Minor release docs changes CTR
diff --git a/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc b/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
index ce944a9..be18c39 100644
--- a/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
@@ -250,11 +250,13 @@
 .. `mvn deploy -pl gremlin-python -DskipTests -Dpypi`
 .. `mvn deploy -pl :gremlin-dotnet-source -DskipTests -Dnuget`
 .. `mvn deploy -pl gremlin-javascript -DskipTests -Dnpm`
+.. `mvn deploy -pl gremlint -DskipTests -Dnpm`
 . Review the GLV releases
 .. link:https://pypi.org/project/gremlinpython/[gremlin-python - PyPi]
 .. link:https://www.nuget.org/packages/Gremlin.Net/[Gremlin.Net - nuget]
 .. link:https://www.nuget.org/packages/Gremlin.Net.Template/[Gremlin.Net.Template - nuget]
 .. link:https://www.npmjs.com/package/gremlin[gremlin - npm]
+.. link:https://www.npmjs.com/package/gremlint[gremlint - npm]
 . Deploy the Docker images
 .. `mvn deploy -pl gremlin-console -DskipTests -DdockerImages`
 .. `mvn deploy -pl gremlin-server -DskipTests -DdockerImages`
@@ -274,7 +276,10 @@
 SVN that represents lines of code that are no longer under development, then remove those releases. In other words,
 if `3.2.0` is present and `3.2.1` is released then remove `3.2.0`.  However, if `3.1.3` is present and that line of
 code is still under potential development, it may stay.
-. Announce release on `dev@`/`gremlin-users@` mailing lists and tweet from `@apachetinkerpop`
+. Announce release - see <<email-templates,templates>> for suggested form
+.. Email `dev@`/`gremlin-users@` mailing lists
+.. Tweet from `@apachetinkerpop`
+.. Message the "Announcement" Discord channel
 == Post-release Tasks
@@ -302,6 +307,7 @@
 . Generate a list of dead branches that will be automatically deleted and post them as a DISCUSS thread for review, then once consensus is reached removed those branches.
 . Set up the IO tests for the current `SNAPSHOT` as discussed in the <<io,IO Documentation and Testing Section>>
 == Email Templates
 === Release VOTE