blob: 337c59e208190800d2600ef67ef583be9a28634f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="rdc" uri="" %>
<%@ tag body-content="empty" %>
<%@ attribute name="id" required="true" rtexprvalue="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="submit" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="config" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="initial" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="confirm" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="echo" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="locale" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="length" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="pattern" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="minConfidence" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="numNBest" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="maxNoInput" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="maxNoMatch" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="subdialog" required="false" %>
<%@ variable name-from-attribute="id" alias="retVal" scope="AT_END"%>
Description: Collect, validate and confirm a zipcode.
id: unique identifier for the atom
submit: the submit location
config: the configuration file location
initial: initial value
confirm: boolean value indicating whether the input should be confirmed
echo: boolean value indicating whether to echo back the result on completion
length: allowed length of zipcode input
pattern: the pattern of the zipcode
<rdc:peek var="stateMap" stack="${requestScope.rdcStack}"/>
Bean model holds the private data model of this component.
It is created when the component is called the first time,
and is found in subsequent requests in stateMap[id].
<jsp:useBean id="constants" class="org.apache.taglibs.rdc.core.Constants" />
<c:when test="${empty stateMap[id]}">
<rdc:comment>This instance is being called for the first time in
this session</rdc:comment>
<jsp:useBean id="model" class="org.apache.taglibs.rdc.ZipCode" >
<c:set target="${model}" property="state"
value="${stateMap.initOnlyFlag == true ? constants.FSM_INITONLY : constants.FSM_INPUT}"/>
<rdc:comment>initialize bean from our attributes</rdc:comment>
<c:set target="${model}" property="id" value="${id}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="pattern" value="${pattern}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="confirm" value="${confirm}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="length" value="${length}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="submit" value="${submit}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="echo" value="${echo}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="initial" value="${initial}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="locale" value="${locale}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="subdialog" value="${subdialog}"/>
<rdc:set-grammar model="${model}" key="rdc.zipcode.voicegrammar.uri" />
<rdc:get-resource bundle="${model.rdcResourceBundle}" var="defaultConfig"
key="rdc.zipcode.defaultconfig.uri" />
<rdc:configure model="${model}" config="${config}"
defaultConfig="${defaultConfig}" />
<rdc:setup-results model="${model}" submit="${submit}"
minConfidence="${minConfidence}" numNBest="${numNBest}"
maxNoInput="${maxNoInput}" maxNoMatch="${maxNoMatch}" />
<rdc:comment>cache away this instance for future requests in this
<c:set target="${stateMap}" property="${id}" value="${model}"/>
<rdc:comment>retrieve cached bean for this instance</rdc:comment>
<c:set var="model" value="${stateMap[id]}"/>
<rdc:extract-params target="${model}" parameters="${model.paramsMap}"/>
<rdc:fsm-run model="${model}"/>
<c:if test="${model.state == constants.FSM_DONE}">
<c:set var="retVal" value="${model.value}"/>
<rdc:subdialog-return model="${model}"/>