blob: 6f024d1566933e259a5dfac79f1f595a62b5e6a3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE grammar PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD GRAMMAR 1.0//EN" "" >
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<grammar version="1.0" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" tag-format="semantics/1.0" mode="voice" root="color">
<rule id="color" scope="public">
<item>alice blue
<![CDATA[$ = "alice blue"]]>
<item>antique white
<![CDATA[$ = "antique white"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "aquamarine"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "azure"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "banana"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "beige"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "bisque"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "black"]]>
<item>blanched almond
<![CDATA[$ = "blanched almond"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "blue"]]>
<item>blue violet
<![CDATA[$ = "blue violet"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "brick"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "brown"]]>
<item>burly wood
<![CDATA[$ = "burly wood"]]>
<item>burnt sienna
<![CDATA[$ = "burnt sienna"]]>
<item>burnt umber
<![CDATA[$ = "burnt umber"]]>
<item>cadet blue
<![CDATA[$ = "cadet blue"]]>
<item>cadmium orange
<![CDATA[$ = "cadmium orange"]]>
<item>cadmium yellow
<![CDATA[$ = "cadmium yellow"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "carrot"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "chartreuse"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "chocolate"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "cobalt"]]>
<item>cobalt green
<![CDATA[$ = "cobalt green"]]>
<item>cold grey
<![CDATA[$ = "cold grey"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "coral"]]>
<item>corn flower blue
<![CDATA[$ = "corn flower blue"]]>
<item>corn silk
<![CDATA[$ = "corn silk"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "crimson"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "cyan"]]>
<item>dark golden rod
<![CDATA[$ = "dark golden rod"]]>
<item>dark gray
<![CDATA[$ = "dark gray"]]>
<item>dark green
<![CDATA[$ = "dark green"]]>
<item>dark khaki
<![CDATA[$ = "dark khaki"]]>
<item>dark olive green
<![CDATA[$ = "dark olive green"]]>
<item>dark orange
<![CDATA[$ = "dark orange"]]>
<item>dark orchid
<![CDATA[$ = "dark orchid"]]>
<item>dark salmon
<![CDATA[$ = "dark salmon"]]>
<item>dark sea green
<![CDATA[$ = "dark sea green"]]>
<item>dark slate blue
<![CDATA[$ = "dark slate blue"]]>
<item>dark slate gray
<![CDATA[$ = "dark slate gray"]]>
<item>dark turquoise
<![CDATA[$ = "dark turquoise"]]>
<item>dark violet
<![CDATA[$ = "dark violet"]]>
<item>deep pink
<![CDATA[$ = "deep pink"]]>
<item>deep sky blue
<![CDATA[$ = "deep sky blue"]]>
<item>dim gray
<![CDATA[$ = "dim gray"]]>
<item>dodger blue
<![CDATA[$ = "dodger blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "eggshell"]]>
<item>emerald green
<![CDATA[$ = "emerald green"]]>
<item>fire brick
<![CDATA[$ = "fire brick"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "flesh"]]>
<item>floral white
<![CDATA[$ = "floral white"]]>
<item>forest green
<![CDATA[$ = "forest green"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "gainsboro"]]>
<item>ghost white
<![CDATA[$ = "ghost white"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "gold"]]>
<item>golden rod
<![CDATA[$ = "golden rod"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "gray"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "green"]]>
<item>green yellow
<![CDATA[$ = "green yellow"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "honeydew"]]>
<item>hot pink
<![CDATA[$ = "hot pink"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "indian"]]>
<item>indian red
<![CDATA[$ = "indian red"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "indigo"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "ivory"]]>
<item>ivory black
<![CDATA[$ = "ivory black"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "khaki"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "lavender"]]>
<item>lavender blush
<![CDATA[$ = "lavender blush"]]>
<item>lawng reen
<![CDATA[$ = "lawng reen"]]>
<item>lemon chiffon
<![CDATA[$ = "lemon chiffon"]]>
<item>light blue
<![CDATA[$ = "light blue"]]>
