Removed line from release that updates README links.

We now use /current everywhere in there so no need to do that anymore.
diff --git a/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc b/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
index 7b6d71b..b1586f8 100644
--- a/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/src/dev/developer/release.asciidoc
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@
 .. `mvn deploy` - deploy the new `SNAPSHOT`
 .. `bin/` and validate the generated `SNAPSHOT` documentation locally
 .. `bin/ <username>` to publish the `SNAPSHOT` docs which enables the README to work properly.
-.. Update the links in the `README.asciidoc` to point at the `SNAPSHOT` version.
 .. Commit and push the `SNAPSHOT` changes to git
 .. Send email to advise that code freeze is lifted.
 .. Generate a list of dead branches that will be automatically deleted and post them as a DISCUSS thread for review, then once consensus is reached removed those branches.