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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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<component name="date" summary="Collect a date within a specified date range"
<param name="id" value="some-name" required="true" rtexprvalue="false" visible="1" description="Component ID">
This specifies the id of this date component.
<param name="minDate" value="xxxxxxxx" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Minimum acceptable date">
The minimum date constraint. Any date before this date will be treated as invalid and
will be rejected. Value may be absolute (01012005) or relative like one month from today (01xxxxxx).
If not specified, there is no min constraint on the date.
<param name="maxDate" value="xxxxxxxx" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Maximum acceptable date">
The maximum date constraint. Any date after this date will be treated as invalid and
will be rejected. Value may be absolute (01012005) or relative like one month from today (01xxxxxx).
If not specified, there is no max constraint on the date.
<param name="initial" value="xxxxxx" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="Default value of date">
This specifies the initial default value of date. If a user says initial or default,
this value is selected. Value may be absolute (01012005) or relative like one month from today (01xxxxxx).
If not specified, the user will not be able to select a default value.
<param name="confirm" value="true/false" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Confirmation option">
If confirm is true, the component asks the user to confirm the specified date with an appropriate yes/no dialog.
Value is false by default.
<param name="echo" value="true/false" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Playback options">
Specifies if the component produces a concluding utterance that echoes the value that was collected.
Value is false by default.
<param name="locale" value="[language](-[country])?" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="RDC Locale">
The Locale to which the grammar(s) and default configuration chosen for this component will belong to.
Default is en-US.
<param name="maxNoInput" value="[0-9]*" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="Graceful exit on noinput">
Maximum number of client side &lt;noinput&gt; events before this RDC gracefully exits with MAX_NOINPUT exitStatus.
Never exit by default.
<param name="maxNoMatch" value="[0-9]*" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="Graceful exit on nomatch">
Maximum number of client side &lt;nomatch&gt; events before this RDC gracefully exits with MAX_NOMATCH exitStatus.
Never exit by default.
<param name="config" value="xxx-cfg.xml" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Configuration file for the component">
This specifies the location of the configuration file used to customize interaction behavior of this instance.
Customizations include prompts, properties etc (see configuration section for details).
By default, the component uses a pre-packaged configuration.
<param name="numNBest" value="[0-9]*" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="Maximum number of N-best values requested">
This specifies the maximum number of N-Best date values requested.
Default is 1 value.
<param name="minConfidence" value="[0-9][0-9].[0-9]*F" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="2" description="Minimum confidence value of the recognised output">
This specifies the minimum confidence score of an utterance for it to be considered in the NBest list.
Default is 40.0F.
<param name="submit" value="self-URI" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="0" description="Location where results are submitted">
This specifies the URL to which the component should submit its results.
The default is to submit to the originating page that instantiated the component.
<param name="format" value="date-format" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="0" description="The format in which the date string is returned">
This format in which the date collected is returned as a String.
The default is MMddyyyy.
<param name="subdialog" value="true/false" required="false" rtexprvalue="true" visible="1" description="Subdialog option">
If subdialog is true, the RDC value will be returned to the calling dialog using
the VoiceXML return statement. Default value is false.
The value of the RDC must be serialized according to a standard public contract so
meaningful deserialization can take place in the host dialog (or caller).
<param name="id of this component" description="Variable that holds the date specified by the user">
Variable that holds the date specified by the user.
Thus, if the component is invoked with an id value of "start", then variable $start holds the value collected by the component.
<property name="incompletetimeout" value="1s"/>
<property name="completetimeout" value="1s"/>
<prompt>Please specify a date.</prompt>
<prompt>Please specify a complete date.</prompt>
<prompt>For instance, say January first, 2004.</prompt>
<prompt>You can also use alternate forms like first of April.</prompt>
<prompt>I did not hear you speak a date.</prompt>
<prompt>Could you please repeat the date?</prompt>
<prompt>I appear to be having trouble hearing you.
Waiting for you to say a date.</prompt>
<prompt>I'm sorry, I was expecting a date.</prompt>
<prompt>Could you repeat that please?</prompt>
<property name="incompletetimeout" value="1s"/>
<property name="completetimeout" value="1s"/>
<prompt>I think you said #{model.utterance}. Is that
<prompt>To accept #{model.utterance}, say yes. To provide a different value, say no.</prompt>
<prompt>If date is acceptable say yes otherwise say no.</prompt>
<prompt>If date is acceptable say yes otherwise say no.</prompt>
<prompt>OK, lets try again.</prompt>
<handler errorCode="635463">
<prompt>There is no default or initial date supplied. </prompt>
<handler errorCode="1">
<prompt>The date you specified, #{model.utterance}, is not valid. </prompt>
<handler errorCode="2">
<prompt>Please choose a later date. </prompt>
<handler errorCode="3">
<prompt>Please choose an earlier date. </prompt>
<property name="universals" value="all"/>
<prompt>OK, #{model.utterance}. Got it.</prompt>