<item>light coral
<![CDATA[$ = "light coral"]]>
<item>light cyan
<![CDATA[$ = "light cyan"]]>
<item>light golden rod
<![CDATA[$ = "light golden rod"]]>
<item>light golden rod yellow
<![CDATA[$ = "light golden rod yellow"]]>
<item>light grey
<![CDATA[$ = "light grey"]]>
<item>light pink
<![CDATA[$ = "light pink"]]>
<item>light salmon
<![CDATA[$ = "light salmon"]]>
<item>light sea green
<![CDATA[$ = "light sea green"]]>
<item>light sky blue
<![CDATA[$ = "light sky blue"]]>
<item>light slate blue
<![CDATA[$ = "light slate blue"]]>
<item>light slate gray
<![CDATA[$ = "light slate gray"]]>
<item>light steel blue
<![CDATA[$ = "light steel blue"]]>
<item>light yellow
<![CDATA[$ = "light yellow"]]>
<item>lime green
<![CDATA[$ = "lime green"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "linen"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "magenta"]]>
<item>manganese blue
<![CDATA[$ = "manganese blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "maroon"]]>
<item>medium orchid
<![CDATA[$ = "medium orchid"]]>
<item>medium purple
<![CDATA[$ = "medium purple"]]>
<item>medium sea green
<![CDATA[$ = "medium sea green"]]>
<item>medium slate blue
<![CDATA[$ = "medium slate blue"]]>
<item>medium spring green
<![CDATA[$ = "medium spring green"]]>
<item>medium turquoise
<![CDATA[$ = "medium turquoise"]]>
<item>medium violet red
<![CDATA[$ = "medium violet red"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "melon"]]>
<item>midnight blue
<![CDATA[$ = "midnight blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "mint"]]>
<item>mint cream
<![CDATA[$ = "mint cream"]]>
<item>misty rose
<![CDATA[$ = "misty rose"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "moccasin"]]>
<item>navajo white
<![CDATA[$ = "navajo white"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "navy"]]>
<item>old lace
<![CDATA[$ = "old lace"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "olive"]]>
<item>olive drab
<![CDATA[$ = "olive drab"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "orange"]]>
<item>orange red
<![CDATA[$ = "orange red"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "orchid"]]>
<item>pale golden rod
<![CDATA[$ = "pale golden rod"]]>
<item>pale green
<![CDATA[$ = "pale green"]]>
<item>pale turquoise
<![CDATA[$ = "pale turquoise"]]>
<item>pale violet red
<![CDATA[$ = "pale violet red"]]>
<item>papaya whip
<![CDATA[$ = "papaya whip"]]>
<item>peach puff
<![CDATA[$ = "peach puff"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "peacock"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "pink"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "plum"]]>
<item>powder blue
<![CDATA[$ = "powder blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "purple"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "raspberry"]]>
<item>raw sienna
<![CDATA[$ = "raw sienna"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "red"]]>
<item>rosy brown
<![CDATA[$ = "rosy brown"]]>
<item>royal blue
<![CDATA[$ = "royal blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "salmon"]]>
<item>sandy brown
<![CDATA[$ = "sandy brown"]]>
<item>sap green
<![CDATA[$ = "sap green"]]>
<item>sea green
<![CDATA[$ = "sea green"]]>
<item>sea shell
<![CDATA[$ = "sea shell"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "sepia"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "sienna"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "silver"]]>
<item>sky blue
<![CDATA[$ = "sky blue"]]>
<item>slate blue
<![CDATA[$ = "slate blue"]]>
<item>slate gray
<![CDATA[$ = "slate gray"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "snow"]]>
<item>spring green
<![CDATA[$ = "spring green"]]>
<item>steel blue
<![CDATA[$ = "steel blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "tan"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "teal"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "thistle"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "tomato"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "turquoise"]]>
<item>turquoise blue
<![CDATA[$ = "turquoise blue"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "violet"]]>
<item>violet red
<![CDATA[$ = "violet red"]]>
<item>warm grey
<![CDATA[$ = "warm grey"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "wheat"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "white"]]>
<![CDATA[$ = "yellow"]]>