blob: a26825b6ef9dcada005f9e5624ba3cf40d083e35 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from gremlin_python.process.anonymous_traversal import traversal
from gremlin_python.process.graph_traversal import __
from gremlin_python.driver import serializer
from gremlin_python.driver.driver_remote_connection import DriverRemoteConnection
from radish import before, after, world
outV = __.outV
label = __.label
inV = __.inV
project = __.project
tail = __.tail
def prepare_static_traversal_source(features, marker):
# as the various traversal sources for testing do not change their data, there is no need to re-create remotes
# and client side lookup data over and over. it can be created once for all tests and be reused.
cache = {}
for graph_name in (("modern", "gmodern"), ("classic", "gclassic"), ("crew", "gcrew"), ("grateful", "ggrateful"), ("sink", "gsink")):
cache[graph_name[0]] = {}
remote = __create_remote(graph_name[1])
cache[graph_name[0]]["remote_conn"] = __create_remote(graph_name[1])
cache[graph_name[0]]["lookup_v"] = __create_lookup_v(remote)
cache[graph_name[0]]["lookup_e"] = __create_lookup_e(remote)
# store the cache on the global context so that remotes can be shutdown cleanly at the end of the tests
world.cache = cache
# iterate each feature and apply the cached remotes/lookups to each scenario context so that they are
# accessible to the feature steps for test logic
for feature in features:
for scenario in feature.all_scenarios:
scenario.context.remote_conn = {}
scenario.context.lookup_v = {}
scenario.context.lookup_e = {}
for graph_name in ("modern", "classic", "crew", "grateful", "sink"):
scenario.context.remote_conn[graph_name] = cache[graph_name]["remote_conn"]
scenario.context.lookup_v[graph_name] = cache[graph_name]["lookup_v"]
scenario.context.lookup_e[graph_name] = cache[graph_name]["lookup_e"]
# setup the "empty" lookups as needed
scenario.context.lookup_v["empty"] = {}
scenario.context.lookup_e["empty"] = {}
def prepare_traversal_source(scenario):
# some tests create data - create a fresh remote to the empty graph and clear that graph prior to each test
remote = __create_remote("ggraph")
scenario.context.remote_conn["empty"] = remote
g = traversal().withRemote(remote)
def close_traversal_source(scenario):
def close_static_traversal_source(features, marker):
for key, value in world.cache.iteritems():
def __create_remote(server_graph_name):
if not("serializer" in world.config.user_data):
raise ValueError('test configuration requires setting of --user-data="serializer={mime-type}"')
if world.config.user_data["serializer"] == "application/vnd.gremlin-v3.0+json":
s = serializer.GraphSONSerializersV3d0()
raise ValueError('serializer not found - ' + world.config.user_data["serializer"])
return DriverRemoteConnection('ws://localhost:45940/gremlin', server_graph_name, message_serializer=s)
def __create_lookup_v(remote):
g = traversal().withRemote(remote)
# hold a map of name/vertex for use in asserting results
return g.V().group().by('name').by(tail()).next()
def __create_lookup_e(remote):
g = traversal().withRemote(remote)
# hold a map of the "name"/edge for use in asserting results - "name" in this context is in the form of
# outgoingV-label->incomingV
return g.E().group(). \
by(lambda: ("it.outVertex().value('name') + '-' + it.label() + '->' + it.inVertex().value('name')", "gremlin-groovy")). \