blob: d5a5da0fab5d49cfd9b23bd92c2e808e958023f2 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Linux / Unix / OSX (dynamic linking)
1. Prerequisites
Install OpenSSL version 1.0.2 or higher
Install APR version 1.4.3 or higher.
Download and expand the source package or use an git checkout
> cd native
2. Configure build environment
Note: This step is only required if you are building from an git checkout. It
is not required when building from a source package.
> sh buildconf --with-apr=apr_source_location.
3. Build
> configure --with-apr=apr_install_location --with-ssl=openssl_install_location
> make
This should produce a file named
Note: To build without SSL support use:
> configure --disable-openssl --with-apr=apr_install_location
Linux / Unix / OSX (static linking)
1. Build static version of OpenSSL 1.0.2 or later
> ./Configure --prefix=~/natives/openssl no-shared -fPIC
> make
> make install_sw
Note: For the Solaris platform you should use -KPIC instead -fPIC so that the
library is compiled with position independent code.
2. Build static version of APR 1.4.3 or later
> ./configure --prefix=~/natives/apr
> make
> make install
Note: APR builds both static and dynamic libraries by default.
3. Ensure the static APR library is used
Edit the ~/natives/apr/lib/ file and comment or delete the
following sections: dlname='...' and library_names='...'
This is needed so that libtool picks the static version of the library.
4. Build tc-native
> ./configure --with-apr=~/natives/apr --with-ssl=~/natives/openssl --prefix=~/natives/tomcat
> make
> make install
1. Prerequisites
These steps assume a suitable build environment has been set up.
2. Obtain tc-native source
Download and expand the source package or use an git checkout
3. Build APR
Unpack the APR source distribution into native\srclib\apr
Apply apr-enable-ipv6.patch
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x86
> nmake -f NMAKEmakefile BUILD_CPU=x86 APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1
> mkdir WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE\include
> mkdir WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE\lib
> xcopy /E include WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE\include\
> copy WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE\apr-1.lib WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE\lib
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x64
> nmake -f NMAKEmakefile BUILD_CPU=x64 APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1
> mkdir WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE\include
> mkdir WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE\lib
> xcopy /E include WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE\include\
> copy WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE\apr-1.lib WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE\lib
4. Build OpenSSL
Unpack the OpenSSL source distribution into native\srclib\openssl
Apply openssl-msvcrt.patch
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x86
> perl Configure VC-WIN32
> ms\do_nasm
> nmake -f ms\nt.mak
> mkdir release-x86
> mkdir release-x86\include
> mkdir release-x86\lib
> xcopy /E inc32 release-x86\include\
> copy out32\*.lib release-x86\lib\
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x64
> perl Configure VC-WIN64A
> ms\do_win64a
> nmake -f ms\nt.mak clean
> nmake -f ms\nt.mak
> mkdir release-x64
> mkdir release-x64\include
> mkdir release-x64\lib
> xcopy /E inc32 release-x64\include\
> copy out32\*.lib release-x64\lib\
5. Build tc-native
> SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_71
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x86
> nmake -f NMAKEMakefile WITH_APR=srclib\apr\WINXP_X86_LIB_RELEASE WITH_OPENSSL=srclib\openssl\release-x86 APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x64
> nmake -f NMAKEMakefile WITH_APR=srclib\apr\WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE WITH_OPENSSL=srclib\openssl\release-x64 APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1
Note: Use ENABLE_OCSP=1 to create OCSP enabled builds
Windows with FIPS
The steps are broadly the same as the non-FIPS build with the following additions and changes.
Note: The build process has only been verified with 64-bit Windows. The process
for 32-bit Windows should be very similar.
1. Build the FIPS object module
This step should be completed immediately before building OpenSSL.
Unpack the openssl-fips-2.0.x.tar.gz distribution into native\srclib\openssl-fips
The tar.gz contains symbolic links. Ensure you unpack the archive with a tool
that replaces these with the linked file or manually replace the symbolic
links with associated the linked file before continuing.
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x64
> set FIPSDIR=%cd%\lib-x64
> ms\do_fips
2. Modify the OpenSSL build configuration
Add 'fips' to the OpenSSL build configuration
> perl Configure VC-WIN64A fips
3. Test the OpenSSL build
This step should be completed immediately after building OpenSSL.
> openssl md5 openssl.exe
This should fail since MD5 is disabled in FIPS mode.
> openssl md5 openssl.exe
This should work.
4. Modify the tc-native build configuration
> c:\cmsc\setenv.bat /x64
> nmake -f NMAKEMakefile WITH_APR=srclib\apr\WINXP_X64_LIB_RELEASE WITH_OPENSSL=srclib\openssl\release-x64 WITH_FIPS=srclib\openssl-fips\lib-x64 APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1