blob: 07084f6d3d51cab3259ab5e1edfd1eb054ca21f2 [file] [log] [blame]
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package gremlingo
import (
// LogVerbosity is an alias for valid logging verbosity levels.
type LogVerbosity int
const (
// Debug verbosity will log everything, including fine details.
Debug LogVerbosity = iota + 1
// Info verbosity will log messages up to standard procedure flow.
// Warning verbosity will log messages up to warnings.
// Error verbosity level log only error messages.
// Off verbosity level disables logging.
// Logger is the interface required to be implemented for use with gremlingo.
type Logger interface {
Log(verbosity LogVerbosity, v ...interface{})
Logf(verbosity LogVerbosity, format string, v ...interface{})
type defaultLogger struct {
// Log writes a message to the defaultLogger.
func (logger *defaultLogger) Log(_ LogVerbosity, v ...interface{}) {
// Logf writes a formatted message to the defaultLogger.
func (logger *defaultLogger) Logf(_ LogVerbosity, format string, v ...interface{}) {
log.Printf(format, v...)
type logHandler struct {
logger Logger
verbosity LogVerbosity
localizer *i18n.Localizer
func newLogHandler(logger Logger, verbosity LogVerbosity, locale language.Tag) *logHandler {
bundle := i18n.NewBundle(language.English)
bundle.RegisterUnmarshalFunc("json", json.Unmarshal)
// Register resource package here for additional languages.
_, path, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
path = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), "resources/logger-messages/en.json")
localizer := i18n.NewLocalizer(bundle, locale.String())
return &logHandler{logger, verbosity, localizer}
func (logHandler *logHandler) log(verbosity LogVerbosity, errorKey errorKey) {
logHandler.logf(verbosity, errorKey)
func (logHandler *logHandler) logf(verbosity LogVerbosity, errorKey errorKey, v ...interface{}) {
if verbosity >= logHandler.verbosity {
config := i18n.LocalizeConfig{
MessageID: string(errorKey),
localizedMessage, _ := logHandler.localizer.Localize(&config)
logHandler.logger.Logf(verbosity, localizedMessage, v...)
type errorKey string
const (
serializeDataTypeError errorKey = "UNKNOWN_SER_DATATYPE"
deserializeDataTypeError errorKey = "UNKNOWN_DESER_DATATYPE"
nullInput errorKey = "NULL_INPUT"
unexpectedNull errorKey = "UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE"
closeConnection errorKey = "CLOSING_CONNECTION"
connectConnection errorKey = "OPENING_CONNECTION"
failedConnection errorKey = "FAILED_CONNECTION"
writeRequest errorKey = "WRITE_REQUEST"
readLoopError errorKey = "READ_LOOP_ERROR"
errorCallback errorKey = "ERROR_CALLBACK"
creatingRequest errorKey = "CREATING_REQUEST"
readComplete errorKey = "READ_COMPLETE"
submitStartedString errorKey = "SUBMIT_STARTED_STRING"
submitStartedBytecode errorKey = "SUBMIT_STARTED_BYTECODE"
failedToCloseInErrorCallback errorKey = "FAILED_TO_CLOSE_IN_ERROR_CALLBACK"
failedToWriteMessage errorKey = "FAILED_TO_WRITE_MESSAGE"
failedToSetWriteDeadline errorKey = "FAILED_TO_SET_WRITE_DEADLINE"
logErrorGeneric errorKey = "LOG_ERROR_GENERIC"
creatingSessionConnection errorKey = "CREATING_SESSION_CONNECTION"
closeSession errorKey = "CLOSE_SESSION"
closeSessionRequestError errorKey = "CLOSE_SESSION_REQUEST_ERROR"
closeDriverRemoteConnection errorKey = "CLOSE_DRIVER_REMOTE_CONNECTION"
closingSpawnedSessions errorKey = "CLOSING_SPAWNED_SESSIONS"
closeClient errorKey = "CLOSE_CLIENT"
errorClosingConnection errorKey = "ERROR_CLOSING_CONNECTION"
createConnectionError errorKey = "CREATE_CONNECTION_ERROR"
poolNewConnectionError errorKey = "POOL_NEW_CONNECTION_ERROR"
sessionDetected errorKey = "SESSION_DETECTED"
poolInitialExceedsMaximum errorKey = "POOL_INITIAL_EXCEEDS_MAXIMUM"