blob: 3614cfc30c3acf59c4d151dfc9ce1330eed6e9ef [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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classConverter.converted=Migrated class [{0}]
classConverter.noConversion=No conversion necessary for [{0}]
migration.archive.complete=Migration finished for archive [{0}]
migration.archive.memory=Migration starting for archive [{0}] using in memory copy
migration.skip=Migration skipped for archive [{0}] because it is excluded (the archive was copied unchanged) starting for archive [{0}] using streaming
migration.archiveFailed=Failed to migrate archive [{0}]. Using the "-zipInMemory" option may help.
migration.cannotReadSource=Cannot read source location [{0}]
migration.done=Migration completed successfully in [{0}] milliseconds
migration.error=Error performing migration
migration.execute=Performing migration from source [{0}] to destination [{1}] with Jakarta EE specification profile [{2}]
migration.mkdirError=Error creating destination directory [{0}]
migration.removeSignature=Remove cryptographic signature for [{0}]
migration.skip=Migration skipped for archive [{0}] because it is excluded (the archive was copied unchanged)
migration.skipSignatureFile=Drop cryptographic signature file [{0}]
migration.usage=Usage: Migration [options] <source> <destination>\n\
where options includes:\n\
\ -exclude=<glob pattern to exclude>\n\
\ This option may be used multiple times. Wild cards '*'\n\
\ and '?' are supported. Matching is case sensitive.\n\
\ -logLevel=<name of java.util.logging.level enum value>\n\
\ Useful values are INFO (default), FINE or FINEST\n\
\ -profile=<profile name>\n\
\ TOMCAT (default) to convert Java EE APIs provided by Tomcat\n\
\ EE to convert all Java EE APIs\n\
\ -zipInMemory\n\
\ By default zip format archives (.zip, jar, .war, .ear, etc.)\n\
\ are processed as streams. This is more efficient but is not\n\
\ compatible with some zip archive structures. If you see an\n\
\ exception while processing a zip file, enabling this option\n\
\ may workaround the issue by processing the archive in memory.\n\
\ This requires more memory than a streaming approach but is\n\
\ able to handle a wider range of zip archive structures.
migration.warnSignatureRemoval=Removed cryptographic signature from JAR file
passThroughConverter.noConversion=No conversion necessary for [{0}]
textConverter.converted=Migrated text file [{0}]
textConverter.noConversion=No conversion necessary for [{0}]