blob: 63bfe3a2cf7402e1f1163286445d84104b28d5f5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="./binarydist.xml">
<author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
<title>Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Binary Distribution</title>
<section name="Download and Installation" href="Download">
<p>Binary downloads of nightly builds and released versions of the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS
distribution, as with all other Jakarta projects, are available from the Jakarta web site,
at <a href=""></a>.
Download and unpack the distribution archive into a convenient subdirectory.
<section name="Distribution Directory Structure" href="Directories">
<p>The distribution archive will contain the following file and directory
<li><b>LICENSE</b> - A copy of the Apache Software Foundation
license under which all Jakarta project software is distributed.</li>
<li><b>README</b> - A brief README file that contains pointers
to the documentation that is available.</li>
<li><b>doc</b> - A directory containing documentation about the
JAKARTA-TAGLIBS project as a whole, including this file. The following
documents are included:
<li><a href="binarydist.html">Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Binary
Distribution</a> (this document)</li>
<li><a href="sourcedist.html">Using the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS Source
<li><a href="addtaglib.html">Adding a Custom Tag Library or Extension to
<li><a href="guidelines.html">Taglib Developer Guidelines</a></li>
<li>A directory for each custom tag library included in the JAKARTA-TAGLIBS
project, where the directory name matches the short name of that project.
Each directory will contain the following files, where
<code>{library}</code> represents that project's short name:
<li><b>{library}.tld</b> - The <i>tag library descriptor</i> file for
this custom tag library. This file will normally be copied to the
<code>/WEB-INF</code> subdirectory within your web application, and
referenced with a <code>&lt;taglib&gt;</code> element in the web
application deployment descriptor (<code>/WEB-INF/web.xml</code>) file.</li>
<li><b>{library}.jar</b> - A JAR file containing the Java classes and
associated resources that comprise this custom tag library. This file
will normally be copied to the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code> subdirectory
within your web application, which makes these classes automatically
visible within your application.</li>
<li><b>{library}-doc.war</b> - A web application containing developer
documentation describing how to use the tags in this custom tag library
in your own application. This web application can be deployed and
executed on any servlet container that is compatible with the Servlet
API Specification, version 2.2 or later.</li>
<li><b>{library}-examples.war</b> - A web application containing one or
more examples that illustrate the use of this custom tag library.
This web application can be deployed and executed on any servlet
container that is compatible with the Servlet API Specification,
version 2.2 or later.</li>
<section name="Using a Custom Tag Library in Your Application" href="Using">
<p>To use one or more of the custom tag libraries included in JAKARTA-TAGLIBS
in your own web applications, follow these steps:
<li>Copy the <code>{library}.tld</code> file to the <code>/WEB-INF</code>
subdirectory of your web application.</li>
<li>Copy the <code>{library}.jar</code> file to the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code>
subdirectory of your web application.</li>
<li>Install additional JAR files for libraries required by the custom tag
library you wish to use (see the library documentation for information)
in the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code> subdirectory of your web application.</li>
<li>For each tag library you are going to use, add a
<code>&lt;taglib&gt;</code> element to your web application deployment
descriptor (<code>/WEB-INF/web.xml)</code>) file. An example entry might
look like this:
<li>At the top of each JSP page in your application that needs to use one or
more tags from this custom tag library, add a
<code>&lt;%@ taglib %&gt;</code> directive identifying the URI of the library
you want to use (which must match the value you specified in the
<code>&lt;taglib-uri&gt;</code> element in the web application deployment
descriptor), and the tagname prefix you will use within this page to
identify tags from this library. An example entry might look like this:
&lt;%@ taglib uri="{library}" prefix="x" %&gt;
<li>Whenever you wanted to use one of the tags from this library, you would
simply include it, prefixed as you described in the <code>taglib</code>
directive, and including attribute names and values as described in the
documentation for this tag library. For example, if the library you are
using has a tag named <code>magic</code>, and you selected the "x"
prefix as described above, you would might include this custom tag:
or, if this tag required attributes and perhaps some body text:
&lt;x:magic id="beanName" name="xyz"&gt;
... Some body text and/or nested tags ...
<li>See the documentation provided with each custom tag library for
detailed descriptions of the available tags within that library.</li>