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<document url="index.html">
<author email="">Jean-Frederic Clere</author>
<title>Documentation Index</title>
<section name="Introduction">
The Apache Tomcat Native Library is an optional component for use with
Apache Tomcat that allows Tomcat to use OpenSSL as a replacement for JSSE
to support TLS connections.
<section name="Headlines">
<li><a href="news/2023.html#20230213">13 February 2023 - <b>TC-Native-2.0.3
<p>The Apache Tomcat team is proud to announce the immediate availability of
Tomcat Native 2.0.3 Stable.</p>
The sources and the binaries for selected platforms are available from the
<a href="../download-native.cgi">Download page</a>.
Please see the <a href="miscellaneous/changelog.html">Changelog</a> for a full
list of changes.
<section name="Building">
<subsection name="Requirements">
Build tc-native requires three components to be installed:
<li>APR library</li>
<li>OpenSSL libraries</li>
<li>Java SE Development Kit (JDK)</li>
In debian based Linux those dependencies could be installed by something like:
<source>apt-get install libapr1.0-dev libssl-dev</source>
In rpm based Linux those dependencies could be installed by something like:
<source>yum install apr-devel openssl-devel</source>
<subsection name="UNIX">
On all the POSIX systems (Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX etc...) a well-known
configure and make is used to build tc-native.<br/>
In the jni/native runs:
<source>./configure --help</source>
<p>to read the description of all the parameters.</p>
>./configure --with-apr=$HOME/APR \
--with-java-home=$JAVA_HOME \
--with-ssl=$HOME/OPENSSL \
to create the includes and makefiles to be able to build tc-native.<br/>
<code>$HOME/APR</code> is something like /usr/bin/apr-1-config or the path
where apr is installed.<br/>
<code>$JAVA_HOME</code> is something like /home/jfclere/JAVA/jdk11 or the
path to a JDK installation. Any JDK should work but it is advisable to use
the same JVM version the JVM you use with Tomcat.<br/>
<code>$HOME/OPENSSL</code> is the path where OpenSSL is installed.<br/>
<code>$CATALINA_HOME</code> is the path where the produced libraries will be
installed. Something like $HOME/apache-tomcat-10.1.0<br/>
The configure is able to guess most of OpenSSL standard installations.
So most of the time the following will be enough:
>./configure --with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config \
--with-java-home=/home/jfclere/JAVA/jdk11 \
--with-ssl=yes \
To build the libraries and install them:
<source>make &amp;&amp; make install</source>
The libraries will be found in $CATALINA_HOME/lib
<subsection name="Windows">
Download the Windows sources of tc-native and extract them.
Obtain the Windows sources for
<a href="">APR</a> and
<a href="">OpenSSL</a>. Apply the patches from
native/srclib and build APR and OpenSSL for your platform (X86 or X64).
Build with <source
>nmake -f NMAKEMakefile WITH_APR=... WITH_OPENSSL=... APR_DECLARE_STATIC=1</source>
More detailed instructions including the steps to create a standard release
distribution are provided on the <a
<section name="Install and tests">
<subsection name="Configuring Tomcat">
Apache Tomcat comes with the <code>AprLifecycleListener</code> enabled
by default. Still, you should check your <code>conf/server.xml</code>
to ensure that something like the following is present, and uncommented:
<source wrapped="true"
><![CDATA[<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on" />]]></source>
Please see the Apache Tomcat documentation for configuration specifics.
<subsection name="UNIX">
Edit $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (creating the file if necessary) and add
the path to the tc-native libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Something like:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH</source>
Start tomcat and check for the messages like these ones:
<source wrapped="true"
>15-Jun-2022 11:06:23.274 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded Apache Tomcat Native library [2.0.0-dev] using APR version [1.7.0]
15-Jun-2022 11:06:23.298 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 3.0.4-dev 3 May 2022]</source>
Refer to the tomcat documentation to configure the connectors (See
<a href="">Tomcat 10.1.x</a>,
<a href="">Tomcat 9.0.x</a> and
<a href="">Tomcat 8.5.x</a>)
<subsection name="Windows">
Edit $CATALINA_BASE\bin\setenv.bat (creating the file if necessary) and add
the path to the tc-native libraries, apr and OpenSSL to PATH. For example:
<source wrapped="true"
>set PATH=%PATH;C:\cygwin\home\support\tomcat-native-current-win32-src\jni\native\Debug;C:\cygwin\home\support\tomcat-native-current-win32-src\jni\apr\Debug;C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC</source>
Start tomcat and check for the messages like these ones:
<source wrapped="true"
>15-Jun-2022 11:06:23.274 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded Apache Tomcat Native library [2.0.0-dev] using APR version [1.7.0]
15-Jun-2022 11:06:23.298 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL successfully initialized [OpenSSL 3.0.4-dev 3 May 2022]</source>