {taglib-name}-doc.war</li>
-        <li><b>doc/conf/web.xml</b> - Template for {taglib-name}-doc web application web.xml</li>
-        <li><b>examples</b> - Source directory used to generate {taglib-name}-examples.war</li>
-        <li><b>examples/conf/web.xml</b> - Template for {taglib-name}-examples web application web.xml</li>
-        <li><b>xml/intro.xml</b> - Template for taglib XML data used for generating
-            taglib intro.html documentation which is published to the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS site</li>
-        <li><b>xml/taglib-template.xml</b> - Template for taglib XML data for taglib and tags</li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    </ul>
-<li>A directory for each custom tag library included in the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS
-    project, where the directory name matches the short name of that project.
-    A Custom Tag Library Extension (CTLX) will be located in the appropriate
-    <code>tools/{tool}/{version}</code> directory.
-    Each directory will contain the following files and subdirectories
-    <ul>
-    <li><b>build.xml</b> - An XML file that describes the build process for
-        this particular custom tag library.  See the Ant documentation for
-        more information on the contents of this file.</li>
-    <li><b>doc/</b> - The source code (Java classes, resource files, HTML
-        pages, JSP pages, and so on) for a web application that will contain
-        the developer documentation for this tag library.  This web application
-        will be combined into a <code>{taglib}-doc.war</code> web
-        application archive in the binary distribution.  See below for more
-        information about the internal directory structure of web applications.</li>
-    <li><b>examples/</b> - The source code (Java classes, resource files,
-        HTML pages, JSP pages, and so on) for a web application that
-        demonstrates the use of custom tags within this custom tag library.
-        This web application will be combined into a
-        <code>{taglib}-examples.war</code> web application archive in the
-        binary distribution.  See below for more information about the
-        internal directory structure of web applications.</li>
-    <li><b>src/</b> - The Java source code and resource files of the classes
-        that comprise this custom tag library.  The internal directory
-        arrangement within the source directory must reflect the assignment
-        of classes to Java packages, in the usual manner.  To avoid name
-        clashes, the package name for each custom tag library should be
-        <code>org.apache.taglibs.{taglib}</code> so that multiple
-        JAKARTA-TAGLIBS can be used in the same application if desired.</li>
-    <li><b>xml/</b> - A directory containing XML data files used for
-        building taglib documentation and Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) file.
-        <ul>
-        <li><b>intro.xml</b> - XML data used for generating taglib intro.html
-            documentation which is published to the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS site.</li>
-        <li><b>{taglib-name}.xml</b> - XML data for taglib and tags used for 
-            generating taglib documentation and TLD file.</li>
-        </ul>
-    </li>
-    </ul>
-<p>Within the <b>doc/</b> and <b>examples/</b> subdirectories for each custom
-tag library, the following directory organization is used to contain the source
-components of this application:
-<li><b>conf/</b> -- The <code>web.xml</code> file for this application, plus
-    any other files that should be copied to the WEB-INF subdirectory.</li>
-<li><b>src/</b> -- The Java source code and resource files for this
-    application.  Package names are arbitrary, but we recommend using
-    <code>org.apache.taglibs.{taglib}.doc</code> for the documentation
-    application, and <code>org.apache.taglibs.{taglib}.examples</code>
-    for the example application.</li>
-<li><b>web/</b> -- The HTML and JSP pages that comprise this application's
-    user interface.  The <code>index.html</code> or <code>index.jsp</code>
-    page in this directory will be the "home" page of the application when
-    it is deployed in a servlet container.</li>
-<section name="Building JAKARTA-TAGLIBS" href="Building">
-<p>To build the distribution version of all included custom tag libraries,
-set your current directory to the <code>jakarta-taglibs</code> directory into
-which you unpacked the distribution.
-<li>Copy the file <code></code> to
-    <code></code>.</li>
-<li>Edit <code></code> and set the jar file properties
-    to the absolute path and filename for the jar files required to build
-    all the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS.</li>
-<li>Build all the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS by executing <code>ant</code> in a shell.</li>
-<p>In addition to the directories described earlier, two additional directory
-hierarchies will be created to contain the results of the build:
-    build/           &lt;-- Contains intermediate form results of
-                         building JAKARTA-TAGLIBS custom libraries
-    dist/            &lt;-- Contains the files that will be included
-                         in the binary distribution of the
-                         JAKARTA-TAGLIBS project, as described in
-	                 binary distribution documentation
-<p>When you are working on a particular custom tag library, it is faster to
-rebuild only that particular library while doing development.  To do this,
-change to the top level directory of that custom tag library (for example,
-change to the <code>jakarta-taglibs/jspspec</code> directory to work on the
-JSP Specification Examples custom tag library.  You can now use one of several
-variants of the Ant build, depending on what you want to do.  In
-each of the following cases use <code>ant</code> in a shell to execute
-a build of the taglib for a specific ant build target:
-Some individual tag libraries may still need to be built using the
-<code></code> shell script for unix or the <code>build.bat</code>
-DOS script.
