blob: bad29f50d7d9264b2b7d9a84cdff975752f0a7e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="x" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="rdc" uri="" %>
<%@ tag body-content="empty" %>
<%@ attribute name="id" required="true" rtexprvalue="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="submit" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="config" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="initial" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="confirm" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="echo" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="locale" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="minLength" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="maxLength" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="minConfidence" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="numNBest" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="maxNoInput" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="maxNoMatch" required="false" %>
<%@ attribute name="subdialog" required="false" %>
<%@ variable name-from-attribute="id" alias="retVal" scope="AT_END"%>
Description: Collect, validate and confirm a digit.
id: unique identifier for the atom
submit: the submit location
config: the configuration file location
initial: initial value
confirm: boolean value indicating whether the input should be confirmed
echo: boolean value indicating whether to echo back the result on completion
minLength: minimum allowed length of digit input
maxLength: maximum allowed length of digit input
pattern: the pattern of the user id
<rdc:peek var="stateMap" stack="${requestScope.rdcStack}"/>
<jsp:useBean id="constants" class="org.apache.taglibs.rdc.core.Constants" />
Bean model holds the private data model of this component.
It is created when the component is called the first time,
and is found in subsequent requests in stateMap[id].
stateMap is in session scope and holds (directly or indirectly)
the transitive closure
of all components.
<c:when test="${empty stateMap[id]}">
<rdc:comment>This instance is being called for the first time in
this session</rdc:comment>
<jsp:useBean id="model" class="org.apache.taglibs.rdc.Digits" >
<c:set target="${model}" property="state"
value="${stateMap.initOnlyFlag == true ? constants.FSM_INITONLY : constants.FSM_INPUT}"/>
<rdc:comment>initialize bean from our attributes</rdc:comment>
<c:set target="${model}" property="id" value="${id}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="pattern" value="${pattern}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="confirm" value="${confirm}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="maxLength" value="${maxLength}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="minLength" value="${minLength}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="initial" value="${initial}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="submit" value="${submit}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="echo" value="${echo}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="locale" value="${locale}"/>
<c:set target="${model}" property="subdialog" value="${subdialog}"/>
<rdc:set-grammar model="${model}" key="rdc.digits.voicegrammar.uri" />
<rdc:set-grammar model="${model}" key="rdc.digits.dtmfgrammar.uri"
dtmf="true" />
<rdc:get-resource bundle="${model.rdcResourceBundle}" var="defaultConfig"
key="rdc.digits.defaultconfig.uri" />
<rdc:configure model="${model}" config="${config}"
defaultConfig="${defaultConfig}" />
<rdc:setup-results model="${model}" submit="${submit}"
minConfidence="${minConfidence}" numNBest="${numNBest}"
maxNoInput="${maxNoInput}" maxNoMatch="${maxNoMatch}" />
<rdc:comment>cache away this instance for future requests in this
<c:set target="${stateMap}" property="${id}" value="${model}"/>
<rdc:comment>retrieve cached bean for this instance</rdc:comment>
<c:set var="model" value="${stateMap[id]}"/>
<rdc:extract-params target="${model}" parameters="${model.paramsMap}"/>
<rdc:fsm-run model="${model}"/>
<c:if test="${model.state == constants.FSM_DONE}">
<c:set var="retVal" value="${model.value}"/>
<rdc:subdialog-return model="${model}"/>