| Build Apache Tomcat Maven Plugin |
| -------------------------------- |
| To build this project you must Apache Maven at least 2.2.1 . |
| mvn clean install will install the mojos without running integration tests. |
| As there are some hardcoded integration tests with http port 1973, ajp 2001 and 2008, you could have some port allocation issues (if you don't know why those values ask olamy :-) ) |
| mvn clean install -Prun-its will run integration tests too: to override the default used http port you can use -Dits.http.port= -Dits.ajp.port= |
| |
| Snapshots deployment |
| --------------------- |
| To deploy a snaphot version to https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/, you must run : mvn clean deploy . |
| Note you need some configuration in ~/.m2/settings.xml: |
| <server> |
| <id>apache.snapshots.https</id> |
| <username>your asf id</username> |
| <password>your asf paswword</password> |
| </server |
| |
| NOTE: a Jenkins job deploys SNAPSHOT automatically https://builds.apache.org/job/TomcatMavenPlugin-mvn3.x/. |
| So no real need to deploy manually, just commit and Jenkins will do the job for you. |
| |
| Site deployment |
| ----------------- |
| |
| Checkstyle: this project uses the Apache Maven checkstyle configuration for ide codestyle files see http://maven.apache.org/developers/committer-environment.html . |
| |
| Site: to test site generation, just run: mvn site. If you want more reporting (javadoc, pmd, checkstyle, jxr, changelog from jira entries), use: mvn site -Preporting. |
| |
| To deploy site, use: mvn clean site-deploy scm-publish:publish-scm -Dusername=$svnuid -Dpassword=$svnpwd -Preporting . The site will be deployed to http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-trunk($svnuid is your asf id, $svnpwd is your asf password) |
| |
| When releasing deploy with -Psite-release |
| |
| Releasing |
| ---------- |
| For release your ~/.m2/settings.xml must contains : |
| |
| <server> |
| <id>apache.releases.https</id> |
| <username>asf id</username> |
| <password>asf password</password> |
| </server> |
| |
| And run: mvn release:prepare release:perform -Dusername= -Dpassword= (username/password are your Apache svn authz) |
| |
| Test staged Tomcat artifacts |
| ---------------------------- |
| To test staging artifacts for a vote process. |
| * activate a profile: tc-staging |
| * pass staging repository as parameter: -DtcStagedReleaseUrl= |
| * pass tomcat version as parameter: -Dtomcat7Version= |
| |
| Sample for tomcat8 artifacts: mvn clean install -Prun-its -Ptc-staging -DtcStagedReleaseUrl=stagingrepositoryurl -Dtomcat8Version=8.x |
| |
| Sample for tomcat7 artifacts: mvn clean install -Prun-its -Ptc-staging -DtcStagedReleaseUrl=stagingrepositoryurl -Dtomcat7Version=7.x |
| |