-<li>Default -- Update the intermediate form (in the
-    <code>build/</code> directory) of the library itself, the
-    documentation application, and the example application.  This copies any
-    static files that have been changed, and recompiles any Java source classes
-    that have been changed.  Because this is the most commonly executed
-    command, it is the default.</li>
-<li><b>library</b> -- Update the intermediate form of the library
-    classes only.  This is useful when you are making sure it still compiles.</li>
-<li><b>documentation</b> -- Update the intermediate form of the
-    documentation application.  If your servlet container can accept an
-    unpacked web application (as Tomcat can), the
-    <code>build/{taglib}/doc/</code> directory can be set
-    as the document root, and the application can be executed directly.</li>
-<li><b>examples</b> -- Update the intermediate form of the examples
-    application (including copying the library classes into WEB-INF/classes).
-    If your servlet container can accept an unpacked web application (as Tomcat
-    can), the <code>build/{taglib}/examples/</code> directory can
-    be set as the document root, and the application can be executed directly.</li>
-<li><b>library-dist</b> -- Build and copy the <code>{taglib}.jar</code>
-    and <code>{taglib}.jar</code> files for this tag library into the
-    distribution directory (<code>dist/{taglib}/</code>).
-    These distribution files can be copied directly into web applications
-    that wish to use this custom tag library.</li>
-<li><b>documentation-dist</b> -- Build the <code>{taglib}-doc.war</code>
-    documentation application, and copy it into the distribution directory
-    (<code>dist/{taglib}/</code>).  This application can be
-    deployed and executed on any servlet container.</li>
-<li><b>examples-dist</b> -- Build the <code>{taglib}-examples.war</code>
-    examples application, and copy it into the distribution directory
-    (<code>dist/{taglib}/</code>).  This application can
-    be deployed and executed on any servlet container.</li>
-<li><b>dist</b> -- Short cut command that builds all three
-    distribution targets (<code>library-dist</code>, <code>documentation-dist</code>,
-    and <code>examples-dist</code>).</li>
-<li><b>clean</b> -- Deletes the intermediate and distribution results
-    for this custom tag library, so that you can rebuild from scratch.</li>
-<p>The following directory and files are created when doing a build:
-<li><b>build/{taglib-name}/</b> - Location of all directories and
-    files built for the taglib.</li>
-<li><b>build/{taglib-name}/{taglib-name}/</b> - Compiled java class files
-    for taglib which are used to create the <code>{taglib-name}.jar</code> file.</li>
-<li><b>build/{taglib-name}/{taglib-name}-doc/</b> - Files used to create
-    the <code>{taglib-name}-doc.war</code> file and the intro.html file
-    which gets published to
-<li><b>build/{taglib-name}/{taglib-name}-examples/</b> - Files used to create 
-    the <code>{taglib-name}-examples.war</code> file.</li>
-<p>The following directory and files are created when doing a distribution build:
-<li><b>dist/{taglib-name}/</b> - Location of all files built for a binary
-    distribution of the taglib.</li>
-<li><b>dist/{taglib-name}/taglibs-{taglib-name}.jar</b> - Jar of java classes for tag library.</li>
-<li><b>dist/{taglib-name}/taglibs-{taglib-name}.tld</b> - Tag Lib Descriptor for tag library.</li>
-<li><b>dist/{taglib-name}/{taglib-name}-doc.war</b> - Tag Library documentation war file.</li>
-<li><b>dist/{taglib-name}/{taglib-name}-examples.war</b> - Tag Library examples war file.</li>
-<p>When you perform a global build, the <b>dist</b> build target is invoked
-on each included subproject.</p>
-  </body>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/site/news.xml b/src/site/xdoc/site/news.xml
index 6c8972e..6b47456 100644
--- a/src/site/xdoc/site/news.xml
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/site/news.xml
@@ -23,10 +23,9 @@
-    <section name="News">
+    <section name="News Archive">
-<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#023264"><font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif" size="+1"><strong>News</strong></font></td></tr><tr><td>
-    <table cellpadding="2">
+<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5" width="100%">
       <tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b><font size="-1">2009/06/07</font></b></td><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font size="-1">
@@ -288,7 +287,6 @@
-  </td></tr></table>
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/site/taglibs.xml b/src/site/xdoc/site/taglibs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9867cde..0000000
--- a/src/site/xdoc/site/taglibs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
-  <properties>
-    <title>Released Taglibs</title>
-    <author email="">Jakarta Taglibs Team</author>
-  </properties>
-  <body>
-    <section name="Taglibs">
-     <table>
-      <tr><th>Name</th><th>JSP version</th></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../rdc/">RDC</a></td><td>2.0+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../doc/standard-doc/intro.html">Standard 1.1</a></td><td>2.0+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../doc/standard-1.0-doc/intro.html">Standard 1.0</a></td><td>1.2+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../jndi/">JNDI</a></td><td>1.1+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../log/">Log</a></td><td>1.1+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../regexp/">Regexp</a></td><td>1.1+</td></tr>
-      <tr><td><a href="../string/">String</a></td><td>1.1+</td></tr>
-     </table>
-    </section>
-  </body>