blob: 859d2cc05ccd93475775f7e165630c44022d8bf9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="./sourcedist.xml">
<title>Building Jakarta Taglibs</title>
<section name="Prerequisites">
<p>To build Jakara Taglibs packages you need to install <a href="">Maven 2</a>. </p>
<section name="Building">
<b>The following applies to trunk and any releases containing a pom.xml. If the release contains a build.xml, refer to the <a href="legacybuilding.html">Legacy Building</a> page. </b>
<p>Until we release the <i>Parent POM</i>, you will first need to svn checkout the
<a href="">taglibs-parent</a>:</p>
<pre>svn co taglibs-parent</pre>
<p>Then you should execute <code>mvn clean install</code>. Once you have done this you are ready to build the taglib. </p>
<p>Obtain your taglib, either from a source download or from svn. To build a taglib, execute <code>mvn clean package</code>. </p>
<section name="Building the site">
<p>The main site is built by checking out the site/ directory: </p>
<pre>svn co site</pre>
<p>Taglib specific sites are built by directly from that taglib. </p>
<p>To build either - execute <code>mvn clean site</code>. </p>
<section name="Releasing">
<p>To build the tar.gz or .zip for a Taglibs release, execute <code>mvn clean assembly:assembly</code>. </p>